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Next time I'll pay attention and count. Last time my eyebrows disappeared into my hairline.

Why do people think they can tame tigers?

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Guest Soulsearcher

Due to the refraction of the sun, the minutes are distorted and bent so as to appear large and longer than they really are, then as they enter Earth's atmosphere they slowly shrink until becoming non-existant.

What's a friend green tomato like?

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Guest Melody Fate

A pretty good friend, but it's really hard to get them to wear one of those "Best Friend Forever" necklasses.

Why do all roads lead to Rome?

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Guest Melody Fate

Because you're a keyboard Gremlin god and they want to worship you and love you.

Now that it's very hot outside, why does my cat want to sleep on top of the heater?

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He knows bald and bad are sexy.

Why can't I take the bottles to the recycling depot on a regular basis instead of waiting for them to pile up and overflow all over the place?

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Guest Agaib

Because more people are home on weekends and they rain is vain enough to want to be seen.

How can an innanimate object or idea exhibit vanity?

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