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  2. No. No. HAY-ell to the no!  We have had enough fucking tornadoes  here for several lifetimes, and I’m fed the fuck up with them. 🤬

    Yes. Tornado in 2011. Tornado several years ago. Tornado last month, and another last freaking night. Yes. Last night. My family, husband, and I are all safe, and I believe all our friends are safe. We didn’t live within the danger zone this time, but my PTSD was already kicking up over the season and impending trauma-versary. This? This is going to give me night terrors. Again. Can’t have Ghost go more than a month without dreaming about Cold dying a bloody, gruesome, tragic death in her arms, now can we? 😭 It’s a good thing I put everything on hiatus because I’m barely able to function right now, and it’s just gonna get worse.

    If you see this post and you live in the United States, take this as your cue to go buy a weather radio and keep it on and stocked with batteries. The sirens in my hometown didn’t go off, and they weren’t sounded in another nearby town last month. Weather alerts on your phone won’t go off if the cellular network fails, and you can’t count on hearing the sirens, and a tornado can happen anytime of the year, on any continent, given the right conditions. If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, there are several communities that are going to need help over the next week or so.


    Seriously. Fuck tornadoes.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Ghost-of-a-Chance


      Safe rooms were becoming more common for awhile, but more often than not, people wind up putting a trap door in to access the crawl space. Shelters elsewhere open for watches, and when I was a kid, we went to the basement even for severe thunderstorm warnings. That city has become so backwards it’s embarrassing, and that was before they shut down the public transportation system.

      In the alley, we tend to get desensitized to tornadoes happening in nearby communities—we sometimes spend entire days under a tornado watch with nothing coming of it—but when you have one carving through your backyard, it’s a different story. The news outlets, by the way, finally confirmed the one Monday night/Tuesday morning as an an EF-1. It was nasty enough to bend billboard supports down to the ground, strip trees, wreck roofs, and fuck shit up, but weak enough for the damage to be relatively minimal. Today, I spent god only knows how long sitting on the floor in the closet shaking like a leaf, and it seems to have missed us.

      The current outbreak, described in this news article, has spawned over 60 tornadoes across several states since Monday. I’m trying to stay away from the news right now because it’s traumatizing.

      Thanks for being patient right now. I know I sound like a broken record. PTSD sucks balls and it can just go straight to the pit.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Don’t fret, it’s perfectly good to be sending support hugs/vibes through the chat here, to give the morale support to our fellow AFF’ers. 

      My area… prone to the occasional hurricane, and it’s big news when an EF-0 pops off shingles to a barn roof.  Your area…  sounds like the pasttime is playing ping-pong with the EF-2/3 tornados in the game.

    4. BronxWench


      Sending big hugs to Ghost and Cold and the furbabies…  :hug: 

  3. Happy Star Wars day everybody, may the fourth be with you.

  4. It’s never an easy decision to make, but I’ve had to make it: all my active stories are now officially on hiatus. 

    Nothing (very) bad’s happened – at least, this time around, nobody is dead, dying, or terminally ill. Life’s just thrown us a curveball and Cold and I are even busier than usual. Most days, I barely have the energy to handle day-to-day work, let alone time and energy to write. Heck, I haven’t even gotten anything written on my most recent chapter of my novel in a few months now; that’s how crazy it’s been lately. Since my fanfiction may not be updated anytime soon, I decided to head it off at the pass before readers start deciding I’m dead.

    ...yes. That’s always a possibility, considering how infrequently I can update.

    It sucks, but better to give myself permission to not write than continue to bludgeon the desktop with my head when my brain is too stress-fried to write. On FFN and AO3, I put notes in my current stories, and updated the summaries of the stories that have fallen by the wayside. AFF frowns on author’s notes as chapters, so I’m not sure where to go beyond adding something to the summaries.

    I hope the fanfiction writer’s curse has missed more of y’all than it’s hit, that spring is treating you well, and that this doesn’t last too many months. Now if any of y’all need me, I’ll be in my burrito-blanket muttering there’s no place like home and fuck-this-shit-I’m-out.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melrick


      It’s hard to feel in the writing mood when so much is going on, and most of it is less than great.  I certainly know what that’s like.  I’m sure your creativity will return when things settle down again.

    3. Ghost-of-a-Chance


      @Desiderius Price that doesn’t typically work for me, unfortunately. I did, however, viciously tear up some invasive weeds earlier this week. That said, shit kinda hit the fan yesterday. It might take awhile to clean it all up. :bash:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @Ghost-of-a-Chance wish it did… can be very gratifying to send a tornado to your characters, see how they cope with it :)

  5. “Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy.”  (from a former coworker of mine)

  6. And today’s birthday shout-out goes to the amazing Melrick. Happy Birthday, and many more!  :hug::wish:🥧🫖:hug:

  7. A belated Happy Birthday to Pittwitch, with lots of love! :hug::wub::party::wish:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Have an extra helping of cake, @pittwitch  🍰

    2. pittwitch


      Thank you dear Wench.  It has been LOVELY!

    3. GeorgeGlass


      An even belateder happy birthday from me!

  8. Well, that was fun… Anyone else feel the earthquake that just rocked the Northeast area? :blink:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      It wasn’t a tremendously big earthquake as these things go, but for our area, it was enough to be felt. The initial quake felt somewhat like being on a ship, to be honest. Everything moved just enough to make you think you needed to get your sea legs. There was one aftershock, in the evening, that was similar, but most of the aftershocks weren’t noticeable. And fortunately, there was very minor damage closer to the epicenter, and no deaths.

      This was actually my third earthquake in NYC. The first one was in 1985, and that one rattled the glassware. It was only 4.0, but the epicenter was closer to the city. There was one in 2011, and we didn’t even feel that one. We were actually at the pool, and someone saw it on Facebook. :lol: 

    3. Melrick


      I’m happy to stick with one earthquake!  And hopefully that’ll be the last one for you.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      April 5th… would’ve been on my way to watch the eclipse (yes, headed out early)

  9. I wonder who holds the record for most category requests? Because I’m starting to think it might be me.

  10. wondering what would happen if Sam and Dean showed up at the Yellowstone …


  11. There are those moments that make me wonder… Why is google maps putting the dining symbol on a pet shop?  Go for the amazing sensation of goldfish squirming on the way down?

    1. GeorgeGlass


      They don't call 'em feeder tanks for nuthin'. 

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Given how my Potter fanfic is developing, I’m having to lean in heavily onto google maps, which is why I’m picking up on more of these details.

  12. “Beware the Ides of March!”

    1. pittwitch
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Can’t ask for a better end, dying surrounded by friends :smartass:

  13. Happy PI day everybody!

  14. I may have found this website’s theme song….



  15. An emotional rollercoaster day:  two losses; two gains.  Cheers to a calmer day tomorrow for everyone.


    1. BronxWench


      I hear you. It’s been surreal here today.

  16. Top temperature today was 42.3c (108.1f), but the top ‘feels like’ temperature was 50.3c (122.5f).  Woo!

    I’m ready for autumn now, thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Melrick


      I’ll try turning it off and on again, see if that helps.

    3. BronxWench


      My physics professor used to say, when something wasn’t working, that we should hit it. Fifty percent of the time, that would fix whatever was broken, and the other fifty percent of the time? Well, it was broken anyway and giving it a good thumping would make you feel better. :lol: 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Aw, the good old “percussive persuasion” @BronxWench?

  17. Fell down the Tiktok FF/book binding rabbit hole last night.  SMH.  What is wrong with people?

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Been reading up… and there’s authors deleting their stories due to the proverbial game of whack-a-mole, which AO3 makes this easier too with PDF downloading.  AFAICT, the etsy/book-binding is like charging HUNDRED or more bucks for printed/bound copies of particular fanfictions, acting as the publisher.   Yeah, this is pissing the writers off.

    2. pittwitch


      Rightfully so!  I was offended as a reader – you, oh bottom feeders, are jeopardizing our “harmless” entertainment.  Go away!

      In our defense, downloaded from AFF is not easy.  As a writer, I tried with one of my stories to take a red pen to it.  NO DICE.



    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Getting high-priced lawyers involved is how you get the new rules around Star Trek fan-films (15 minutes max, no episodes, etc...), or the rights holder goes Anne Rice and prohibits all fanfiction with cease & desist orders.  Anybody rich enough to counter with lawsuits is also well off enough to negotiate authorized derivative works, leaving the average fanfic writer high & dry.  Hope those bottom feeders suffer from papercuts, lots and lots of vicious papercuts.

  18. so this is happening right now in WI. there are two ninja turtle statues going around Milwaukee right now. the Micheal one is missing but Leo has all these hashtags and was just recently found at a milwaukee strip club. omg! too funny! 

  19. 50+ degrees today where i am and the windows are open! YYYEESSS

  20. At least for the forensic pathologist, the patients aren’t going anywhere, they’re dying to see you :)

  21. My potter fanfic has now crossed the 2Mword mark (on the hard drive, it’ll take more for the online total to cross it too).

  22. Another random quote


    “My ex-wife would need three suitcases for a one-night stand.”


  23. Love the dragon! ❤️

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Dragons are fun, and easy to fast-BBQ anything!  :fthrower:

  24. Well, if I wanted crispy squirrel bits, now's the chance, the squirrel must've loved the transformer.

    1. GeorgeGlass


      Well, they're more than meets the eye. 

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Short story is hearing the pow and losing power, there was a squirrel in a frozen dive off the power pole.

  25. R.I.P Toby Keith! :(

    1. WarrenTheConey


      One of my favorite songs is, 'How do you like me now!?' Rest in peace Toby.

  26. How thoughtful that spammers are self-reporting themselves in the “Trolls/Flamers/Spammers” section of the forums… sigh.  Can we hang/draw/quarter them?

    1. BronxWench


      We’re bringing back Wicker Man Wednesdays. :fthrower:

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Good.  I could be persuaded to stop off for some hotdogs and marshmallows!  :)

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