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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2016 in all areas

  1. I like to think that every hit that doesn’t get a review is just a reader who was so captivated by the story that they were left speechless, so to speak...typeless(?)
    2 points
  2. Oh, self doubt is an ugly monster and believe me we all deal with it. I tend to compare myself with others far too much and usually, more often than not, find my own work lacking but there’s always room for improvement. I look at this (posting things here on AFF, lots of times before they’re really ready for public consumption) as a learning experience and a way to work on the things I do horribly wrong. Just remember, there’s always going to be someone who does thing better than you but then there are always going to be people who do them worse too and you can learn from both. Good luck with your story! CL
    2 points
  3. I seem to have embarked upon cross stitching. If anyone would like a christmas card with a little cross stich picture on it of a robin, a snowflake, a reindeer or some such silliness, please pm me.
    2 points
  4. Ratings systems are DEFINITELY abused. I cannot tell you how many times I had to research and revert ratings on stories downrated out of spite.
    1 point
  5. Definitely sounds like a Keith story.
    1 point
  6. I’ve found in speaking to quite a few, that members would rather “like” something like on FB, rather than actually leave a review. I do try and explain that reviews, especially concrit, are what helps you all to refine your work. Sometimes my pushing via email works, more often than not, it doesn’t.
    1 point
  7. Overall, Tcr, you’re in the right place, even if the feedback in Original>Misc is low. I find AFF’s forums to be much more engaging than FB! Keep writing. - DP
    1 point
  8. When I think about Trump’s wall, I can’t help thinking about Hadrian’s Wall.
    1 point
  9. Being new and writing originals isn’t an easy task. My first story got almost no reviews and I was sort of discouraged at one point but you have to push on. Like DP said, as long as people are reading, and lots of people read and don’t review, then you know you’ve at least got an audience for your work. Don’t let the lack of reviews get you down it happens to everyone and if you hang around the forums long enough, you’ll see it’s a common complaint among writers even in the popular fandoms.
    1 point
  10. I live in a neighborhood that is culturally and racially diverse, in a city that's the same, and I simply don't think about it. Being respectful is part of who I am. An example for me is the D&D games that went on around my dining table when Elderspawn was still in high school. There was such a cast of characters: a Muslim boy, a Hindu boy, a Russian agnostic, a Cuban-Irish boy, my Irish-Swedish kid, and an Italian kid with an allergy to Parmesan cheese, poor bugger. I'd make snacks for them, and it just never occurred to me until one kid mentioned it that I served things that were all halal, beef-free, and allergy safe. I called it being a halfway competent mom, personally. You just take everyone into consideration, and it works. So, when I write, I just do the same thing. I don't care about skin color, or faith, or gender. It's all about people, and putting them in a setting that challenges them, and seeing how they deal with it.
    1 point
  11. Ha thank you for addressing my OP. I really didn't intend for a debate to break out when I started this, but debates are healthy and often fascinating as long as people don't get too pissed off. This one remained civil I think, though. (Very much so compared to the one on facebook...) I know other writers with very diverse representations of cultures in their stories who worry about this sort of thing as well. I thought it might be useful for people like us to get some perspective on the subject. I'm never going to stop worrying about other people's feelings. It's my nature, and as frustrating as it can be, I like that part of me. So I'd still like to hear how you guys figure out the best way to be respectful in your own stories. I think Chrissy gave a good example in her first post about the dude sitting on the porch.
    1 point
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