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I can't think of the title, and typing 'blind' in the search didn't help me at all. I'm just hoping it's still on here.

It's about a blind man who falls for his boss, who initially went off on him in the gym because he thought he was a bigot or some such. He learns the truth and befriends the MC, and they eventually become lovers.

Um, if that's not enough...

At one point he goes on a blind double date and his date ditches him, which ticks off his friend. He even runs into the girl when going to buy a suit with the boss. There's a hint later on that the friend is going to get it on with a guy the MC meets at a party, who I believe flirted with him?


I know exactly which story you're talking about! I think it's by Wynja, and she wrote a sequel, but with the blind man's best friend and the gay man who was flirting with him.

Both stories were hysterical and very well written. :)

I'm going to look it up because now it's going to drive him crazy. lol


I know exactly which story you're talking about! I think it's by Wynja, and she wrote a sequel, but with the blind man's best friend and the gay man who was flirting with him.

Both stories were hysterical and very well written. :)

I'm going to look it up because now it's going to drive him crazy. lol

Thank you! That was enough to find it- Now See Here. I'm so glad, I was starting to get scared that it had been deleted

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