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  1. Just starting a thread to be able to reply to any new reviews I get out there on my stories. Currently this would just be the Caat World series, but there will be more to come.
    1 point
  2. Yep...this chapter is very much setting up the endgame. The heroes are proved to be the superior super hero team, but things are going to get bumpy since there are consequences to how they won the day in chapter 12. I totally understand where you are coming from. I will comment more in the spoilers part of the review response. Good that the scene worked like intended. I wanted Fang to show off here here so that the reader gets an impression of how potent her new powers are before they are really needed. I made it ambiguous in the previous chapter to leave the reader with some uncertainty if the Thundercloud dumping Mernosh for Jennifer was fair of if he was doing something kind of shady. I also had plans for it to allow me to show Jennifer ‘s rather weird reaction to Thundercloud’s actions, but honestly I don’t think I quite succeeded there. Jennifer’s reactions are hard to write in a good way. Only in a superhero story can you just casually explain that's how your day went! I agree, but I would argue Fang’s personality play a role here too. A quite deliberate pun that is setting things up for surprising the reader when the horror of the chapter comes... Educating the readers about what happened at the Bikini Atoll is also a worthy goal. Did you know they used 23 bombs there after moving the people away...insanely enough the inventor of bikini knew about this and deliberately chose the name since of bomb testing done there. I actually have considered to write a follow up story when Hyper realize it was a fake pregnancy a couple of years later. Actually I think the false pregnancy spell is one of my most evil ideas ever... Thank you for input. It makes me very glad since this was pretty much one of the core objectives when writing the story. Thank you. It is an action sequence I am quite proud off. Thank you. The best part of it IMO is that Megaburst does it partly by mistake. Gives some perspective on the bitterness of Firefly for not been given fair handling by the press and fellow “superheroes”. I toyed with the idea of doing a full scene and even begun writing it at one point, but it looked like the page count would be huge with the full action scene included so I eventually went with the current news coverage of the final fight. Something I actually have been considering to do is to break out chapter 9 and 10 into a separate stand alone story since these events kind of break the flow of the main story and instead add more heroes vs demon fight towards the end. Problem is just that this would leave the presence of Avalanche kind of hanging and her use of powers in chapter 11 would seem even more over the top for the reader. Yep, it was all Avalanche’s doing. You might be interested to know that this was the scene that I added to story after your feedback about the shortcomings of the previous chapters. Originally the Megaburst sequence ended with Firefly getting his confession on tape and him quit being a superhero. Problem was just that this left this villain free to continue his abuse of females and go into being an official villain so it never felt quite satisfying. The added scene where Avalanche is proven to have learned to restrain her powers work great on giving Megaburst the ending he deserves. I hope you don’t will not be disappointed.
    1 point
  3. Another review of WitS Part Nine, this time from @InvidiaRed Thanks! Luzurial has spent most of the story interacting with Kevin, Abdul and Calista, and I wanted to have some interaction between her and the agents, and this little beat in the stairwell served both to do that and give us a brief check up on how Luzurial is feeling. Thank you! I was trying to think of magical traps that weren’t just “zaps you when you walk into it” type things, and I came up with two, one of which will come up in Part Ten, and the other of which was the fractal impalement trap. The name comes from the fact that the secondary set of spikes emerge from the primary spikes at right angles, and then the tertiary spikes emerge from those at right angles, and the quaternaries from those and so on and so forth, a fractal pattern in other words. Well, he’s doing a modified version of something he did in Whore of Heaven, not precisely harvesting faith, but sort of related. You’ll see what he’s going for in the final chapter. Hey, the cultist hit the LTV, and Gibbs hit the cultist, so while there were some misses, some shots were on target. For the curious, as InvidiaRed has noticed, the Gungnir asynchronous coilgun is named after the spear wielded by Odin in Norse mythology. Thanks again for the review!
    1 point
  4. It’s been far too long, but ladies and gentlemen, The Woman in the Statue is officially back! Expect the tenth and final part in a couple more weeks, but for now, let’s get to the first review of Part Nine, from first time commenter but apparently long time reader Symbalistic. Thank you so very much for the review! It’s wonderful to know that you’ve been enjoying the story. That means a lot to me as a writer, especially when it comes to a personal project like this one. Hopefully the finale will be fun for you to read as well.
    1 point
  5. OH MY GOD YOU GUYS I FINALLY UPDATED!!! *Ahem* I mean, Part Nine is up. Due to length, the story has unfortunately ended up with ten parts, so we have one more to go after this.
    1 point
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