I think that the AFF site probably has more than 50% females, maybe even up to 90%? (one of the admins could site a better figure) The irony is that we all seem to enjoy each other, mostly, but this phenomenon of sexist stories is still accurate. You'd think a mainly female gathering would demonstrate the "bitchy, antagonistic" side of us, but our interactions don't manifest that way. Just the fanfic. So I wonder if the characterizations from one story perpetuate the way others are written. I know that when I like the way a male character is portrayed in a story I've read, it influences the way I write him in my own story. I think we have to make a conscious effort to give the females a more realistic personality, drawn from our real life family, friends and coworkers while in keeping with canon, if possible. Hopefully, we can influence future stories with well-written females, even if they're side characters because we like to write Yaoi.