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Everything posted by redsliver

  1. ^ will be the entertainment at the party.
  2. redsliver

    I Am...

    I am done my first day of school this year. I am able to move a lab period so I get wednesdays off. I am going to get lit in the campus bar until my sister's ready to drive me home.
  3. not quite Teeta?
  4. progress on the fic being the only guy in a class
  5. precise
  6. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd help the medicine go down. If I were medicine...
  7. Chris Chelios
  8. Sure, but... I have never disliked his work.
  9. solidify
  10. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd have thick callouses on my palms. If I were an action hero...
  11. redsliver

    I Am...

    I am back from seeing Shoot 'Em Up. I am glad the movie was very very good. I am going to school tomorrow I am hopefully going to wake up on time.
  12. Neither have I I have never put something in someone's drink
  13. Stephen Colbert
  14. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd be creepy. If I were a god...
  15. neutron
  16. atrophy
  17. Cock
  18. Lawn
  19. redsliver

    If I Were...

    I'd be voicing the villain. If I were never wrong...
  20. I have provided you mean that game where you have to touch the different dots with body parts. I have never played twister.
  21. Die, Die My Darling - The Misfits
  22. possibly, let me check....... no that's a penis, must not be her. Teeta?
  23. me neither I have never refused to go somewhere because of heights.
  24. Summertime In the Void - I Mother Earth
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