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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2017 in all areas

  1. Oh it got up to 112F today, not 110F? Thanks Mr Weather Man, that makes me feel so much better.
    2 points
  2. Thank you, Bronx! I don’t know what to say to begin, except that I am quite sure the next chapter is much, much worse for poor Elrond, and there is no “broken heart” smiley. I am glad you liked the play, and the little tiny bit of Glorfindel and Gildor (I couldn’t resist). Oh, Celebrian’s dance… she really is a completely free spirit. I’m afraid the change in her is severe, and sudden. Galadriel had much more of a hand in that play than anyone realises. She’s been trying to “get through” to Elrond for a while now, and finally succeeded by surprising him when his emotional defences were down. Elrond might not have been able to tell, but I’ve often wondered if Galadriel knew of Celebrian’s fate. Did Celeborn? I suppose I’ll have to continue writing to find out, but I know Galadriel had a few hints, and she has the mirror. It seems impossible that something so awful could happen to her daughter, and she not know… fate is a strange thing, and stranger still are the elves’ attitudes to it, but I suppose this is one of the areas where they differ from men.
    1 point
  3. Melrick

    Writing Descriptions

    Thanks! I’m glad you’re finding them useful!
    1 point
  4. Report and ignore it, that's about the only option that won't drag you down with the trolls. Plus this documents the issue in case it comes back up. (Assuming this other sites mods care as much as AFF's do... Anything to the trolls will just bait them further. IMO.
    1 point
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