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Anesor last won the day on February 19 2021

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  1. The NaNo enthusiasm is there but writing is just NOT flowing this year.

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    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Assault in mine, trying to be quite careful with how I label the aggressor.  (It matters)

    3. Anesor


      my original novel project has been officially dumped for NaNo. It’s too slow and the new method is too mindful for a nano sprint. I’m going to have to pick and choose from my class. Scene planning like the class, makes me feel like a straight jacket.

      I’m gonna see if I can finish my main fanfic project. I probably won’t as I have 6 chapters to go and the wordage will be more than can be done  in 19 days.

      But tonight I could not resist a diversiin and did a NWN2 sequel scene that links into an oddity the Tuesday MMO release. It’s not much of a plot but  something my plot director has nabbed as a clue for a new release...

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’ve simply used my nano goal as that, a goal, to help motivate when I’m otherwise thinking about procrastinating.  I’m not wanting to stray in terms of quality.  So, yes, my goal of hitting 200k posted (just over 70k) is ambitious, and I figure the odds are 50-50; I’ll still be further along.  Right now, about 60k left to go, though I’ve got 8k on the drive, ready for the next posting.  I chose a number above 50k because it’s a comprehensive rewrite, and so it’s a really good “rough draft/outline” exists, some material will be brought over.  However, there is a boatload of new material, I’m more than doubling the word count as I revise/rewrite (ie. turning one/two sentence scenes into entire chapters).

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