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Everything posted by BigMan7307

  1. That sounds strangely like a scene from BITG.... tell him to mind himself and no hanky panky in the recovery room. Glad to see all is going good, now you will just have to strap him to the bed so he actually recovers. Congrats Kari! Who knew? He wasn't shooting blanks, lol. Prayers and love to all of you.
  2. Keep in mind that Legion is sentient now... capable of going against what it's programing is. Just like Alice can make her own decisions. How many times in a fit of rage has a person done something that they normally wouldn't do?
  3. Mr Wu was Thomas.... not Tommy. Could have always named it Max Jr.
  4. Chapter 6 of Sister Sister just posted..... Enjoy everyone.
  5. We're only as bloodthirsty as the author lets us be. Luckily, he's almost as bad as we are. I would love to see the "invasion team" find the cave having a little party with the spiders that happen to still be stored in there. Waterproof stealth spiders that can attatch themselves to the sub, causing a minor implosion at 500 feet under the water.... the only survivor it the asshole leader and he's gently placed in a pod and gets treated so good by Max and Co. that Mr. Wu wouldn't have lasted 30 seconds.
  6. Thank you, and it's my pleasure to help.
  7. Your new one is posted. I hope it came out the way you had wanted it to.
  8. I actually like that you're not super specific, it gives us the chance to use our imagination. When you tell us "massive casualties" to some it could mean a dozen, to other's it would be like nuking a football stadium during the super bowl. It's all in our perception. I'm personally just glad to see you back up and running, and hopefully coming up with some very Amyesque twists and turns. For me, I see the "big general" as one of the typical idiots that don't actually do the work, but, will gladly take credit for success, and pass off blame when it all goes very south. I would have guessed that after the house and ranch attacks, that Max would have seriously upgraded the defenses, using things similar to the Sea Whiz guided with lazer instead of radar, and made them more of an anti personnel type, hell, throw a couple old Howitzers on the grounds. Not a full on compound like a military base could be, but definitely some form of first line defense to whittle the assholes down by a few hundred before they made it to the house.
  9. When the house was attacked, it took the bots a while to clean up, and he estimated over 100 on just that little run in. The numbers from when the ranch was attacked would probably be similar in count. The orphanage was well over 50. Vatican the casualties were less, but, only because of where they went into it, not as many people in the inner sanctum,count that at about 20. The castle was up there in count, I'd guesstimate 100ish (not counting the kids they couldn't save). The prison was mostly a massacre where they didn't save as many, maybe another 100. The gang fight after the twins stood up for eachother was over 20 for sure, probably closer to 50. The little ambush on the caravan from the house probably cost the ghost ops 100. Just going on rough guesses, Max and crew have killed just in GITG would be between 500 and 700. Granted, Magus wasn't very specific on body counts when telling the story, so this is just what I would guess.
  10. All of us looneys are drawn to him like moths to a flame, then again, he might be just a bit more looney than we are.
  11. Magus dropped the first chapter of BITG in Feb/March of last year on XNXX.... by the time he got to chapter 63 or that one, it was just as he jumped over here, in fact, the first chapter posted on here was the final chapter of BITG. His rate of writing varied, sometimes a chapter a day, other times a chapter a week maybe longer if he got hurt and was in hospital. The only times it seems like he drops off the grid like this is when he's really hurt, has family obligations, or his net goes to shit on him. It just so happens that all three hit at the same time for him right now. Knowing him, he'll have 5 or 6 chapters all written and ready to post when it all kind of settles down for him. He's one of the first to tell you that he hates half finished series', so rest assured that unless he's dead, he's probably writing something. Can't wait to see what happens and have been kind of missing my Anna fix, I know that's mostly back story, but, it's nice to see how they all got where they are in NorthStar.
  12. When you're ready, we're ready for more. Hopefully health works out good, and watch the water, lotsa nasties growing if you drink from the creek.
  13. Think back on your personal past... has it all been "happy go lucky"? My guess is not, then look at it from a teenager's perspective (which is inherently pessimistic). Life is usually a bunch of sucker punches, hits us when we're not expecting it, maybe not major dilemas, but, they're there. Teen suicide is up, why do you think that may be? Could it actually be lack of interaction with parents? As a parental survivor of a suicide, we kick ourselves over not knowing our kids as well as we'd like, but, we always get "They just dont understand, or know how things are for us"............ chances are, we've been there ourselves, quit saying we won't understand, and try us, you will probably be shocked.
  14. With every series I read, I know enough not to push, or beg for updates, other's lives aren't mine, while I may have the time to sit and read, they may not have the time to write. Honestly, if you want constant updates, write yourself. It's not our responsibility to constantly update for you, our life happens, and things that are out of everyone's control happen... get over it. My life don't revolve around you, I'm sorry, but, it's a fact, learn to live with it. Begging and pleading for an update isn't going to help the situation at all, while you may think the sun rises and sets in your ass, you're really the only one that thinks that, what's most important to you, isn't the most important to someone else... your life is yours, theirs is theirs. I hope you enjoyed the camping trip Magus, and hopefully they get you all hooked up relatively soon so you can post. Eagerly, but patiently awaiting. BigMan7307
  15. Can't wait to see them, but, be patient too, true art takes time, and we all do have the understanding of schedules. Taking a page from Magus with the cliffhangers, us poor readers are doomed, lol. I did reply to your pm as well.
  16. To a degree I have to agree with Magus on the birth thing.... it's a wonderful thing, but, at the same time, seeing it makes a guy feel woefully inadequate, no matter how big he is, lol. Nanites are, no matter how you look at it, computers, and they'll only do as they're told. Granted, Legion has become self aware, the big question, who all has the Legion nanites, and who has the old "dumb" ones. We know that Nadi had the experimental ones, but, did they become self aware when Legion did? When you figure in the human factor involved in them, things like that will happen, every person is different, and will cause different complications.
  17. Been waiting two months... when's the next update on your own story, you obviously have time to critique, and read. Exam season may be now, what about the last two months? You've had the time, just lack of gumption apparently. Excuses is over, I've watched you commenting, without even making an effort, maybe it's time to just end the series and read instead. Magus getting shipped out, or surgery is a legit excuse, what's yours? Laziness? If you wanna hold yourself to Magus' standards, you got a long way to go, even when on assignment, he posted chapters, you done nothing but make excuses. Give me a real reason to come back and read your story because, 5 chapters in a year, when Magus has posted 60 in that time frame and every one you've commented on, shows you really don't give a shit about your readers, you're just after the ego stroke, give us something to read and we'll be happy to oblidge..... Sorry I'm being an ass, but, maybe, just maybe, if you want to be a writer, you should write and give us a reason to read. Magus.... Good Luck and Godspeed on your recovery, can't wait for the next chapter, with luck, Amy will definitely survive and as far as the reproductive part, even if she's messed up, I know Max will do everything to fix it, who knows, maybe come up with a way for Alice and May to conceive too. Patiently, yet eagerly await as always.
  18. The story is good.... the total lack of updates is the worst, especially when constantly postponing. Comments on other's stories, which you are obviously reading, yet nothing here, if you want to be a popular writer on here, either write the whole thing out in one shot, or consistent updates, not skip because "you don't feel like it" we've been waiting months for a decent update, not the shorty chapter, a real update... you've obviously had the time, just the lack of gumption to keep your readers interested. Honestly, there isn't enough of a story there to truly critique.... 5 chapters, that's a novella. What's there is good, now, someone needs to say it, so imma..... get off your ass and start writing, you talk smack about writers not finishing, or slow updates, sofar, you're one of the slowest. Done with the excuses, yeah, exams, if you're up on it, they aren't that bad, or maybe complete the series and everyone can go on about things. Honestly, waiting a couple months for an update, when you're obviously on here and reading/commenting makes for a piss poor writer as far as fans are concerned. If you're gonna promise a chapter, deliver, no excuses, and if you think i'm just picking, look back on your updates..... Sorry, I'm just not happy, or exam time.... get over it, either read, or spend your time writing, quit whining and actually be productive. Like I said, so far, it's one of the better series out there, if there were some updates occasionally. Three months for a short chapter, then nothing but "unsatisfied" updates as far as your own forum..... we won't even mention other's forums. Buckle down and write, or give it up, that gives us the option to read, or move on, quit the promising of updates, and not delivering.
  19. If you look back in the history, the ones that have said they'd stop reading, obviously continue to read, and occasionally comment, however their comments usually consist of how Magus isn't going their way in the story. It happens, the big key is, you may not like the chapter, or what happens to someone, but, there is still the entire series that is by far the best I've read. To the ones that cry because a "good guy/girl" gets hurt, or does something they wouldn't do, get over yourselves, it is afterall Magus' series, for the most part, we're along for the ride, and occasionally offer him even more "Amyesue" ideas than he already has. Max did warn Nadi that the security system would try to confuse them, hence the reason for Emma, Becca and the babies guarding the door. With Max reassigning code and my guess with Legion's help, I see Max and Nadi coming out of the pods within the next chapter or so. My guess is the shadow group's parent "company" has no idea what they're really up to, and probably don't even care, as long as there's occasional results. I'd love to see Rick go one on one with Whitehead, if nothing but for Rick to get a little revenge on his old supervisor, the one that was all but responsible for Rick almost getting killed trying to save David. Loving the series, and can't wait for more in it.
  20. Nadi downloaded into Max's subconscious mind, that's the only time he can link with her. She can't detect him because you can't detect what you're a part of or inside. Legion saw the problems and saw that the most likely and safest download node was direct to Max. Alice, Max and May are probably the only ones with enough capacity to hold the download. Remember, Legion knows more about every one of them than any person could, their core thoughts is to take care of the ones they love, to make them better than they were, Cat has made Nadi's body perfect, along with Legion, made it physically perfect. Legion won't have a problem changing synapses and things because basically, Nadi is dead, he's making a body basically from scratch, no need to worry about changing personallity or things, a perfect biological version of Alice. When Max made Alice, the brain was most important, the rest was really superfluous, granted, he's not going to put his oldest and dearest friend in an "ugly" body, he'll still do his best. With Nadi, they have the base material to fix, and perfect, she'll be a truly human version of Alice. The reason thie girls can't wake Max.... he's internalized, he's so deep inside of himself with Nadi and unlinked. It's gonna take someone like Rick or another psychologist to get deep enough in his mind to actually find Nadi. Deeper than all the crap he's put up with, and only when Nadi feels safe enough to be drawn out will she come back. Who knows, maybe she told Legion to download her to him, and plant her deep so she'd always be truly a part of Max.
  21. I hope they rig up a huge delivery room for both Nadi and Emma, Max is gonna want to be there for all of the births, they are aferall his kids. Still gotta say, as much as I like the action ones, the sappy, interaction ones seem to be the hook for me. You keep opening up these storylines, you're going ot hit chapter 300 lol. Not much philosophical, just been reading older stories. I can't wait for more NorthStar, I know GITG is priority, but, I kinda miss Anna, Nick, and everyone too. Rest and relax, hit the hot tub... be glad you're not here, there talking a foot of snow.... in May, oh well, maybe a snow day on Monday, give me a chance to really catch up.
  22. Yeah, theoretically, there is already a universe where all of that did actually happen. I figure, I wouldn't change anything, I'm pretty content with who I am, and changing anything would change who I am now.
  23. Most horny teenagers agree, it's fun, and when you can have multiple partners without the stigma of being called a slut, it's even better. Petra was locked away and isolated since she was taken from her mom, during that time, she was probably abused worse than all of the other kids combined. Physical scars heal, the emotional ones take a hell of a lot more to work through, luckily, Petra has a pretty good support group, most broken almost as bad as she is. I think Emma is finally starting to realize how her and Max are, yes, they are eachother's "one", enfolded into that, and just as closely, they have Petra now, that obviously Max loves deeply, probably almost as much as he loves Emma.... he proposed to Petra as well, you didn't see him drop on his knee with Becca, Nadi, Amy or Alice did you? With luck, there will be fewer missions that Max is directly involved in directly, hopefully, he can "retire" to become more of the logistical/material provider in the future, with his resources, he could do a lot more good if he can sit back and direct without endangering him, or his core group, well, as much. As far as ages for Sniper..... Amy, Max, Emma all should appear about 17ish.... Cynthia is still breast feeding. According to the timeline, around the end of the year that they met Becca was BITG 63, like Thanksgiving that year, then port a little bit into the future is where GITG is at. Timeline gets a little muddled and confusing to me because of the fact that when crap hits Max, it's like fighting Bruce Lee, there may only be two fists, but, it feels like 30 all at the same time. Hard and fast is how it seems to go with them. The Christmas time raid on Volstock, takes place about a year after they met Becca and Suzy, Cynthia is born, and still nursing.
  24. With the rise of step parents, I went with the at least one of them, because they don't always stay together.
  25. That actually proves the point.... you can't legislate it. Sex as a teen is going to happen. Whether society likes it or not, they will. I know parents don't like thinking about their kids having sex any more than their kids want to think about their parents having sex. Just because you try to deny something is happening doesn't mean that it isn't. You're here because at least one of your parents had sex to conceive you, and obviously, they made the decision to keep you, showing a huge mark of maturity on their part.
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