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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2018 in all areas

  1. I kinda had the same issue, not knowing how much was too much. I think I’ve only rated ++ on one fic, and that’s just because that fic had a few really violent sex scenes and human trafficking was a recurring theme in detail. So I pretty much agree with the others – the subject matter plays the biggest part in my decisions. Like if a fic had a lot of really graphic sex but was a standard erotic romance, I wouldn’t tack on that extra +. Unless that romantic erotica involved like… scat. Or super graphic vore. Okay I gotta stop thinking of things I’d go ++ for. My depraved imagination is having a little too much fun with priests and tentacles now.
    3 points
  2. Thanks for unintentionally setting an image of Offenderman stuck in my deprived mind. Actually, that gives me a fun little idea to play with for a one-shot. You're only scaring away the weak-stomached. I'm all for more maturely rated stories. ;3 I'm all for gore mostly. Fuu~
    2 points
  3. You will be weeping forever, my friend.
    2 points
  4. Those are CHILDREN? I thought they were like, really ugly strippers
    2 points
  5. Noooo! Not until I’ve backed up all that messed up pervy stuff so they can continue to entertain me while I simultaneously weep for humanity for many years to come.
    2 points
  6. Of course! The horrible stuff is only fun if its got a purpose! Okay, that’s a lie. Sometimes its fun to write horrible shit just to write horrible shit. But it’s more fun to read when it’s got a point! … Okay that’s a lie too. Stories I like best are the crazy, pointless, horrific shit I wandered onto via pure, unadulterated morbid curiosity. I forget what I was trying to say...
    2 points
  7. Just goes to show you everyone’s threshold of ‘intense’ varies! I think maybe you made the right decision on your story to be on the safe side. When something really bad happens in my fic, it’s usually for a plot reason, lol. Hey, I see you giving me the side eye over there! That one episode of Supernatural was enough vore for me for a lifetime...
    2 points
  8. It’s only irrational if the stories aren’t really out to get you. I dunno, these fic-jugglers still give me panic attacks. I’m just going to hide in the corner and grumble bitterly to my pug about all these crazy multitasking shenanigans going on around here. He gets me. I think… It’s hard to tell. Sometimes he snores when I’m talking to him with his eyes wide open.
    2 points
  9. Yeah, that one’s harder to quantify for sure but it sounds like you know what you’re doing. I agree with erring on the side of caution; it really didn’t even occur to me that I could be triggering someone inadvertently but oh welp, I guess it’s a good thing I had it at ++ in the first place! My tagging is a bit ad hoc – I typically have an idea of what kind of scenes are going to be in the story, and I try to tag in advance for them because I want everyone to be cool with that going in. I’ve had to delete some when I cancel plans for scenes (and sometimes I just outright forget why I added that tag in the first place!).
    2 points
  10. It’s weird to answer. My darker stories I tend to go for ++ because my darker stories involve a lot of psychological cruelties, and I can’t in conscience say that they are easy to read in any sense. So I tag for that rather than the content, though the content alone would require it. My others… I do tend to get fairly descriptive. I see so many stories proudly proclaiming a sex scene, so I settle in, and there’s like three or four paragraphs, and I think I kind of go for more. And when I tag for something, I really often mean it. I’m sure there are some stories of mine that only need the one +, and there are even some that are SFW. I’ve probably overrated them all to be on the safe side. I’m not interested in triggering anyone. I want people to have fun/be entertained reading my stories. Sometimes I want them to be horrified, but then I want that to happen for the reasons they should be, not because they encountered something they didn’t expect.
    2 points
  11. @Desiderius Price Oh yeah, when I’m reading I don’t even look at it; I just read the tags.
    1 point
  12. I tend to play it safe, rate mine adult++ and not worry about it…. hopefully it’s not scaring too many readers away. I tend not to pay attention to it on that occasion when I go reading.
    1 point
  13. NOW you tell me?! I already started another one! THEY OUTNUMBER ME NOW-
    1 point
  14. That moment when you stumble through the looking glass and discover gore hentai… *shudder* Can we reset the internet now?
    1 point
  15. Literally 99.9999% of my dragon prints are me looking for typos.
    1 point
  16. @BronxWench I was hoping you’d show up! Okay, I had a feeling that one scene was going to do me in which is why I mentioned it lol. I’m actually surprised to hear you say that rape is an auto ++ because I thought that was kind of par for the course around here, unless like, someone dies or something. But once you combine trigger issues, that makes more sense… I just posted one with rape that is only +, I might have to change that then.
    1 point
  17. As one of the mods, I’d say it’s a fairly subjective thing. Clearly some stories, especially those that list every tag and mean them, do require a ++ rating, without doubt. But I would say some of the stories tagged ++ here haven’t really hit that territory. I tag ++ for things like rape, extreme brutality, and other things which might trigger a reader. I’d actually use the ++ for a forced late-term abortion, honestly, even if only semi-graphic. It’s definitely a trigger issue for readers.
    1 point
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