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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2010 in all areas

  1. pittwitch

    Week 10: 12-12-10

    Pen name: Pittwitch Prompt: Gift Story: A Gift Freely Given http://original.adul...hp?no=600102842 Flash Fic: 1,000 words Fandom: Original Pairing: M/s, Warnings: FemmeDomme, voyeurism, M/s, implied M/M
    1 point
  2. Guest

    Week 10: 12-12-10

    Pen Name: RamDragon Story link: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600086110 Type of fic: Drabble Rating: Adult Fandom: MegaMan Pairing: Zero/X Warnings: AFFO, Complete, Implied sex, Yaoi
    1 point
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