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Hiccup the Overlord discussion thread


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Though if you can think of something else to do with her, that could work too.


With charlotte, had a thought for her character.  I can see her being shy around the cook, letting her try on dresses and not looking. Tiana says it's fine but she respects her too much. Before her 'big chance' so to speak, she just likes spending time with her and relaxing. Tiana books sessions to give her time off as a favour every now and then under the name 'naveen'

Also, i think tiana's covername as resistance leader should be 'naveen'

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6 minutes ago, Strange_idea said:

Though if you can think of something else to do with her, that could work too.


With charlotte, had a thought for her character.  I can see her being shy around the cook, letting her try on dresses and not looking. Tiana says it's fine but she respects her too much. Before her 'big chance' so to speak, she just likes spending time with her and relaxing. Tiana books sessions to give her time off as a favour every now and then under the name 'naveen'

Also, i think tiana's covername as resistance leader should be 'naveen'

That would work

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As a pleasure slave she'd probably be desensitised to tjat aspect of a relationship and seek comfort, support and respect. Plus tiana, being someone she places above her clients, would therefore be held to higher standards, nudity from her would be more meaningful


You could also do a bit of a meta joke/ nod to the high levels of narrative nd character content of this story with her. Remember how i said you had to pace the erotic content to keep interest? Charlotte's pretty much living that as a pleasure slave.

"It's nothing but sex, sex, sex and dirty talk all the time. That's it. That gets dull faster than you'd believe" 

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3 minutes ago, Strange_idea said:

As a pleasure slave she'd probably be desensitised to tjat aspect of a relationship and seek comfort, support and respect. Plus tiana, being someone she places above her clients, would therefore be held to higher standards, nudity from her would be more meaningful


You could also do a bit of a meta joke/ nod to the high levels of narrative nd character content of this story with her. Remember how i said you had to pace the erotic content to keep interest? Charlotte's pretty much living that as a pleasure slave.

"It's nothing but sex, sex, sex and dirty talk all the time. That's it. That gets dull faster than you'd believe" 

This is a possibility

Jumping topic again, but I have been struck by an idea for an admittedly small detail…

Since one of the weapons I had intended for Hiccup to produce for the Minion horde was the spear, what if Hiccup made his spear into a trident, either at Ursula's suggestion , or in honor, for lack of a better term, of her?

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40 minutes ago, Strange_idea said:

That works well. What if he tried to take an old one (the real one) she had presented near her throne to arm his early minions but she showed up right away to tell him no?

I admit that is something I had not considered... I had just pictured Hiccup remembering Ursula's tales of Triton's trident and deciding to give his personal spear three blades as opposed to one, whether Hiccup's trident would be capable of channeling spells, essentially being a pointy metal magic wand, or just a spear with three points I am unsure of off the top of my head

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5 hours ago, Strange_idea said:

make it his magic weapon of choice. it’s unwieldy and cannot slash or bash very well, but conducts magic better than his sword. Ariel could probably comment on it and give him upgrade tips

That would be a possibility, my plan for the Minions', as well as Hiccup's and the Netherghul's, armaments was each would have a shield, a spear for formation fighting or for cavalry charges, an axe as a close quarters/back up weapon, a sword as a back up back up weapon, and a repeating crossbow as a ranged weapon.

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3 minutes ago, Strange_idea said:

They;re like tiny orcs. I was going to suggest maleficent created them since the actually used orcs…. or something like them

Uh... I think I may have missed something, because I'm not sure what you're talking about...


1 minute ago, Strange_idea said:

also, i think Maleficent would want to name toothless “dival” and be underwhelmed by the name she got

This is a possibility, though I had been considering the name Tanya, at least for her human form


Different topic all together, but I have been struck by an idea to allow the Blue Minions to deal damage, what if they could throw explosive bursts of magic similar to the Elvish ghosts in the first game?

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huh. that works, though what if Zarina is the reason? she could be trying to ‘improve’ the minions. Or one of the mages just teaches them spells and asks why no-one else did.


though that might make the blues a bit overpowered. eh, whatever works.


3 minutes ago, Jwsponky said:

Uh... I think I may have missed something, because I'm not sure what you're talking about...

Just the mental image decked out like tolkien orcs with proper armour, weapons and sheilds. I was going to suggest that since maleficent used orcish minions in her film, she might have designed the minions. trying to think what the others did.


4 minutes ago, Jwsponky said:

This is a possibility, though I had been considering the name Tanya, at least for her human form

It’s a joke on her pet crow’s name.  Idea, what if almost everyone has a ‘better’ name for toothless that they suggest and irritate hiccup and the dragon in question.


why tanya?

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3 minutes ago, Strange_idea said:

huh. that works, though what if Zarina is the reason? she could be trying to ‘improve’ the minions. Or one of the mages just teaches them spells and asks why no-one else did.


though that might make the blues a bit overpowered. eh, whatever works.


Just the mental image decked out like tolkien orcs with proper armour, weapons and sheilds. I was going to suggest that since maleficent used orcish minions in her film, she might have designed the minions. trying to think what the others did.


It’s a joke on her pet crow’s name.  Idea, what if almost everyone has a ‘better’ name for toothless that they suggest and irritate hiccup and the dragon in question.


why tanya?

That had been my plan, any of the improvements to the Minions being due to Hiccup and Zarina's experiments... and now I'm struck by the idea of Blues able to manipulate water like Reds can manipulate…

Ah, now that I know what you were talking about it makes sense

I did happen to know that was the name of the crow, and the idea of everyone trying to name Toothless/Tanya is amusing 

The main reason I though of Tanya is because it was the first 'T' girl name I could think of that sounded anything close to Toothless

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4 minutes ago, Jwsponky said:

The main reason I though of Tanya is because it was the first 'T' girl name I could think of that sounded anything close to Toothless

While that could work, i don’t know. Hiccup is from the culture that names their kid ‘hiccup’ ‘fishlegs’ and so on. It actually makes sense that ‘toothless’ could be a human name. I dunno, I had the idea that toothless used to express displeasure with hiccup by gnawing on him. since she used human teeth he used to mock her by calling her ‘toothless’ and it stuck.


then he named the dragon after his ‘girlfriend’



here’s the picture



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7 minutes ago, Strange_idea said:

While that could work, i don’t know. Hiccup is from the culture that names their kid ‘hiccup’ ‘fishlegs’ and so on. It actually makes sense that ‘toothless’ could be a human name. I dunno, I had the idea that toothless used to express displeasure with hiccup by gnawing on him. since she used human teeth he used to mock her by calling her ‘toothless’ and it stuck.


then he named the dragon after his ‘girlfriend’



here’s the picture



This is true, and interesting to the picture

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I've been struck by another, admittedly somewhat random, idea for the Minion's weaponry...

What if each weapon had a tiny chip of Netherworld crystal imbedded in its hilt, allowing the Tower Heart to empower said weapon with the ability to coat its blade, or bolthead in the case of the crossbows, with fire, ice, acid, lightning, or magic depending on what a particular foe was vulnerable to?

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hmmm. we don;t want it to be too powerful, so what if only the queens had that? and it was one element at a time, so multiple foes could confuse it


1 minute ago, Jwsponky said:

Hmm... Of the top of my head all I can think of is the planned upgrade of boosting the from 3 or 4 feet tall to 6 feet tall...

okay. they’re full orcs now. that’s neat. you got them into the story after all.


also had a thought. what if when he saw a uncicorn, some of the girls wanted one. hiccup protested that it was an insane horse trying to gore him with it’s horn, so now the violent girls want one (mainly the sorceresses. astrid probably would but she’s not there yet)

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