Searching for a Fic?
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If you know the piece of fiction that someone is searching for is removed from the site, but you retained a personal copy, please do not pass the story around. If the story is taken down either by the Author or Moderator staff there is a reason behind it that must be respected.
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Please keep in mind when asking if anyone is familiar with a story that AFF is not associated with FanFiction.Net in any way, shape or form.
- 404
- posts
- Full metal alchemist roy/ed story
- By Guest Kim,
- 212
- posts
- DBZ fic with 18 babysitting
- By Guest Whohero123,
- 111
- posts
- Looking for a specific author that specialized in IchiRuki lemons
- By Guest RT0079,
- 196
- posts
- Looking for a Twilight FF with CP
- By Guest Lluvia,
- 249
- posts
- Xander hellsing crossover
- By Guest Bump,
- 362
- posts
- 52
- posts
- Looking For Ariana Grande rape or beast stories.
- By Guest Ariana Lover,
- 134
- posts
- Looking for old Batgirl story
- By Guest LTC_MadJack,
- 232
- posts
- An FFVII story involving primarily Tifa
- By Guest Kraevorn,
- 341
- posts
- Lara croft story
- By Guest mourner,
- 14.8k
- posts
- Hello I’m looking for a story it call “to know your place”
- By Guest GuestJJ47,
- 1.2k
- posts
- Lost Sess/Inu mpreg fic
- By Guest RWH,
- 125
- posts
- looking for faramir/aragorn fics
- By Guest faramir freak,
- 11
- posts
- 223
- posts
- Poto fic
- By Guest galaxylemonade,
- 2.8k
- posts
- Help in identifying Sakura x Kakuzu Fanfic
- By Guest Abcde,
- 1
- post
- Forum Rules
- By Melrick,
- 4.5k
- posts
- Looking for a specific story I read once
- By Guest Guest,
- 293
- posts
- Author Zak
- By Guest pronker,
- 164
- posts
- Searching For a Wolverine / Jubilee Fiction
- By Guest Just finished reading it,
- 227
- posts
- 63
- posts
- Uke Yusuke?
- By Guest Scabbard,