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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2015 in all areas

  1. that-one-guy

    Magusfang's Corner

    His Internet's down, give the man a break
    1 point
  2. Jashley13

    She is the One

    Well, crossed over a major hurdle in the chapter. This may have been the most difficult section for me to write thus far, since I had to constantly go back, revise, rewrite, just to get it exactly as it needed to be. Hopefully, this means that the rest of the chapter will fly by, but I'm not entirely certain. But it should go smoother from here.
    1 point
  3. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Ok, good news is I have a chapter done and just waiting on time warner to fix my internet I have been assured for over a week that it'll be any day now so hold your breath Much longer and I just might have two chapters to post so silver lining?
    1 point
  4. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Just had an eventful evening. Most of the family went over to my nieces for a cookout. Out of IIRC 11 nieces, 4 are very fuckable (and of age), and this one hosting is the most drop dead gorgeous. One time when she was about 12, not quite fully developed, she had spent the night at our place and in the morning came over, sat sideways in my lap, and with her arms around my neck gave these big sad eyes, "Please, Uncle Joe, could you make me some pancakes?" It's a wonder she didn't get stabbed in the ass, and that incident kept her in my thoughts for a long time. I've made a point ever since to compliment her (it's very easy) and once she was legal a little flirting. Now she's 24 or 25, lives with the guy who's been banging her since she was 14, and they have 3 little kids. My wife and I, our daughter and the grandkids came over, with some other family members, and there were lots of kids running around the yard. I don't drink often, but I didn't have to drive so I splurged and went for a 2nd Bud Light ("But Uncle Joe, it's PLATINUM! - If you ever need a beer, stop over, I always have some!"). It was enough to get me buzzed and she was too. After a couple hours everyone had eaten and some were heading home. Our niece asks my wife and I if we'd like to come into the family room and smoke a little weed (which she's NEVER done before.) I had some horny thoughts instead and things stirred below. We got into a discussion of legalization (wife's against, I don't care) but then the wife's ready to go. I was getting a ride back to work so we were going separate ways. I always look forward to the hello and goodbye hugs with my niece, so when my wife was far enough away I went in for the hug, then whispered in my niece's ear, "I appreciate the offer, but I've never smoked anything in my life. Now if it was an orgy, you might have talked me into it!" She backed off with a "whoa!", but while smiling and laughing. My wife was, "What did he say?" I headed thru the house to my ride, but my wife caught up and said, "Joseph Long, what did you say to her?" A little buzzed and feeling quite relaxed, I whispered to her "I told her I appreciate the offer, but I've never smoked anything." My wife looked at me and said sternly, "You better not smoke anything. Goodnight, see you tomorrow." Mission accomplished, a seed planted.
    1 point
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