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  On 5/13/2015 at 10:07 PM, magusfang said:

They're just a bloodthirsty lot... :P

there will more battles but not for a few chapters and then we'll get sidetracked as the subplots start rolling in...Haven't heard from Jenna and Evan yet, and there's Mike, Leia, and Mel...and anyone missing Mika yet? So much potential convelutions...

Subplots no problem. Last I saw Mika she was getting to know her guy, "the kitchen helper". Just worry about your surgery. I hope that she has some nanites in her just in case Legion needs to take care of her. The family is sometimes a bit too gullible. One question when you start writing again, can Max control the spiders remotely and at what distance? I hope that Alice and Legion is keeping an eye on Mika. Max did not do a "scan" on her like he did with Hans.

  On 5/14/2015 at 6:09 PM, Guest said:

Subplots no problem. Last I saw Mika she was getting to know her guy, "the kitchen helper". Just worry about your surgery. I hope that she has some nanites in her just in case Legion needs to take care of her. The family is sometimes a bit too gullible. One question when you start writing again, can Max control the spiders remotely and at what distance? I hope that Alice and Legion is keeping an eye on Mika. Max did not do a "scan" on her like he did with Hans.

If I remember, Legion ran a scan on her and that is when they found out that she was not Max's sister. And knowing Legion I am sure that he ran a very deep scan even if he did not tell anyone. As for Amy, it was never stated how bad she was shot and no where in the story did it state that she could not have any children. That wsas stated here on this forum so that we would have another twisted plot for the evil one use in his story.

  On 5/14/2015 at 1:01 PM, magusfang said:

Ok, relax everyone...I know the story is darker than before but it will lighten up some before it gets really dark...calm before the storm so to speak. As for dark, I did have Hans shoot the pope in the last story after all...you know me, get some really gory shit then its puppies and kittens for a while :) And I do appriciate those who have been there from day 1, hope I haven't scared you off completely.

As for NC's getting hurt, it happens but I have resisted killing anyone, I'm kinda attatched to the characters as well :P

Ok, now for the bad news, in about thirty minutes they are taking me to surgery, evidently that nasty backache I had was the slug lodged against my spine shifting and is now pressing against my spinal chord, musta happened when I jumped the other week...wife is super pissed I jumped out of a plane again, oh well...so chapter 3 will probably be delayed alittle, but will resume writing under high doses of painmeds and thats always fun :)

Ok, will give you an update after I wake up...see you later :)

Hope that you recover from your surgery ok. Do not know how you are going to fair with the wife and your daughters and the little monkey. You know that they are going to ride your butt for doing what you told them that you had retired from. Good thing that it did not kill you or put you in a wheelchair for life. Listen to te doctors and nurses while they are trying to get you to walk after the surgery.

Wish you good luck in your recovery. Finish chapter 3 when you feel better.

As for angeldust and any other person that says that they are leaving you and I know that they will be back. I have followed your story from chapter 1 of BITG and will continue to follow this part also.

Lets see the girls took out three assult teams and Whitehead is going to bring on 12 to 32 more. He hasn't seen hell yet. Bring on fire and brimstone to the Alpha company. Time to release the hounds of hell from the sub basement.

Posted (edited)

I want to apologise for suggesting that Amy might loose the chance to get pregnant I've been very paranoid lately (way moorso then usual) and when he said longterm subplot that freaked me out I care a lot about these characters I found this at chapter 62 on the other sight when I was on a mission in Mexico and then I had to track it down after that dident know how it was gonna end

Back to the point I only said it so he WON'T do it begging that he dose not do that with my second favorite character

My missions take weeks sometimes months of recon before engage (unless cercumstances chance) so get some free time and generally only thing we have is reading or sleep

Edited by MajorMarioc
Guest gamascal@gmail.com

Hey Guys, not being a military person I had to go and look up what CONUS means. Maybe you can help me here, how much people does a strike team consist of because the SG has at least 32 of them, approx 12 in the US and approx 20 overseas? I hope that the FBI, and CIA, will turn a blind eye when Max start to operate on them! People are going to start dropping like flies! I notice that Max has not spoken to Sarah and Charles' boss yet. He had better do the when he and Nadi escape from the nanites.

  On 5/15/2015 at 12:16 AM, gamascal@gmail.com said:

Hey Guys, not being a military person I had to go and look up what CONUS means. Maybe you can help me here, how much people does a strike team consist of because the SG has at least 32 of them, approx 12 in the US and approx 20 overseas? I hope that the FBI, and CIA, will turn a blind eye when Max start to operate on them! People are going to start dropping like flies! I notice that Max has not spoken to Sarah and Charles' boss yet. He had better do the when he and Nadi escape from the nanites.

A strike team varys from team to team generaly speaking consists of around 5-10 men but can be upwards of 12 depending on the actual team and can even be as low as 2 and also varys from service to special service but the shadow group is made up of criminals and alphabet dogs so most likely we are talking 12 teams posible 10-13 man teams

Posted (edited)

I think I'm dead.....are you the demons sent to torture me? ;)

Oh Man I feel like shit! So evidently I survived the surgery, legs hurt so that's a good sign, can wiggle my toes and bend my kneew, Yay! Every one her is all crocadile tears and snot bubbles, seems they've been trying to wake me since noon...told my wife I heard lunch sucked and wasn't worth interrupting my dream of booze and broads! She hit me, can you believe she actually hit me? Why are my girls so mean to me?Gonna try and write a little but my head is pounding and I'm still a little fuzzy, Oh well, Oh look, its ben over half an hour since I woke up and still no pain meds! I just might start getting fukin grumpy soon!

Oh and thanks for all the well wishes...

Ok, On to AU giant spider spoiler cause some seriously messed up shit was rolling around my head while I was off viviting my anscestors:

K, Amy was so badly shot up they were only able to save hr brain in a jar which Max then installed in a warbot that they airdropped into DC. While Amy was tearing up our nations capitol, Legion accidently released billions of nanites who were pissed that I haven't gotten my painmeds yet ( :P) and they went on a rampage dissolving nine tenths of the population while Max went traveling in a warbot and found a town run by Tina Turner...

Edited by magusfang

Glad you survived (relatively) intact magus. I would like to be able to say that hopefully this will make you think twice about jumping out of perfectly good, working airplanes, but somehow I don't think so, lol.

I have to admit that I had fun reading through your last post though. It made me laugh.

Hope they get you your meds soon. Happy, fun, magus time!


Are you shore you don't have any pain meds yet? I remember the last time you were on pain meds (back in BITG), thanks got kinda weird. glade to hear you survived the surgery and if your wife hit you that just means she cares about you. I have been reading you since chapter 1 of BITG and even though there has been parts I didn't like on the total I love your stories and can't see me stopping until you do.


Oh yeah, will be on the good shiy for a while...hanf on boys and girls - it's gonna be a wild ride!


what? Sounds like you got your pain meds. LOL :coffee:

Guest gamascal@gmail.com

I believe that the nanites need more maternity, or maybe medical, training (Magus, please note on your return). Madge, and now Nadi, almost died during childbirth and more of the girls want to get pregnant, with either Max or someone else. How they get it I don't know but I am going to leave that part to Master Magus! Max medical training is woefully inadequate. The other kids should be checked out too. Hope you are ok Samara.

  On 5/15/2015 at 5:42 PM, Rescue25 said:

Oh yeah - they have you on meds. You only get this wild when on them.



Not sure how this will affect the story, either there will be a lot more deaths or lot more laughs (can't have both, that would be psychotic... Oh yeah)

  On 5/15/2015 at 5:51 PM, that-one-guy said:

Not sure how this will affect the story, either there will be a lot more deaths or lot more laughs (can't have both, that would be psychotic... Oh yeah)

Been waiting two months... when's the next update on your own story, you obviously have time to critique, and read. Exam season may be now, what about the last two months? You've had the time, just lack of gumption apparently. Excuses is over, I've watched you commenting, without even making an effort, maybe it's time to just end the series and read instead. Magus getting shipped out, or surgery is a legit excuse, what's yours? Laziness? If you wanna hold yourself to Magus' standards, you got a long way to go, even when on assignment, he posted chapters, you done nothing but make excuses. Give me a real reason to come back and read your story because, 5 chapters in a year, when Magus has posted 60 in that time frame and every one you've commented on, shows you really don't give a shit about your readers, you're just after the ego stroke, give us something to read and we'll be happy to oblidge..... Sorry I'm being an ass, but, maybe, just maybe, if you want to be a writer, you should write and give us a reason to read.

Magus.... Good Luck and Godspeed on your recovery, can't wait for the next chapter, with luck, Amy will definitely survive and as far as the reproductive part, even if she's messed up, I know Max will do everything to fix it, who knows, maybe come up with a way for Alice and May to conceive too. Patiently, yet eagerly await as always.

  On 5/15/2015 at 8:07 PM, BigMan7307 said:

Been waiting two months... when's the next update on your own story, you obviously have time to critique, and read. Exam season may be now, what about the last two months? You've had the time, just lack of gumption apparently. Excuses is over, I've watched you commenting, without even making an effort, maybe it's time to just end the series and read instead. Magus getting shipped out, or surgery is a legit excuse, what's yours? Laziness? If you wanna hold yourself to Magus' standards, you got a long way to go, even when on assignment, he posted chapters, you done nothing but make excuses. Give me a real reason to come back and read your story because, 5 chapters in a year, when Magus has posted 60 in that time frame and every one you've commented on, shows you really don't give a shit about your readers, you're just after the ego stroke, give us something to read and we'll be happy to oblidge..... Sorry I'm being an ass, but, maybe, just maybe, if you want to be a writer, you should write and give us a reason to read.

Magus.... Good Luck and Godspeed on your recovery, can't wait for the next chapter, with luck, Amy will definitely survive and as far as the reproductive part, even if she's messed up, I know Max will do everything to fix it, who knows, maybe come up with a way for Alice and May to conceive too. Patiently, yet eagerly await as always.

Response is on my forum, but I have one additional thing to say.

I don't hold myself anywhere close to magus standard. He is an amazing writer and I know that I will never be able to achieve anything near as good as what he writes. I don't compare myself to any of the great writers that I read,magus, jashley13, bashfulscribe, nivek_88, Joe long; because I know that I will never be as good as them. Beside their stories mine is a heap of trash that's been set on fire.

Thats all, but if you want the story ended I can do that, but I will finish it. Might not be as quickly as you would like (not even as fast as I would like) but I will finish it. If I start something I will complete it.

  On 5/15/2015 at 2:45 PM, gamascal@gmail.com said:

I believe that the nanites need more maternity, or maybe medical, training (Magus, please note on your return). Madge, and now Nadi, almost died during childbirth and more of the girls want to get pregnant, with either Max or someone else. How they get it I don't know but I am going to leave that part to Master Magus! Max medical training is woefully inadequate. The other kids should be checked out too. Hope you are ok Samara.

Remember who programmed them, the guy who vomits at the sight of blood :P

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