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Posted (edited)
  On 6/7/2018 at 11:48 AM, Strange_idea said:

hmmm. we don;t want it to be too powerful, so what if only the queens had that? and it was one element at a time, so multiple foes could confuse it


That is a possibility, though I admit I had planned it to be more along the lines of 'wielder selects an option on a dial' than an automatic response... though given the fact that the queen Minions' role would be to stay in the Tower and lay eggs, like the insect queens they're based on, not sure if they'd need/get weapons... maybe more as a matter of ceremony than anything else...


  On 6/7/2018 at 11:52 AM, Strange_idea said:

oh also, i think succubi should be magic-resistant or outright immune to magic damage


If I recall correctly, they were like that in the game, and the most the magic damage dealing blue Minions could do was pacify them until one of the other Minions angered them again


  On 6/7/2018 at 11:48 AM, Strange_idea said:

hmmm. we don;t want it to be too powerful, so what if only the queens had that? and it was one element at a time, so multiple foes could confuse it


okay. they’re full orcs now. that’s neat. you got them into the story after all.


also had a thought. what if when he saw a uncicorn, some of the girls wanted one. hiccup protested that it was an insane horse trying to gore him with it’s horn, so now the violent girls want one (mainly the sorceresses. astrid probably would but she’s not there yet)


The unicorn idea has possibilities, and I had a idea for including orcs in the story…

What if near Evernight Forest there was a kingdom of orcs, and after Hiccup conquers said elvish kingdom, a band of orcs launches a raid, the latest event in a long standing feud, causing Hiccup to retaliate, becoming chief after defeating the tribes female chief in single combat?

Edited by Jwsponky
Posted (edited)
  On 6/7/2018 at 12:13 PM, Jwsponky said:

What if near Evernight Forest there was a kingdom of orcs, and after Hiccup conquers said elvish kingdom, a band of orcs launches a raid, the latest event in a long standing feud, causing Hiccup to retaliate, becoming chief after defeating the tribes female chief in single combat?


hmmmm. was this the everlight forest, not jungle? the same one we talked about finding aurora in? if we did the titania/maelficent/mim thing we’d have to be careful of the pacing.

OR, what if they attack DURING the nightmare crisis? remember how i suggested Oberon be guarding aurora?Their leader could be the one who kills him, and becomes the final area boss. Hiccup takes her prisoner and return her for their surrender. It also ties into sleeping beauty again, since the orcs and orc-minions were in each version o the films.

any idea what we’d base the orcs on? a completely original group or tribute to a disney/overlord group?

Edited by Strange_idea
Posted (edited)
  On 6/7/2018 at 12:21 PM, Strange_idea said:

hmmmm. was this the everlight forest, not jungle? the same one we talked about finding aurora in? if we did the titania/maelficent/mim thing we’d have to be careful of the pacing.

OR, what if they attack DURING the nightmare crisis? remember how i suggested Oberon be guarding aurora?Their leader could be the one who kills him, and becomes the final area boss. Hiccup takes her prisoner and return her for their surrender. It also ties into sleeping beauty again, since the orcs and orc-minions were in each version o the films.

any idea what we’d base the orcs on? a completely original group or tribute to a disney/overlord group?


My plan had been to kind of base them off the Orcs from the Hobbit film, with that fortress/territory being called Dol Gulbad, and their chiefess Aza, a very tall pale white orcess.

And yes, this would be near Ever'N'ight Forest, from the first game

Edited by Jwsponky
  On 6/7/2018 at 12:42 PM, Strange_idea said:

i was iffy about that anyway


what if hiccup has to fight through an orc camp on his way in?


That could work…

Been struck by another idea involving Evernight Forest and your suggestion that Zarina go on one of the campaigns…

Since the plan is to include Pixie Hollow in said forest, what if Zarina came along to face her past, only for one of the fairies to rush up to try and hug Zarina, come assumption in the Hollow being that she was dead, as soon as they cross the boarder, only for Hiccup to protectively step in from of Zarina and point his trident at said fairy, who pull to a stop just shy of getting stabbed in the nose? Then when the fairy tries to explain her actions Hiccup can only blink in confusion before asking Zarina "I thought you were banished?" and Zarina can only respond with equal confusion "So did I."?


oooh That IS nice.

I meant at LEAST one of the campaigns, but this makes the most sense (since she’d know the area) and has SO many possibilities. plus it would give the orcs a reason to attack hiccup on sight. aside from general malevolence.

where are you going with this?

  On 6/7/2018 at 1:02 PM, Strange_idea said:

oooh That IS nice.

I meant at LEAST one of the campaigns, but this makes the most sense (since she’d know the area) and has SO many possibilities. plus it would give the orcs a reason to attack hiccup on sight. aside from general malevolence.

where are you going with this?


Uh... Not sure really, was just struck with the idea for the above attempt at a humorous scene

  On 6/7/2018 at 1:06 PM, Strange_idea said:

well it works, so we should build on that. no rush, it just is a really good scene with a lot of potential


which fairy by the way? tinkerbell?


Not sure, perhaps Silvermist, she seems the most likely to just deliver a hug out of no where


Another somewhat random idea concerning the fairies, given that the fourth film showed that fairies can have non identical (in skin tone and hair color at least) twins, what if Maleficent and queen Clarion where a pair of such siblings?


That works. Did they have a falling out? does she miss her sister?


also an idea, remember that pixie hollow was going to be a safe place? what if, similar to queen fay in 2, she’s busy casting the spell protecting pixie hollow nonstop and exhausted as a result? she could be half-asleep and spreading dream fairies among the chaos

Posted (edited)
  On 6/7/2018 at 1:16 PM, Strange_idea said:

That works. Did they have a falling out? does she miss her sister?


also an idea, remember that pixie hollow was going to be a safe place? what if, similar to queen fay in 2, she’s busy casting the spell protecting pixie hollow nonstop and exhausted as a result? she could be half-asleep and spreading dream fairies among the chaos


That could work, and I'd wager she did miss her sister, but as we discussed a ways back had little choice but to exile Maleficent given that she cursed a baby, even of one born to the enemy and that she came to regret the curse


  On 6/7/2018 at 1:16 PM, Strange_idea said:

also,  think Zarina should learn the ‘pixie dust’ trick


Um, what trick?

Edited by Jwsponky
  On 6/7/2018 at 1:21 PM, Strange_idea said:

haven’t seen much of the series, but a quick check reveals she can travel as pixie dust


Huh... Don't recall that being mentioned in the movies, which just for the sake of saying are available of Netflix


A small detail has occurred to me though, should I give Maleficent the amalgamation of butterfly and dragonfly wings that the Pixie Hollow fairies have, or give the Pixie Hollow fairies bird wings like Maleficent? 

I suppose a third option would be just let them keep their respective wing anatomies, but I'm aiming for a degree of consistency with in the fairy species...

  On 6/7/2018 at 1:33 PM, Strange_idea said:

maybe she has bird wings as a result of whatever mutation gave her horns and human height?


also, do you have any plans for Rapunzel?


Admittedly not much, so far all I've got is 'Gothel, a witch as a nod to the original tale, though one more skilled at potions than spells, begs Hiccup for asylum from the Empire for herself and her daughter Rapunzel, who she claims she found abandoned as a baby in the woods, offering her skills with potions and 'other things' as recompense' 

Then I might have lady Caine appear as an old friend of Jewel's who shows Hiccup a few old smugglers tunnels into Corona for when he besieges the Empire controlled city

  On 6/7/2018 at 1:43 PM, Strange_idea said:

okay. but how about, as a nod to her selfishness, she offers her daughter as a price for safety? not sure if she’d tell her.

I think i already mentioned my idea of Cassandra tracking them down...


That could work, I admit the vague idea I had for how Rapunzel could become a mistress was 'Gothel gives Hiccup a back massage which escalates, then Rapunzel walks in on them, deduces this was the 'other things' her mother mentioned, and offers to help 'pay'.' Perhaps both could work, with Hiccup not knowing that Rapunzel didn't know of her part in the deal, and just going along with it

I think you did mention such


Hmmm…. i like that, but can i suggest a twist? Rapunzel is moved into the tower and shown around/given a room. she’d probably take to decorating. instead of joining in with gothel, she joins in with her cousins anna and elsa. or one of the future wives…. maybe aurora, i see her as head magic girl for some reason.

 Gothel, however, tries to coast by without paying anything and the sorceresses trick her into ‘paying’ hiccup personally.

hmmm, idea for Cassandra. If we can justify her meeting with Rapunzel during her youth, we can have her blame herself for not saving her and have a parallel ‘childhood friends’ loyalty angle to hiccup and toothless.

though Rapunzel’s reaction to meeting her real mother would be REALLY awkward after that. as would gothel’s

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