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This is one of my favorite forum games. Just make up a word or a short phrase and give it a definition.

Toilet Skank - A skank who visits public restrooms, pees all over the seat and leaves it there for the next person to clean up or sit down on.


sammich=like a sandwich but cuter!


Berf=the literal translation of a dogs bark (has spoken to my welsh corgy fluently using this)


kiggle=an old toothless cat who no longer pees in his box.


buttmuncher - someone who will kiss ass to aplease someone.


Benadrilled - When one takes some necessary over the counter Benadryl for severe allergies and ends up passing out, hallucinating, or going into monosyllabic zombie mode.

  aldatariel said:
Nadult = someone who is over 18 years old but doesn't behave like this

Thats MEEEEEEEEE!!!! *runs around dressed like Piyo-Piyo*


Tenquirevamé = A word I've had in my head for years now XD

Means something like "You shall love me". (yeah, the Quirevamé is spanish)


sklint=a broken splint, twice as bad as the broken leg or arm it's on.


wiener snappage -- What happens when you jam your wiener hard into something and miss, therefore causing a loud "snapping" sound and meriting a trip to the hospital. Also known as "Broken Wiener Syndrome."


Hashcloud=(please see fart aka. rancid cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and ham fart)

((you do not wish to smell this for your eyes will bleed it is doubly worse coming from an old person. I should kno!))


kwuurp--a tiny burp that sounds like a gasp (kweefXBurp)


dracat--a cat that draggs its rear parts everywhere


what's with the fucked up words? XD be positive!!! XD

Howlium - Substance that amplifies anything around it, including itself, resulting in omoshiroi.

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