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Everything posted by redsliver

  1. so very not guilty Has swore to never drink again
  2. Robert Barone
  3. That'll work. How come we're born naked but we often don't die naked?
  4. hot
  5. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd be a loonie. If I were a coin...
  6. what's the good word? Teeta?
  7. Charlie Brown
  8. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd use my government resources to secure naked pictures of people. If I were a porn giant...
  9. hey gorgeous Dazzled?
  10. redsliver

    I Am...

    I am admitting I could see Snape skull fuck Harry. He does have Lily's eyes. I am going to need to bleach my brain for that one.
  11. guilty, I've posted while sloshed. G/NG has gone on a bender that lasted more than a weekend.
  12. Certainly Teeta?
  13. ^ always willing to practice.
  14. redsliver

    Answers First

    What do you think about getting two in the pink and one in the stink? I do love them.
  15. respirator
  16. Scarlett Johanson
  17. I'm afraid its terminal. Best way to go?
  18. redsliver

    Title Share

    Spirit of Radio - Rush
  19. underaged
  20. Retor
  21. barely legal
  22. I pop one, set the bottle on the nightstand and assure MadLodger that she's in for a long hard night. Chucks a brew
  23. ^ is skilled when naked
  24. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd sleep on a pile of money with many many beautiful ladies. If I were a mutant...
  25. Scooby Gang
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