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Hello Forum readers!

I'm quite new to the AFF site and I've been reading through most of the World of Warcraft archive - and I like much of what I've seen :}

I will probably post some stuff I've written but also some artwork - we'll see if it's enjoyable at all. It would be my first time posting anything for others to read.

Personal details - female, 26 from Europe. Soon to be married and a student.

Thank you smile.gif

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi
  Leonhart29 said:
I have to agree - Welcome aboard - but don't take Daz too seriously... the Mods don't bite... that hard!

Unless you want us to... whip.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

I am Kyouryoku Senshi, Kyo for short. I have one fanfic posted on aff.net which you can find by looking at my author's page. I love writing and creating music videos. My main interests are Sailor Moon and X-Files.

  • 2 weeks later...


Hi. I'm Riah. I just registered with the forums since I had a tech question but I might hang around a bit.

Obviously I like to write since I'm posting a kingdom hearts fic right now. It's my first ever attempt at not only something slightly romantic but also slash so I'm a bit unsure of where it's going.

College is a pain. College loans suck.

And that's pretty much it for me.


Hey guys,

I just found this forum and AFF. I'm so thrilled, I needed an outlet for my random smut! lol

Ok, so a little info about me;

I'm a twenty-four-year-old British gal, who's engaged with a four-year-old son.

I've been writing most of my life, and writing fan fiction for about five years. I'm also doing a home writing course, with the hope of one day being published.

I've recently got into writing erotic fiction, and most of my fan fictions contain sexual content.

  dazzledfirestar said:
Welcome aboard, Wanda! biggrin.gif Nice to see that I'm not the only Marvel fan around here anymore! laugh.gif

Thanks for the welcome! Glad to know there are other Marvel fans out there! lol


Hello! I'm FairlightMuse, and I have been an author here for several years. Love reading the stories, and giving reviews. I mostly write and read Harry Potter, LOTR, and Peter Pan. All het fics; Remus and Hermione being my main ship, I suppose. Right now I am in the middle of a huge HP story-writing project, so I really shouldn't be hanging out on the forum, but I just can't resist!


Noone can resist The Forum. It's jinxed to be addictive. biggrin.gif

Welcome the forum, FairlightMuse.


Hello, my name is ArkaineX55!

I Enjoy Video games, Programming (starting to), Reading/writing, and modifying various parts of computers/other junk.

I like less known titles in Video games like Septerra Core, Shin Megami Tensei, King's Field, etc. I currently hang around the 'Fire Emblem' and 'Tales of Destiny' Fandoms, so you're most likely to see works around there. wink.gif

I haven't started writing yet, so I came here to get some pointers from some of the other writers. I don't plan to make writing my job (Programming is going to be my major), but I sure want to make my writing as nice as possible.

Male, 19 and Single. I'm mostly going to be a het writer, I may do one Shounen work however. I just like pairings that have actual substance behind them (I'm a picky basted.)

I just hope everything goes ok!


Welcome to the board Arkaine. I hope you get all the info you're looking for here! If not, well, I'm sure someone will be more than happy to direct you to where you can!



I never did this. Maybe I should.

Uhm... Well, I Jadwin. I'm a total internet slut; you can find me just about anywhere. I'm one of the largest suppliers of MythBusters porn out there (A friend of mine beats me on that one by about seven story lines and a total 250+ chapters O_O ).

I mostly draw, though every now and then I will take advantage of this keyboard thingie here, and write something. It's normally weird, and somewhat dark, though.

What else? I'm a total geek, gay as a goose, and no, I will not fix your computer.


MythBusters is a good show and I like drawings you posted smile.gif


  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Wherever I found this link yesterday, I love that person who posted it to death. Too bad I forgot who is responsible for my showing up here already.

Now that I found out that there still is AFF and I couldn't help but bookmark it and hit the register button. I haven't been in fandom for about two years and recently decided to make a comeback to hp fandom.

So, here I am. Glad to have found this place (again)!

Edited by sorainthesky

blush.gif Guess I probably should have done this sooner. So I'll introduce myself now.

Hi ya'll!

I'm totally addicted to reading an writing fan fiction. I started about seven years ago with some Gargoyles stuff on another site. Then I was out of it for a long time, just popping in once in a while to read. I got back into writing while I was pregnant with my lasted demonseed...um...son. There's definitely a hormonal factor in my creativity, especially when it comes to writing smut. sex.gif

I write mostly X Men related fics these days. But, you can find me lurking in Harry Potter, Cartoons, comics, television, and sometimes even in the originals section. I have a bent towards the darker, kinkier fics. whip.gif I write mostly het fiction, though I've started to branch out with yaoi and yuri content. I may wind up doing some straight on yuri or yaoi eventually. We'll see.

I am working hard to improve my writing skills...Hopefully there's a progression to be seen in my writing. Sometimes I go to odd places just to challenge myself with something new. And sometimes the only way to get a story or character out of my head is to write it out. biggrin.gif

Anything else ya'll want to know...just ask. poke.gif


Hi all, I'm probably the newbie of everything. I only started fics posting this month and I join this board this month.

My fics are mostly comic based (and het).. though I do have an idea for an anime fic. But we'll just have to see if I can follow through on that tongue.gif

I just do these fics for fun and the fact that I have to get these perverted ideas out of me whip.gif

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