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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2010 in all areas

  1. Apollo: Thank you for hosting the prompts challenge, and making an effort to read each and every one. I haven't had this much fun writing Drabbles, etc. in AGES! Treats: Thank you! Yes, our dear pet does long for his Mistress' approval. Shouldn't they all? Harvest: Wow, I wrote imagery? Sensuality? Aw shucks, thank you muchly. I'm happy that someone could appreciate how many senses would be engaged in such a setting. I wanted to do more, but would have KILLED the word limit: the heat of the fire on the druidess' back, the damp, cold grass under her knee, the smoothness of the oils on her fingertips, the icy touch of those same fingertips on his penis ... oops, I digress. Fairy Slayer: Treats: I'm glad you liked this. When limiting something to 100 words, we rely so heavily on the readers' imaginations that I'm almost frightened to toss them out for viewing. Not scared when readers like you bring so much to the so little I offered. Thank you. Harvest: Again, I'm so glad that you liked this. I've been daydreaming a lot about what a ritual might require for another story where I'm stuck. Somehow, a healing got mixed up with harvest in my head, and now we have fingerpainting nudes with, only visible in the moonlight, ink. I'm glad you appreciated the subtlety of that aspect. Melrick Harvest: Dear, watching is acceptable only from inside the sacred circle. Please enter the sanctuary as you entered the world, i.e. naked. Proceed to be blessed, and participate! Asexual Biped Harvest: As a farming witch, I am shamed. See what happens when we rush! Thank you for taking the time to read and review and correct an old witch. Treats: I don't know about correctly, but I do know what *I* like! I'm thrilled you liked it too. JayDee: I am highly flattered by your review, more than you could possibly know. I've been practicing being more concise, and making better word choices. Thank you for noticing.
    1 point
  2. BronxWench: Heheh, that's great to hear! Jeddek is actually rapidly approaching the point where he won't take any more of the elf's silliness. Which, considering they're about to walk into the death-trap-filled prison of an Old God, is really just about to get pretty zany. I honestly can't wait for next week.
    1 point
  3. Tradition: JayDee: those insane ones who do the Polar Bear Plunge just amaze me ... ain't no way I'd be jumping into the rivers here in January! FairySlayer Cornucopia -- you do know that I would read all about that kinky pie eating contest, doncha? That poor novitiate really did get hammered into place. I'm fairly certain that is one initiation ritual that shall stay with the members for years to come. Apollo Cornucopia -- I would so love to see an artist grace me with a picture of that scene. I see it very vividly in my mind and I doubt that I conveyed it as vividly. Thanks for the compliment! Kisakimiko Cornucopia -- I'm glad you liked the "offering." I thought it was rather appropriate that the pet would offer the gift back to his Mistress. SK Cornucopia -- I think I shall grant your wish. AB Cornucopia -- Thanks so much for enjoying my little characters. Don't feel bad for the novitiate -- the Mistress could have done so much worse. JayDee Cornucopia -- I am flattered that I was able to evoke some sympathy from you, of all authors, for the misfortunate novitiate. I consider that a very high compliment indeed. Weird how the recaptcha seemed so fitting as well. Apollo Turkey -- 510 years is old enough for me too! Teenagers = never satisfied. FS Turkey -- the poor teenager is just so put out, isn't she? Oh well, more turkey for us! JayDee Turkey -- I'm not sure there is anyone left to mete out just desserts for the inappropriate use of the turkey. SK Turkey -- have ever tried to heft a stuffed turkey? Slimy things, lol. And thanks for the flame, it shall keep me warm all winter long! AB Turkey -- yeah, I'd have to say 510 is plenty long enough for me to consider it a tradition too! Snow -- well, since the damn muse has brought me these characters, I can tell you that Connor has a damn good reason for waiting patiently for his Mistress' command. She in turn has damned good reasons for not attacking Edward. Thanks for not liking him! FS Snow -- I am impressed that you were able to read all of that in such few of my words. Yes, Edward and the Mistress are being set up as the interpersonal clash of the titans. SK Snow -- I only hope I don't disappoint you in the future. JayDee Snow -- thank you so much for the compliment. I added Edward as a counter to the Mistress, but he has a deeper role to play in the future. I'm hoping to be able to carry on with these characters, imagination cooperating and all!
    1 point
  4. Apollo: Mwahahah, yes. Sixteen times Jeddek has arduously climbed a peak to find... nothing. It's hardly a wonder he went straight for the booze when he was finally in the encampment! Heh, yeah, it was a bit tricky to find the connection to Evergreen, lol. Next prompt will be easier, since I'm pre-emptively planning for it. And heh, in the next instalment, we'll actually see why poor Jeddek has been so patient.
    1 point
  5. Fairy Slayer: Oh, man, now that is some seriously amazing concrit! I can't really thank you enough for taking the time to do all that! Heh, you caught me, I used the evergreen thing twice, in the ending and in the branch Auran was twirling. I didn't really know how to work it into the story, so I just went with that. Heh, yeah, I wanted to use the same stylistic resource for both cold and warmth. Ah, good catch! Replaced "to keep" with "keeping." Not pedantic at all! Fixed the "usually cheerfulness" thing too. I do indeed use a very formulaic style when I write. I am definitely making mental notes to use all of these wonderful suggestions. Conjunctions, Inversions, Tightening, I'm going to try to use more of those. And yeah, trimming is particularly hard. I had a whole paragraph on the hangover thing he was drinking that I had to eliminate completely. Ah, well, such are the skills we learn with prompts! No, no, not at all, this is DEFINITELY the kind of technical detail I want! And if you want more, go ahead! I devour this sort of thing like Strawberry Shortcake devours... strawberry shortcakes? LOL, I don't even know. Anyway, glad to hear you liked it, I'm definitely having fun writing these two. Thanks again! Asexual Biped: Hahahah, the wyvern gets a line or two in the next prompt as well, I think. And hah, I'm glad Auran comes off as likeable instead of just plain annoying. Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
    1 point
  6. Anubis: Thank you so much for the compliment. JayDee: Wow, again, that was a review to treasure close to my shriveled heart. I didn't think I described that erection very much, but then, since we're practicing to evoke much with very little, I thank you! Apollo: Yes, it seems I've found a theme. Who would have imagined the Wiccan stuffs from an old cranky witch? Thank you again for hosting this wonderful challenge. It has been great fun thus far. I anticipate even more fun! Zipflopohmygod: Thanks so much for noticing the druidic tendencies. I haven't exactly found much describing the old ways, so my imagination has started to create pictures. And, yes, being a practical lot, I can imagine some of the participants would not be keen on being naked in the cold. Although, once they get close enough, the watchfire is big enough to warm everyone up. Then, of course, there is what I imagine to be part of the ceremony that just might cause a few of our druids to raise a sweat. Thanks for taking time to read and comment. Fairy Slayer: Thank you so much for even thinking you might want to read a full story of this. Happily, since starting these challenges, I've caught glimpses of that strange muse creature amongst my pines. Perhaps, I shall be able to entice her close enough to start a real story ... Asexual Biped: tradition -- that it would be damned cold standing outside this time of year was the one sensation that just kept coming back to me. Yeah, I'd be grumpy about that too. Especially, if like the novitiate, I was the last to get to bask in the fire's warmth. Thanks for reading and reviewing. DemonGoddess: Aw shucks, I's glad yeh liked 'em. This has been GREAT fun!
    1 point
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