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  1. CloverReef

    Blackbird (Original, M/M)

    Blackbird By CloverReef Summary: Blackbird is out for blood. Seven notorious criminals baited and raped his little brother, and he will do everything in his power to snuff them out. Enter Malti Arvika, one of the most infamous men of the city's underworld, and an irresistible opportunity to get the vengeance Blackbird craves. If only he could figure out whose side Malti was really on. Feedback: Brightens my day. Fandom: Original Warnings: M/M, M/M/M/+, Anal, Oral, Bondage, S&M, Rape, Violence, Minor character death Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107958 I hope you like Blackbird. I like it, but it's possible I'm biased. Remote possibility, of course. Well, I had written this long, pandering thing here all about kissing the feet of readers and throwing engagement rings at reviewers, but I deleted it. After all the work I put into perfecting it too. Decided to go the dignity route, but this got real boring real quick... So... Um... Screw it. Where'd those friggin' rings go? Happy reading!
    1 point
  2. Wow… thank you so much! It’s strange, but I’ve written much of my Sauron/Maglor from Maglor’s point of view, and I know my version of him so well. As well as Sauron does, so when I write a part from Sauron’s point of view, it feels all the more tragic and inevitable. Sauron (at least in my mind) would do this. He would enjoy it. He would be fascinated, and he would find Maglor’s despair beautiful. My job (for as much as I complain about what he gives me to work with) is to try and make it palatable, to make the reader feel an echo of that, and be unable to look away, because Maglor is so beautiful when he suffers. Your review indicates I had some success in that, so thank you! Also, for completely different reasons, I really needed this today. Although now I’m feeling that I should have warned you not to read before bed… *little evil laugh*
    1 point
  3. Blackbird is back now after a few months hiatus. A brother with a spiraling meth addiction has made the real life situation a little unpredictable, so updates might come slow, but they’ll come! Chapter 9 is up, and have a few additional chapters written and ready to go up.
    1 point
  4. Thank you so much, Bronx! Thranduil definitely finds Celeborn infuriating. Doesn't Celeborn know that NO ONE seduces King Thranduil, Master of all those he surveys? Even though Celeborn hasn't admitted to the reason for his visit, Thranduil senses it, and it does not please him. He's a handful, all right. Happily, as it turns out, Celeborn has large hands. I have no doubt Galion watched the whole spectacle progress with great interest. I must confess I'm very curious about what happened and what was said when he and Celeborn spoke. So curious in fact that I might have to write it. I'm glad you liked the sex scene. It's always difficult finding a balance as an author between the action, and getting across the emotional resonance you want it to hold. Plus, it takes so much to get Thranduil's character to participate in a scene like that I always worry I've failed him. But he's so sweet and almost vulnerable when he does it's worth all the effort. Thank you for your compliments! You really give my confidence a boost every time you review, and it's great to see your reactions and responses as a reader. I'm glad that you had a good time reading. *sighs happily*
    1 point
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