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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2011 in all areas

  1. First of all, BIG thank you to manta2g! She offered to get this done for me, so we all wouldn't have to WAIT the rest of my natural life for me to find time. Now, when a user wants to add a word file, there is a function, where you insert from a word doc, in the rte menu. When you just want to use the text area, you can now format with a WYSIWYG editor. The edit chapter part of this is still being worked out, and something for the Non English archive that will be added in the VERY near future, is multiple language support. Finally, users no longer have the ability to upload files.
    1 point
  2. And thank you Manta2g for explaining a glomp to me.Now,to find someone to glomp.....
    1 point
  3. The edit chapter is now with the new editor, though fair warning some older chapters that did not use HTML formatting will show up unformatted in the new editor but display fine in regular archive for reading. Since the new editor is fully integrated and manual entering of HTML code is turned off, there are expanded formatting functions available for all members. I hope everyone enjoys this update for the archives, it's in our hope it will make peoples lives easier. Just a note to anyone who might be upset that uploading is turned off, just copy and past into the editor, really it's not that hard and it's cleaner, especially from word documents.
    1 point
  4. Bargle5

    Looking for Ginny fics

    Might be "Family Whore" by Suicide King.
    1 point
  5. If I'm thinking of the same author I believe she pulled her work because she's being published. As many publishers have a 'no fanfic' clause in their contracts many pull all their work in preparation.
    1 point
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