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  1. Yep, we are moving towards the end game now where the big bad is actually to make his/her first appearance in the story. In real life body circulate poison in the blood steam very quickly. The reason it goes slower here is basically that the demon is spending lots of energy on making sure the poison stays contained until they have figured something out. Could perhaps be cool to mention that in some way, will need to give it a thought. It has mentioned earlier in the story that the demons are immune to psionics (or rather their defensive levels are so high that even Avalanche is out of luck)...kind of a large limitation to how much use Avalanche can be. That is pretty much why Cyclone never bothered to recruit a Psionic to his team and why his team is so helpless in this encounter. Btw...if we are speaking about overpowered characters I think it is very possible to issue a complaint towards Fang... Like mentioned in my previous review response it is a neglect from my side that I don’t mention Linda having fixed Firefly. Yep...that hole in the suit will surely raise some eyebrows. Thank you for writing these wonderful reviews with so many good comments. I have toyed with reusing the werewolf mythology in some future story but never really found a suiting catch to tie it all together. So many story ideas and so little time.
    1 point
  2. I can totally understand your concerns. I totally agree that magic item is downright nasty and very much out scale with what Lynn could reasonably be handling. Basically it is artifact level power item that is granted in an exchange that does seem to scale reasonably from what the heroes know. It could also be worth to mentioning that if we look behind the scenes of things the cursed bracelet cannot actually touch soul of the victim so it is not entirely true that it destroy the original person totally. For the rest of the lifetime of the victim they will be passive watchers of what their body experience but eventually they will get free when the body dies. The difficulties of suddenly becoming basically all powerful is very much the theme I was out to cover with this character so I am actually quite satisfied with you finding it unnerving. I couldn't help but be reminded of Chapter 6, and this: it feels real to us after all even though it is something Steve made." That's a disquieting similarity. Very true. They not mentioning Firefly is a neglect from my writing skills. The characters are assuming is that if they can find the means to deal with the tricky case of Eagle then Firefly will be trivial to fix since the brotherhood did not use so much “violence” for her brainwashing so her is a simple case. It seems I failed to actually make the characters spell this out. I will work this into the dialogue at some suiting point. Her refusing to acknowledge her Carol parts is very much meant as a mechanics to cope with the trauma and you would be wise to not trust the characters point of view totally in this. If I ever get round to write a G.S.P. sequel I should really make sure to add a scene where Carol is shown to have truly recovered. ...there is that line. Maybe Carol's memories are buried deep in the subconscious, but elements of her personality survive? Like I said, it's a very emotionally complex issue for me when reading. In a way, it actually ties together with what Linda accidentally did to Eagle. His memories were erased rather than suppressed, but the same issue is at play: our painful experiences still help to make us who we are, and while it may seem like an obvious good to be rid of them, things may not be so cut and dry. Without spoiling too much I can also mention that there is plot reveal in final chapter that might put a different viewpoint on the Carol and Jennifer relation. I very much enjoyed coming up with Mindeye’s new power...not very useful for a super hero but great fun if are a secret agent. Yes, I am not alone! I find so very frustrating when super hero stories does not understand this. I have seen One Punch Man and enjoyed it lots...but my story is actually older than the 2015 anime so I got there first. On the other hand I really understand your reference. That made me laugh. So yeah, this was a super emotional chapter, and I wasn't always happy reading it, but make no mistake, I still think it was quite well done. Like I said, I read the next chapter as well, so you'll get a review on that within a day or two (I'm trying to work steadily on my own story). Great that you are working on your own story...I am very much looking forward to it.
    1 point
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