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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2020 in all areas

  1. Another review of WitS Part Nine, this time from @InvidiaRed Thanks! Luzurial has spent most of the story interacting with Kevin, Abdul and Calista, and I wanted to have some interaction between her and the agents, and this little beat in the stairwell served both to do that and give us a brief check up on how Luzurial is feeling. Thank you! I was trying to think of magical traps that weren’t just “zaps you when you walk into it” type things, and I came up with two, one of which will come up in Part Ten, and the other of which was the fractal impalement trap. The name comes from the fact that the secondary set of spikes emerge from the primary spikes at right angles, and then the tertiary spikes emerge from those at right angles, and the quaternaries from those and so on and so forth, a fractal pattern in other words. Well, he’s doing a modified version of something he did in Whore of Heaven, not precisely harvesting faith, but sort of related. You’ll see what he’s going for in the final chapter. Hey, the cultist hit the LTV, and Gibbs hit the cultist, so while there were some misses, some shots were on target. For the curious, as InvidiaRed has noticed, the Gungnir asynchronous coilgun is named after the spear wielded by Odin in Norse mythology. Thanks again for the review!
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