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Guest The pretty kitty

Yes = teenage boy

Nope = everyone else

Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about :)

Guest bigdiesel90

The inner perv wants to say yes to the idea because it will be a hot scene that will be describe so well.... HOWEVER as a long term 'she is the one' fan, it has to be a no from me. Jack himself made the point himself about being ok with the incest between Amanda and Alan but not him involved. If they have the threesome there's no way in knowing if Tara could have him once and not want him again. As people have said Jack and Kayla's relationship is still fairly new, this could destroy it or always fester at one of them. It's just the wrong time, I think Kayla only agreed to it because she felt bad.

Maybe in one of your chapters work in a threesome with someone just so we can see how you play it out. But if Jack and Kayla are to go all the way and be together forever then it can't be with them and certainly not with Tara. The cousin part is a problem but I think because they are so close it will definitely cause problems.

Anyway great chapter big man!! I was late to work because I couldn't stop reading it. Can't wait to see what you go for in the next chapter. Even if you go for the threesome option I will still read and still be a massive fan!

Happy writing


  On 11/23/2014 at 2:02 PM, The pretty kitty said:

Yes = teenage boy

Nope = everyone else

Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about :)

100% true man. My anwer is yes

  On 11/23/2014 at 2:02 PM, The pretty kitty said:

Yes = teenage boy

Nope = everyone else

Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about :)

100% true man. My anwer is yes..

Hey guyz,

Abot 3 pages back i wrote 2 posts requesting links to stories like this and being more social, but i did not get any links as jashley and bashful scribe takes a lot of time to write next part i wabt some good stories like this

I read one other sequel other than the above mentioned 2 link is given below PLS REPLY WITH LINKS

Chris and christie by theblackknight



Hey guyz,

About 3 pages back i wrote 2 posts requesting links to stories like this and being more social, but i did not get any links as jashley and bashful scribe takes a lot of time to write next part i wabt some good stories like this

I read one other sequel other than the above mentioned 2 link is given below PLS REPLY WITH LINKS

Chris and christie by theblackknight



It'd maintain the boring "my love knows no bounds" vanilla-esce Jack for him to say no.

However I hope that jashley decides yes, as it'd make Jack less paragon-like, and more teenage male, which is after all what he is.

Hence, I think for the sake of making the story better (in terms of creating a more interesting dynamic, as well as giving Jack some actual "flaws"), I hope it ends up being yes.


Hey did anyone hear from bashful scribe about when he is going to post his next chapter. IS HE EVEN IN THE SAME WEBSITE INFO PLEASE

Guest YNP_Refugee

Look, the way you set it up Jack is in a no win situation. HELL HATH NO FURY AS A WOMAN SCORNED. No matter what Tara says turning her down is going to kill their relationship. She would not be offering if she felt she had a choise. He will lose his cousin the moment her next relationship goes south or even before while she is in the dry spell. As for Kayla if she could not get the image of his kissing Tara from her mind when she did not SEE it she would never forget what she did see.

This could work if Kayla and Tara are as into each other as they are into Jack. Over time it could turn to a polygamous relationship.

I do not see it ever being a one off not with Tara moving to be in the area. His mom obvoisly knows of a house that will soon be available in the hood. That was obvious from her reactions. She wants her family close and that will put even more presure on both if he does and if he does not. Now that the offer is made if he wants to maintain a relationship with his favorite cousin he has no choise but to give in, sooner or later. As I said the hing pin is in the relationship between Kayla and Tara. And believe me if Kayla does have feelings that go beyond friendship for Tara hurting her is a big problem in his relationship with Kayla.

Guest YNP_Refugee

Oh, yeah one more thing. Kayla and Tara spent an awful lot of time in 'discussion' the day befoe. Most girl friends would not offer him the three way out of the goodness of thier hearts but a lot would if more than 'talk' had been part of that discussion.

AND to the person saying a yes vote means teen aged boy. I am male but almost fifty. I would say jack would go through with it in the state he is in mearly because he is confused and has one other compelling factor. Did you know most people who see death get turned on. This is not 'Sick' it is a natural reaction to death. We have an instinct to make new life in the face of death so please do not say anything about the suicide being a reason not to do it. It would in the real world push him into doing it more often then provide him an excuse for not.


First off let mw say I relate to Jack in so many ways. I have a major savior complex, I have been in a similar situation where my really close friend who I saw as a sister wanted to be with me and I had my girlfriend at the time who I wad whole heatedly in love with. They both had become really good friends after her(gf) and I got together. The thing is that she (sister friend) had been with many douche bags and never had a boyfriend that cared about her. I sat both of them down and talked it out. Based on their responses(verbal and non-verbal) I made a decision. The decison was not based on sex but more on the fact that I have seen how women/girls have changed after being in a relationship with me. I am like Jack in relevance to relationships I go hole heartedly into them and I do what ever I can my my significant other.

I disagree with why some people say no, because it would be out of character for Jack. Depending on the thought process Jack goes through to make a decision it can be yes it is out of character and it can also be a no it is not out of character. And if they so go ahead and go for it then yes their can be issues later but that would depend on their relationship how close and tight that relationship is. The relationship I had with my friend and the relationship I jad with my gf did not change after all that happened. And if you argue the fact that Kayla and Jack have only been together for four or five months, I can say that with in that time frame you can know if you want to spend the rest of your life with a person. I proposed to my wife after us being together for 3 months. It all depends on how close their relationship is. I would say that their relationship (Kayla and Jack) is close and tight and would not suffer if they did it with them talking it out first. And yes I see how Jacks relationship with Tara could suffer if he said no but, from what I ahve read their relationship is just as close as the relationship between Jack and Kayla.

I would say go for it with the right setup. Sitting down with both girls and talking to them both and possibly pulling Kayla of to the side and talking it over some more with her.

This just my opinion. Joe speaking as a fellow writer I know how important a story is to the writer and I would say take it as you see best. And thank you for sharing one of the best stories I have read.


Playing Conspiracy Theorist here, the title is She Is The One but maybe we're just assuming the "She" is Kayla. Maybe it's Tara or maybe there is more than ONE "She". Maybe it's neither. :wow:

Now, back to your regularly scheduled theories, desires and wants.

Guest NYP_Refugee
  On 11/23/2014 at 6:05 PM, COJimmyV said:

Playing Conspiracy Theorist here, the title is She Is The One but maybe we're just assuming the "She" is Kayla. Maybe it's Tara or maybe there is more than ONE "She". Maybe it's neither. :wow:

Now, back to your regularly scheduled theories, desires and wants.

Would not say you are wrong but he writer has said that Kayla is based on HIS wife.

This story could still be about a poligamy and be She is the One. Just now Kayla is the one that makes this work. A poligamy that is not held together by strong social/religious beliefe will not work without a strong female alpha who is controling it subtly. If you let the guy control it and he has a Sir Galahad complex, Jake seems to, every woman he feels sorry for he will try to recruit, consiously or not.

Guest John smith

I say yes because doing it would further help take jacks mind off of the suicide. He has also always tried his hardest to please people.

Guest Gen3ral

After sleeping on this idea, I still would like to see the threesome happen. Jack obviously wants it sexually. The mental aspect behind it is gnawing away at him. If Jack can turn the decision back on Kayla, he would have the closure that it is not a trap.

Then again Kayla may be really into this idea and we all may be overthinking this. Either way, I can't wait to see with how you respond Jashley


I definitely think Jack would and should say no to the threesome. What Jack and Kayla have is special and in the same position I would think I'd say no because, no matter what my relationship with the other girl is, my girlfriend is the one person I want to be with, and I wouldn't want someone else to get in the way of that.


Realistically speaking within the context of the story, it doesn't make much sense to have Tara moving into town, or at least close by, and have Jack say no. That pretty much throws her on the backburner. There are so many more possibilities for the storyline if Jack says yes and that is the route I would take if I were writing it, but I'm not.

It kinda boils down to Kayla. It's a normal teenage guy cop out but he needs to put this back on her and what she wants and have it explained in black and white before he commits. If he says yes, he has to have a clear conscience so Kayla can't hold it against him.

Guest YNP_Refugee
  On 11/23/2014 at 10:53 PM, Gen3ral said:

Then again Kayla may be really into this idea and we all may be overthinking this. Either way, I can't wait to see with how you respond Jashley

  On 11/24/2014 at 1:22 AM, COJimmyV said:

It kinda boils down to Kayla. It's a normal teenage guy cop out but he needs to put this back on her and what she wants and have it explained in black and white before he commits. If he says yes, he has to have a clear conscience so Kayla can't hold it against him.

Look at why he is supposed to be "Making Love" to Tara. And, yes that is what Kayla is asking him to do even if she does not use those words. Reread why he is to do this. She wants to be with someone who loves her. To women this really does boil down to wants her if sex is involved. Women's number one fear is abandonment and this is what every guy has done to Tara. No where in the story does it say she has been abused in bed, i.e. beaten or raped or even rough sex, only in the relationships. Most guys who are abuse women the way the story indicates she has been are excelent lovers that is why women like them.

In most circumstances you could throw it back on your girl friend but not in this one. The moment he tries it invalidades what he is being asked to do. From Tara's point of view he would be saying, "I do not want you. I would however FUCK you for my girl friend."

Guest The Showoff

Honestly, I'm pretty torn...

- Jack should agree because he does love Tara and would never hurt her feelings by saying no. And like someone said before, since Tara's moving in the neighborhood, it would be a bit lame to just remain statu quo. It's a long story in the making (Jack and Tara) so it would just finalize itself.

- On the other part, he really seems to act "divinely" and only seems to want Kayla. He never even thought of Tara (his cousin after all...) as a hot girl, but more as a sister. And this is what makes this story continuous, Jack and Kayla's relationship. By making it 3, it would open (too?) many oportunities (Tara, Amanda, etc.). Making it separately (a la Amanda) would have been almost better.

So, even though it would be really good, I'd say the story would be better if Jack said no...... For now.

Anyway, whatever the choice's gonna be, I know for a fact that it will be greatly written!

So I'm not worried one bit, any way you chose, it'll be great!

Awesome job as usual man, followed you from XNXX (and left it for good) and it's really worth it.


I've talked with BashfulScribe, the content of his story has been getting them removing the story before it's posted. That's all I'm going to say about him, I came to coment about this chapter in Jashley's series, not talk about other authors.

Loved how you brought the entire conflict to a bit of a resolution, but, Jack definitely needs to talk to someone about what happened. I know exactly what Belle went through, well, didn't witness it, but, dealt with the situation after.

Bringing Tara in, that could be interesting, Jack obviously loves her, and honestly probably measured most other women to her standard. Beautiful, smart, funny, maybe the one thing most over looked too is they were like best friends. Theres a reason they were, they each probably had what the other was looking for in a partner(ish). He loves and adores Kayla, I have a feeling they do live a long and happy life together, with a few bumps. Either Tara could be a bump for them, or maybe she could feel what she's always wanted, which is loved. The problem there is, if Amanda sees that happen, she'll start wondering why she's not good enough for Jack, she is his actual sister.

Wise beyond his years, but, still a teenager. At that age, you're entitled to mess up. Kayla seems ok with Tara joining in with them, as long as she's happy, and don't get jealous, go for it Jack. His worry is more how Kayla feels than himself, and so far, she seems good with it, that may change when actually in the situation, but, who knows.

The irony would be that Carson is her "mystery texter" and Kayla has to kind of explain a bit more of her past to Jack. Maybe that Carson is the one that she had professed that she loved all those years ago and now can't stand the sight of him.

Regardless, loved the chapter, and welcome back, we did miss you. Carry on how you want to take it, and we'll be here waiting patiently for more chapters.

Guest JohnnyBanana

Jashley you forgot the reality check! Or are you saving it? And if you hadn't realized already, you have the most loyal fan base I've ever seen. Justin Bieber doesn't have shit on your fan base. Seriously, look at the attention to detail everyone pays to this story...

Guest YNP_Refugee

Hints in the bit about Carson is that he is in love with his Step Sister.

But that is one of several things that hits me about this story. Kayla's double standard. She set up the 'total honesty' policy then decides that she is the sole arbiter of whether something effects the relationship. Seems a very feminine thing to do right down to blowing her top when he follows the rules after doing something that I can see happening. I sleep walk and have had arguments with family members about whether or not I watched TV with them at 2 or 3am. I am told you can not tell if I am awake or not. I have a fairly high IQ and carry on complete conversations after going to bed and never remember them. I finally had to tell them not to take an agreement with me to do something before breakfast as official as I may not remeber it.

I have even taken time to realize who was in bed with me and why a few times.

He was used to waking with Kayla in his bed. She has slept there with their families knowledge on a few occations while her family was out of town. Kissing the female next to him coming up from sleep is understandable. Even in the military they give leway for the behavior of someone waking up. His last clear waking memory was alone and then a woman was with him. I know what I would have thought in that situation.

Her father who retired from the sub service acts more like he is a SEAL or NI. And describing him as big as he was in the first chapters makes long term sub-service an unlikely path for him to have been selected for and in the sub service it is selected they want people who fit efficeintly into small spaces. Talk to someone who has been on a sub for a couple of weeks. Passages are short in the head room dept. like 6' or under from deck to cealing. Portals through the bulkheads even worse. Bunks are like 24"x24"x5'11" they select for size as much as talent for that particular service. It seems more like whatever he is doing now needed him to somewhat hide a black op background by shift and retire.

There are a few others but I will quit here.

Guest PuffTheMagicD

Jack acts like an angel something that is not very realistic, it would be nice if he said yes and gave into an impulse for once

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