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remember the range on their built in com gear is only a couple hundred yards, when he sent the spider away he lost long range communication. I know it was ill advised, but I needed to mess him up a little so we can take him to the next level. Someone figured out the underlying theme of the story in BITG, see if anyone else can pick it up after the next few chapters.

But their comm links can tie into any communication satalite in the area. Alice did it in Chapter 63 of BITG to see the battle at the orpange. Also the Nanites are designed to protect their host so if they read the body as losing too much heat they will keep the body at correct operating conditions. Also if I remember for the original story wasn't he working on three or four bodies. And since the nanites inn the twins talk to them what is to say that they would not be able to reproduce to make new bodies. Quess we will just have to wait for the next chapters and hopefully not to long. Good going about their built in comm links being useful for only a hundred yards. They talked to each other over their chips across town in some of the stories.

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Guest Rescue25

thanks Rescue I am currently reading P.O.I. but the other one is new to me. I will check him or her out.

I have a problem finding stuff by search there. "She is the One" is one of his series.


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Guest Rescue25

remember the range on their built in com gear is only a couple hundred yards, when he sent the spider away he lost long range communication. I know it was ill advised, but I needed to mess him up a little so we can take him to the next level. Someone figured out the underlying theme of the story in BITG, see if anyone else can pick it up after the next few chapters.

OK. Waiting on them!



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Max seems to be becoming more of a machine after these confrontations! When he is found he is going to be pretty damaged. Too much errors and omissions are being made in these preparations for battle. I know that the girls were giving him a warm time but not putting on bullet proof tyres on Red in inexcusable. I understand the lack of preparation to rescue the last batch of kids because the priests were cleaning house but.......... But, good stories Magus I can't put them down when you drop us a chapter. I have to re-read them because the chapters are coming too slow. I am on my third re read of BITG!!!

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King of the Cliffhangers! Side note: Max is a dumbass. Dude never seems to protect himself adequately. Now I have a feeling he's gonna get captured. This could get both interesting AND ugly.

Edited by COJimmyV
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Guest Rescue25

King of the Cliffhangers! Side note: Max is a dumbass. Dude never seems to protect himself adequately. Now I have a feeling he's gonna get captured. This could get both interesting AND ugly.

Question. Where did the choppers come from? Awful lot of firepower for an outpost. Don't think the RCMP is going to come to the rescue. IF they have "soldiers of fortune" on retainer I think they would kill rather than capture. We are now talking days after the "encounter" aren't we? Too many questions AND none of the above scenarios are going to happen BECAUSE we cannot begin to twist our minds like Mangus.


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Guest Rescue25

So not a real cliffhanger, thought I'd give you a break. Started writing chapter 3 of Going Home and ended up with chapter 18 of GITG - go figure?


“The blizzard reveals many things” is the title. I would speculate that it could be taken more than one way. This is another "cliffhanger" that Mangus is known for. Fortunately not as nail biting as some of the previous ones. We will have to wait again for the next chapter for resolution.

Again well written.


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:spank:gee I know the hero has to have a hard time but shouldn't you give Max a break. almost everytime he does something heroic it seems to cost him. But maybe this Legion will help him but knowing you there will be consequences. Keep them coming, I love these stories.

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LHopefully legion will be able to help Max maybe regenerate his lost limbs. Well it is something to think about. I don't know about anybody else but I don't want to see Max turned into a robot like Alice and May. I figure two robotsb in one family is enough. Waiting patiently for the next chapter of either Girls or North star. As for Going Home I am waiting for more chapters before I start reading it. Great job as always Magus, keep up the good work.

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Legion?!! Holy shiitake mushrooms, this is REALLY getting interesting. Can't wait to see where this goes. Magus, you have become a MASTER storyteller! :beer:

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Guest Rescue25

Legion?!! Holy shiitake mushrooms, this is REALLY getting interesting. Can't wait to see where this goes. Magus, you have become a MASTER storyteller! :beer:

COJ I totally agree. Now if he would just shift into a higher gear with the writing.


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Man you guys are hard asses! I've been pumping a chapter out every couple of days, I'm not sure I can go any faster.

I worry about you when I get another contract, you guys'll go into withdrawl; best if I just stop writing all together...

I know, here's how it ends: Max gets frostbite of the brain, turns into a serial killer, kills everyone in the sub and throws their bodies overboard!

Can you tell I've been watching reruns of Dexter? :)

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Guest Rescue25

Man you guys are hard asses! I've been pumping a chapter out every couple of days, I'm not sure I can go any faster.

I worry about you when I get another contract, you guys'll go into withdrawl; best if I just stop writing all together...

I know, here's how it ends: Max gets frostbite of the brain, turns into a serial killer, kills everyone in the sub and throws their bodies overboard!

Can you tell I've been watching reruns of Dexter?

It's YOUR fault! You are such an addictive writer - we just need our fix.- like any other addict.



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Guest Rescue25

Ohhhh, spiders malfunction and go on a killing spree...I gotta stop watching Dexter!

I don't know who or what Dexter is but I think you need to change channels or use the off button (on the TV) not the trigger!



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Hey Magus, another great chapter, still love the cliffhangers, love the nanite finally have a voice. Waiting patiently for the next chapter. Even though I love Northstar and Going home, I prefer GITG

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Guest Rescue25

Hey Magus, another great chapter, still love the cliffhangers, love the nanite finally have a voice. Waiting patiently for the next chapter. Even though I love Northstar and Going home, I prefer GITG

I'll second that.


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