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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2014 in all areas

  1. Hello, I saw this topic while I surfed around this forum in general, trying to get familiar with the interface XD. So, I'm Industrial_Cortex, and I'm writing original fiction. I'm hoping to participate in the community.
    2 points
  2. I'll jump in on this and I like how BronxWench pointed out 'why are you angry' part. It really burns my ass...when someone assumes I want unsolicited advice/help trying to lose weight and that it will 'improve my marriage'. Why does this make me angry? I'm finally happy in my own skin after years of hating myself, my body/my choice/mind your business, it's a rude topic to bring up, ever, especially when first meeting someone, this topic triggers my past ED, and I have a great marriage but thanks for asking.
    1 point
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