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Everything posted by redsliver

  1. because anything tasty that can be used as a weapon must be awesome, why?
  2. redsliver

    I Am...

    I am aleting Big Sam for I have sausages not hot dogs for my buns.
  3. redsliver

    I Am...

    I am off, have to get more hot dog buns and beer.
  4. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd be eating out Eve with her mother in the best room. If I were a flirt...
  5. me neither I have never made it through any course without zoning out and doodling at least once.
  6. redsliver

    I Am...

    I am having one last summer party before school starts tonight I am thinking I need more beer.
  7. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd be grinding my teeth in fury for not masturbating or getting enough. If I were masturbating...
  8. I'm a little poor and half the fun would be getting you to try them on Were you excited to wear them?
  9. thanks for the sentiment but is quite equipped Chucks a strap on vibrator
  10. I think you already have Does this look like a job for prison handcuffs?
  11. grabs a tube and starts to lube. I put the hamster in the end of the tube, I wonder now, how he'll feel, will he like it better than his little wheel. Chucks a stand up comedian
  12. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd get popped like a balloon at a porcupines birthday party If I were a silly simile
  13. I love them. do you like your eyes rolling back into your head?
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