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Everything posted by Shadowknight12

  1. You've piqued my curiosity! What is it? :D

  2. Yeah, that's true, but then again... unless she was a COMPLETE idiot, she probably had an inkling already. This was just confirmation. Hah, good point on that last bit. Hahahah, funny as that sounds, I think I'll pass. With my luck, someone will stumble upon that story and be utterly convinced it was written by a person they know. And then I'll be actually ruining lives without being there at all! But yes, I agree with JD. Your friend did the right thing.
  3. My first reaction: Holy fucking shit, that sucks. My second reaction: Wow, that guy's a fucking moron. My third reaction: There's a depressing amount of hilarity in all that. Other than that, I have to agree with you. I don't do requests from people I'm not on at least acquaintance basis. I'd only accept a request from someone I've talked to several times before, whose sanity I can verify. I honestly don't know what to say, JD. That really sucks. What happened to you is bizarre, almost horror story-like (and considering this is you we're talking about, that's rather ironic, as well!), but it's something that may ring true to many people. I'd say that the vast majority of authors crave feedback like that, and most would find themselves agreeing with what you did, only to be horrified at what happened later. It's good that you posted this. If it was up to me, I'd make it a sticky/pinned topic and say "read and learn." I think that this is a valuable lesson for anyone, regardless of outlook or experience. So, I guess I just wanted to say "thanks for sharing." And yeah, don't let it get to you. It's not your fault. It's like trying to blame the dildo manufacturing company for the actions of a man who beat his sister to death with one. You can't be held accountable for how fucked up other people are.
  4. No, there is no such feature, but we've received similar requests in the past and we are doing what we can to implement them. Please, bear in mind that the admins and owner are not paid in any way and any software improvements they undertake are done in their own free time. Also, software updates are both expensive and time-consuming, not to mention the fact that the company who originally created the software that handles the archives has gone defunct. I would also like to mention that AFF's funds come mainly from donations and it is from there that any software upgrades will be paid for. Additionally, if the author has a twitter, you will find instructions on how to follow an author who also has twitter here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/16909-how-to-use-twitter-to-update-your-readers Please read the latest site news for more information about the latest software updates: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/19925-site-news-2-5-11 EDIT: If you wish to know more about filling in your recommended readings section, consult this FAQ: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/3444-recommended-reading-instructions/
  5. Lessons (http://ne.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544204627). Severely glitched. Bare code. Squishy.
  6. A Face Oculta de Kai (http://ne.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544195600): Misplaced (should be in Non-English/Portuguese/Anime).
  7. Vida después de la muerte (http://ne.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=34757): Flame (RID # 3000016946). Self-review (RID # 274782). Bad disclaimer (does not name fandom). Possible RTE issue (no line breaks).
  8. When I joined this site, I wanted something that would let people know I was male with just a glance and something that would blend well with the masses. The Knight part was obvious. Very, very few women would pick that, considering it's an overwhelmingly male archetype. It also helped denote that I wrote mostly fantasy, so it was doubly apt. Then, of course, I went for irony for the second part. What's more normal on the internet, in this day and age, than references to darkness and shadows? Thus, the name Shadow Knight was born. I rather like it, truth be told. I was never one for darkness and all that, but it has turned out to be a good username. Oh, and when I had to add a number because "shadowknight" was already taken, I picked 12 for no reason other than because it's even and more or less rare.
  9. If it was THAT bad, no, that's more like getting kneed in the balls (all those funny scenes in comedy movies? Yeah, might look funny, but IRL, it hurts like a bitch). If you have a pain that's more endurable than that (you can move/walk, but it's very uncomfortable and always at the forefront of your mind), then yeah, that's more or less what blue balls feel like.
  10. Depends on how badly the man needs the release. If he's been teased for a few seconds/minutes, then left hard and wanting, no. It's more or less just annoyance and lack of satisfaction. If the man has been mercilessly teased and kept aroused for hours or some other inglorious length of time, then yes, it will hurt. It's that "dull ache" in his balls that you see mentioned everywhere, or "blue balls," (caused by accumulation of blood in that area). And it doesn't really go away on its own, that I've heard. Most of the time, the guy's only release is... well, release. EDIT: I've been told that, for women, it's easier to imagine it a pain similar to that you get in the first or second day of your period.
  11. I hardly think you'll be censored for speaking your mind, Cal! I've more faith in the admins than that. At best, you might get some snark, I believe.
  12. My favourite: "She was as unhappy as when someone puts your cake out in the rain, and all the sweet green icing flows down and then you lose the recipe, and on top of that you can't sing worth a damn." Because that's happened to me before. Special mention goes to: "It hurt the way your tongue hurts after you accidentally staple it to the wall." HOW?! HOW DO YOU ACCIDENTALLY STAPLE YOUR TONGUE TO THE WALL???!
  13. I usually just scrap it and start over, reworking the entire concept into another story. I may salvage some parts I liked to keep into consideration for the new "version" of the tale, but that's about it.
  14. I think I'm going to dehydrate severely from this insane amount of drooling... Thank you for sharing!

  15. Hah, no, actually I have about 4-5 seasons to catch up with. Last I saw was Season 2.

  16. We have a lot on male-on-male flirting here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/17245-men-flirting-with-men/ I'm not a native speaker, but my two cents are thus: Charmer: Someone who is either innately charming (possibly without realising it) or who knows what to say and do to charm people effectively. Not necessarily inclined to use this ability for sex, more likely to be applied to his business (actor, reporter, any position where a sale takes place). Usually charmers are confident people who seem to know what they're doing (innate leaders) and/or extremely good at making people feel comfortable, seeming trustworthy and putting them at ease. Playboy: May not necessarily be charming (might get by on looks or wealth alone), but (assuming you are using the modern definition) is out to get as much tail as he can. The old definition merely denotes a wealthy, usually good-looking, man who doesn't have a regular job, therefore all the time in the world to "play." This used to mean sports, gambling, races, travelling and a cavalcade of leisure activities, but nowadays the "play" bit usually means sex. If you want to explore the interactions between a charmer and a playboy, it'd be interesting to see them compete, at first, in a sense. If they are the emblems of two opposing causes (like tearing down a historical building to build a mall vs. those who want to preserve the old ruin), then a competition to see who sways more people to their side would let you highlight the differences between their "styles." The charmer would be all about personal interaction. They would sit with the other person, one-on-one, and explain their proposal. By the time they're done, very few would be unconvinced. The playboy would just waltz around and just ask people to sign a paper or support their cause, convinced that their looks and reputation will see them through, just as they have done every single time. And as an extra advice: It's okay not to jump straight into the flirting/sexual arena. It's okay, in a story, to set the mood beforehand, to show us how the individuals go about their lives before they even meet at all. A foil is a piece of black cloth on which jewels and gems are placed on in order to bring up their colour and shine. If the flirting and sexual interactions are the gems, the moments where the characters are alone or with other people are the foil. They may not be as important to the story as you think, but they help you make the interactions between the main character more intense and interesting, by virtue of simple contrast. Food for thought. Apollo: Ha. Ha. Ha. Old predictable me, eh?
  17. If we count mental age, I'm old. Very old. I'm the one that is put in charge of chaperoning older friends. I'm the one that grumbles about the weather, the one that yells at people to turn their crap down, the one that looks at new technology apprehensively (and finds its dizzying and constant updating slightly staggering), the one that offers unwanted advice, glares all the time and uses ANY (and I mean ANY) excuse to say "back in my day." You know how for every old person with a young spirit there's an ancient curmudgeon hidden within a young person? Yeah, the latter is me. And as an aside, I happen to agree with this quite wholeheartedly.
  18. Oooooooooh sexy! Dreamy looks are irresistible.

  19. You mean that's not what little animated meat cleavers do??? I do, sometimes, wonder a little.
  20. I don't know, I think anything that involves Little Timmy in the Well is a little too hardcore...
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