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Here's a plot bunny for harvest moon fans

I don't know if this bothered anyone else, but depending on which game (such as tree of tranquility), You chose someone to marry in the game early, and once you got a new tree started or whatever, a bachelor/ette that you wanted earlier but couldn't find/ gave up on ever coming finally comes.

Soooooooo what about a romance based on that? OC/MC of Harvest Moon marries __________ and another character comes to the island that they fall in love with......and stuff happens :(

"There is an unsaid rule between ninja. A female kunoichi who survives is shared among male ninja no matter the clan."

copypasted from somewhere, fuel for ninja fandoms (Naruto, etc.)

This is intriguing... I might attempt this........whennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I finish my other two fix D:

  Kimmy_Nagasaki said:
This is intriguing... I might attempt this........whennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I finish my other two fix D:

It's been a while since I posted that, but I'm glad someone adopts the bunny. Do keep us informed if you decide to write a story about it.


I definitely will. :)

I got another idea that I know I wouldn't be able to do now, but would love to see someone do it.

I was one Fanfiction.net when I saw a Naruto fanfic called Curse Of Amaterasu written by Tonni88.

When I read it though, I thought it said Curse of Akamaru, which as many know, is Kiba's dog in the series.

But the Curse thing gave me an idea about possibly having Akamaru possibly be human.... like he was human, pissed some old hag in the middle of the forest somewhere and she cursed him to live the rest of his life out as a dog.... until he finds true love or understands real loyalty bla bla.

I thinking along the lines of Beauty and the Beast if you get what I mean by this... yeah.... ;)

  • 1 month later...

I'm worried if I tried writing it myself I would just screw it up since I have NO experience writing in this fandom.

I would really love to see something, ANYTHING in the transformers movie universe. I really like the idea of Human/Bot pairings. I see a lot of Sam/Bee, but I was wondering about other possible pairings. I would really like to see Bee with a female TBH, and really anything Optimus is hot.

Other wise with bot on bot. I kind of like the idea of Rachet and Ironhide, I dunno why but they seem to fit. Well Ratchet and anyone really seems to work.

So yeah I would try my hand at writing a transfic, but I am sure I would butcher it and be burned at the stake for my crimes against the fandom *L*.

So thats kind of the general of things I would like to see. The actual bunny that keeps hopping around in my head is:

Ratchet is working on one of the other Autobots (at this point I really don't care who, anyone!) and things go from proffessional medical, to sexual experimentation.

Add on if desired but not neseccary, this has played out in my head multiple ways: They get caught, or there is someone watching them that they are unaware of.


I've wanted to do a "next generation" story for Final Fantasy VII. I've read couple NG stories in FF.net and I have a some idea what I want to do and what I don't. But there are some questions and I hope you can shed some light what do you want to read.

Firts about the characters. Most what I have read canon characters childer usually have adopted their parents fighting tehnique. I was thingking that at least one of my main OC's doesnt's know how to figth using weapons. And some of them uses different weapons/fighting tehnique than his/hers parent. I want to focus on the canon characters children, but how much should I involve the canon characters? Ofcource there will be some event's that some canon chracters plays a major role.

In the plot there will be a new villain, but the basic story line divides in to two. And you might guess: Should I revive Sephiroth? This villain is a leader of cult, which starts out as harmless at first.

And finally I wanted to put some reference to older FF games. For exsample naming three sisters after princesses from FF I, II and V, Sarah, Hilda and Lenna. And when were talking about naming, should I name one of cloud sons afer Zach? I was thinking about placing the four elemental fiends either from FF I or FF IV, but I'm not really sure about that.

This is what I come up now, but more might come up later or when I'm writing the story. So what do you think. Should I go ahead with this or think about something else, cause I'm definetly not running put of ideas.


Transformers Movie universe.

Decepticons kidnap Sam and torture him for kicks. Bumblebee gets pissed. Commence Rescue Romance.

I don't think there'd be sex, though. Not that kind of story. Gah, I'd love to see it. I'd write it myself, but I just can't get the hang of writing Bee.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm going to possibly keep this plot bunny for later, but it seems waste to keep it to myself since I'll forget it....

Most stories I've read about Fire Emblem 9 and 10(?) have zelgius and the black knight as two seperate entities, but I was thinking, because their personalities seem kinda different in a way, maybe he has a jekyll and Hyde thing goin on?

it makes me want to write a romance about zelgius and ranulf, and how his other personality, the Black Knight, is trying to inhibit this match from occuring, because obviously, he's racist toward the laguz. then possibly a turning point where zelgius has to make a decision between himself and ranulf...

Idk.... Plot bunny go! Be freeeeeeeeeee (for now)

  • 6 months later...

Bunny for adoption: A plague runs through humanity. Through some odd medicobabble reason, it kills 75% of all human males. Of the remainder, 75% are infertile. Of the remainder of that, 75% are underage.

The story centers around a fertile boy who's been raised in a facility that keeps him healthy and occupied. From puberty on, he's required to masturbate into a special container that collects his sperm for the repopulation of the planet. It's a celebrated act, and his donations are praised by the women at the facility. (Doctor, nurse, physical trainer, tutors, etc.). They all grow to love him and he loves them.

On his 18th birthday, someone helps him make the official donation. Then she has her way with him. The official policy is that as long as he's making daily contributions, the women can use him as a perk of their employment. Once one gets pregnant, she's rotated out of that facility and someone else replaces her.

  dogears said:
Hello everyone!!!!

I am working on a trinity blood story To Seduce a Duchess. Its a yuri story involving most of the woman from the trinity blood universe. So far I have had Asthe have lesbian sex with Sahrzand. I am looking for opinions on the story. Look it up and feel free to send me yours.

Cheers Dogears or fluffy ears

Dogears,shouldn't this be in 'promote a story?' Not plot bunny farm?

  Keith Inc. said:
Dogears,shouldn't this be in 'promote a story?' Not plot bunny farm?

btw, you're quite right, and just as soon as I can work out why it's not letting me move the post, I'll put it in the right place.


OK, here are mine. There are several but all are Sesshomaru/Kagome from Inuyasha....

Demon/Dream Lover


• AU

• Never been to the feudal era

• Old book about demon lore-True History of Japan

• Waited for someone with enough power to bring him back

This isn't strictly a K/S fic but a threesome with Kouga

Last Warrior


-Kagome, Sesshomaru and Kouga are all that is left

-No one knows where Inuyasha is

-Kagome drinks heavily and is about to kill herself.

-Neither one wanted to interfere with her life

=will wait until they feel she is stable enough but Sesshomaru can’t watch her destroy herself

-Sango died in child birth

-Miroku drank himself to death

-Jaken died in the final battle

-Shippo died in a kitsune civil war

-Rin died of old age

-Kouga and Sesshomaru will care for her and she won’t have to work if she doesn’t want to

‘Kidnapped’ Kagome


• They have been together for a year but no one knows

• She actually made the first move-kissed him

• At first was just her way to deal with her pain but grew-almost like an addiction

• Inuyasha sneaks off to Kikyo-she to him

• Not about revenge just filling a need

• Inuyasha never figured out what was going on-too involved with Kikyo

• Sesshomaru has even gone home with her

• Just waiting for the jewel to be complete and Naraku to be gone to announce they are together

• One night, she’s attacked by Naraku for her shards-hurt

• Sesshomaru decides that she’s in too much danger and ‘kidnaps’ her-taking her to the fortress

• Inuyasha goes after them but finds out she’s willing

• Wants to feel she’s desirable-ego stinging because of Kikyo

there is no title for this but working one was called Hidden Lovers

Starts out after Sesshomaru loses his arm in his fathers tomb. He wants to understand how Kagome could pull the sword when he and Inuyasha couldn't. So he seeks her out. At first she's wary of him and a bit scared but he assures her that he just wants to talk to her. For him it starts a bit of a fascination with him and he finds her fascinating.

This follows the series episodes where they meet up every so often.

Next big scene was after Ep 19 in the series (after he and Inuyasha battle for the fang with the borrowed arm from Naraku-it happens after she comes back after Inuyasha pushed her though the well) She meets him after the bit with Naraku is done and she's going home to change clothes and gather her things. She all but throws herself on him, hugging him, crying, because she thought he would be mad at her because she shot at him with her sacred arrows to stop the fight. He knew she missed on purpose and isn't mad at her over it. That's when the friendship starts and he decides he really does like her.

They keep meeting up but the next big scene is after ep. 48 in the series (after Kagome sees Kikyo and Inuyasha once again and decides to go home-afer the battle with Jaromaru and Kagaromeru). He catches her before she goes home and listens while she tells him about what happens and comforts her a bit while she cries-that's when they become lovers. At home she decides to go back but not for Inuyasha-she is over him and sees him as nothing more than a friend. She goes back for Sesshomaru and what they are sharing.

Goes on to where they meet up periodically and she sneaks off to see him at nights here and there. It's progressed that he decides he wants her as a mate and she wants the same thing they just want to wait a while beause of Naraku. He makes it clear that he will let her travel with Inuyasha until he proves he can't provide enough protection for her.

After the bit with the Band of Seven he's pushed close to taking her. But that finally comes after Hakadoshi tried to get her soul. Because Inuyasha was off hunting Kikyo she was left alone and vulnerable. He's had enough and 'kidnaps' her, taking her to the fortress where they become mates. Of course, Inuyasha goes after them and finds out what really went on and that Kagome is willing.

  • 6 months later...

Plot bunny looking for good home.

Final Fantasy

An idea I originally had for Rydia, tho Garnet or Yuna would work too, as well as any character that can acquire the Summoner class.

It involves a little-known side-effect where a Summoner occasionally emits pheromones that don't have any affect on humans, but causes certain creatures to become sexually aroused.

The results of this would depend alot on the character, it's a curse to some, but a gift to others.


This should be an interesting brain exercise:

* A blind, mad seer and their faithful companion, alone in the world. Companion falls in love/lust, seer reciprocates; themes about consent, ethics and "what is madness?" are explored throughout the story.

* Happy couple is having fun, one of them dies. The surviving spouse/lover is visited in the subsequent weeks by the apparition of their beloved. It is never made clear if the ghost is truly there or if the living spouse/lover is steadily going insane with grief.

* A warrior is shunned from their society because of their refusal to kill. He or she meets a former pacifist who was forced to resort to violence when threatened. Former pacifist believes warrior's way of thinking will not last, warrior remains resolute.

* A Changeling: The Lost story about a motley trying to remain sane in an ever changing world. Touches themes of identity, madness, reality, illusions, acceptance, loss and hollowness.

* An archer in a quest for revenge is given a certain amount of special arrows (can be replaced by a gunslinger with special bullets). Using each of them guarantees a sure shot, but once the arrow/bullet is fired, it's gone forever. A healer appears after they've spent nearly all of the special ammunition, and tells the archer that the arrows can be used to save lives in a special ritual. Will the archer choose the selfless path, or will they continue with their vengeance? What if the lives to be saved are those of loved ones? What if the object of their revenge will kill more if it is not stopped?

* Two political prisoners of radically different backgrounds will be executed by a corrupt government, and they're put in the same cell during their final days. There's nothing left to lose. Their time is running out.

* A person sees a terrible fate befalling the world in the next few days. Nobody believes him/her. What can a single person do to save the ones they love? Isn't it better to simply give up and embrace the end?

* A person must die so that another may live. The one that volunteers to die is simply looking for an honourable way to commit suicide. The one that will live is a cheerful, kind person who slowly begins to make the other realise that life is worth living. When the moment comes to make the sacrifice, the volunteer hesitates. Should they sacrifice themselves, after all the things they've never had a chance to do? At the cost of the life of the very same person that made them realise that?

* A hunter from a starving tribe sets out to bring food to their people. They encounter a wounded animal, once which could easily feed the whole tribe for weeks. When the hunter approaches, the animal takes on a human form and pleads for their life. Choices choices.

* Two soulmates have constantly reincarnated through the ages, instinctively seeking each other out. This time, they find themselves in opposite sides of an all-consuming war. Desertion means death, and places to hide are almost non-existent. Do they run forever or commit suicide, hoping that next time their lot in life will be better?

* A race has been almost entirely wiped out. The survivors must do their best to rebuild, and that means doing their part to breed lots and lots of children. What happens when two people fall in love, even if they're already meant to marry someone else? Do they fulfil their duty to their people or follow their hearts? Works better with F/F and M/M.

* Two life-long friends come of age. A light-hearted, fun story ensues as they discover the wonders, sorrows, mysteries and secrets of life together.

* A person is condemned for something they did not do, and exiled from their community. Enraged at this, this person's friend packs up and leaves with them. Come hell or high water, it's them against the world.

* A soldier after the war comes home to discover everything has changed, nobody recognises their sacrifice, and there's no way they can become a normal member of society again. Someone reaches out to give them a helping hand, and the soldier holds on like a lifeline.

And the one I'm writing, myself:

* The world is tainted by war, hatred, fear and much more. Those who try to cleanse it must risk being tainted themselves in the process. Can purity be maintained or is it doomed to fade? Does a hero sacrifice himself, taking the taint into himself for the betterment of the world, or do they try to keep themselves pure and inspire others to do the same? Do the bonds of friendship transcend it all, or are they too, easily tainted?

If anyone is inspired to write anything based on any of the above, drop me a link and I'll be happy to review.

  • 1 month later...
  On 9/27/2010 at 7:27 PM, Shadowknight12 said:

This should be an interesting brain exercise:

* A blind, mad seer and their faithful companion, alone in the world. Companion falls in love/lust, seer reciprocates; themes about consent, ethics and "what is madness?" are explored throughout the story.

* A Changeling: The Lost story about a motley trying to remain sane in an ever changing world. Touches themes of identity, madness, reality, illusions, acceptance, loss and hollowness.

If anyone is inspired to write anything based on any of the above, drop me a link and I'll be happy to review.

Both of these sound rather intriguing. I may have to write something for them, if I can ever get the current plot in my head completed.

I'll let you know if I ever do. :)


I have a bunny that I would nurture myself, but I just don't have the time. :(

In an area that contains both a werewolf(or a different were-animal) pack and a vampire coven, a war was waged and won by the vamps. To show their goodwill towards the victors, the were-group has to give up one of their young to live and serve the leader of the vamps ('serve' can be taken anyway you want ;]). The only time the were can possibly meet with its pack would be during the full moon when they get to leave the coven for the night to roam the nearby forest.

That's the basic over-view. Explore as you wish. =]

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

i got two ideas...one i actually wrote already but want to see what you all come up with.

1. A character decides to use cheese to satisfy themselves while dreaming of the one they are in love with.

Dont ask how i came up with that plot bunny...lol

This one i have been trying to write down for a long time and it follows the Addams family...idk when i will get to write this one so i though i would bestow it on you all and if you want to use it for different characters or something go ahead...

The main character is still in mourning after 2 years because his wife died in a freak accident (fester mourning Debbie's death). The kids are getting older, but the Main characters brother and wife want to hire someone new to take over the baby...They hire someone and the Main character dislikes her at first but as months pass by he starts to like her more and more as she tries to help him cope with the death of his first and only wife. (the new nanny has to have a doc degree in psychology).

So if you can help that would be great! :D just let me know if you do!

Edited by kagome2526
  • 3 weeks later...

Odd thought...did the castaways ever know what the Professor's real name was?

I suddenly have this idea,Gilligan's Island of Professor Moreau...

Instead of making animals more like people...what if he decided their only chance for survival was to make the people more like tropical jungle animals....

Just to keep them healthy while he perfected changing Skipper into a porpoise to go 'get help.'

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

new plot bunny that i got from watching a recent episode of smallville. I am trying to use it at the moment but it keeps slipping away. So ill share and see if anyone picks up on it:

A group of charaters get together to celebrate a special occasion. They somehow get drunk and dont remember anything from that night the next day..

Edited by kagome2526
  • 1 month later...

I've got a couple plot bunnies, but I'm going to write them myself and turn them into stories when I get a bit of time. To be honest, I'm a n00b at writing erotic fanfiction, I've never written a sex scene before. Each story I have planned will have a different orientation, one will be M/M, one will be F/F, and one will be human/inanimate object. Here are the ideas I've got:

1. fandom: Jackass. Danger Ehren has a stalker, a TDHOFC (totally disgusting, hideous original female character) who keeps trying and failing to score with him. Pairing will be Ehren McGhehey/Dave England.

2. fandom: Drawn Together. Princess Clara is a racist homophobe who hates anyone who isn't a white Christian. Foxxy Love is going to teach her a thing or two to change her mind. Pairing will be Princess Clara/Foxxy Love.

The two stories above will have sexual scenes, but they'll be humor stories for the most part. The third will have a different feel.

3. fandom: Marilyn Manson (but not focusing him): Pogo confesses to Ginger Fish that he's never been attracted to human women, and that he's instead sexually attracted to computers, keyboards, and certain other electronic devices. There will be a scene where Pogo has sex with his spring mounted keyboard, but at the moment I'm not sure how to write that.

As I said, I will be turning all three of these into stories, but if anyone else would also like to utilize one of these plot bunnies, that would be alright.

  • 1 year later...

I know this is thread necromancy, but I wondered that within the Harry Potter universe there must be children from Muggle families and Muggle families who cannot cope with the massive culture shock that is the magic world, and who have nervous breakdowns as a result. How do you deal with that? Are there children who have magical skills, but can never use them because they can't function in the magical world? How do Muggle families know how to get to Diagon Alley or onto the platform if they've no magical skills themselves and no wand yet? Also, all Muggle parents we met were supportive of their children, what happens to the ones that aren't? Are Muggle children adopted into magical families if they no longer have place in the Muggle world?

All these thoughts, which I don't want to explore in fiction, feel free to use.


I'm glad this thread has been brought back from the dead, zombie style, and I hope people start dropping off ideas here again. Especially since I'm crap at coming up with my own!

  • 9 months later...
  On 2/5/2008 at 4:04 AM, shinigamiinochi said:

I have come to the part of the story (which is original horror, not fandom) where I need to introduce Draven, the main bad guy, but I'm having trouble. I want to create fear and darkness, a picture of pure evil before he even does anything. I'm not talking about villainy, as in, I'm here to rule the world with bad plots and bad dialogue, more like mature darkness, insanity, and infamy. This is very difficult to word in a story. By this point, readers know that Draven is bad, but it is hard to remain both subtle and powerful. I'm trying for a Lovecraftian approach, but don't want to mimic him, I just admire how he can instill terror with a single image. Draven is an ancient evil who hates werewolves because of a fable that he heard as a child. He thinks that all werewolves are rivals of his species. Draven is a supernatural being completely different from werewolves who can make people insane and do violent acts. He is Inigo's father's older brother, which does cause extreme tension as Inigo's father hates his son for being a seventh child, which means in their culture that he is cursed by the devil to be a monster. Inigo, though instinctively knowing that there is something wrong with Draven, tries to get along with him for his father's sake.

Have you gotten past this yet?

If not, I would suggest making him smooth, oily. Kind of...upper nobility mixed with, say, Snape from Harry Potter? The type of person who, for example, could come in at the baby's birth and be acting congratulatory, but then say, "Oh, dear. That's going to cause you problems," with an insincere tone that no one catches, or maybe a slight smile. Kind of like Lucius Malfoy when he's first introduced in Harry Potter, all smooth and polite until he gets pissed off, and then he's all cold and exact and cruel.

  On 11/3/2010 at 12:11 AM, Asexual Biped said:

I have a bunny that I would nurture myself, but I just don't have the time. sad.gif

In an area that contains both a werewolf(or a different were-animal) pack and a vampire coven, a war was waged and won by the vamps. To show their goodwill towards the victors, the were-group has to give up one of their young to live and serve the leader of the vamps ('serve' can be taken anyway you want ;]). The only time the were can possibly meet with its pack would be during the full moon when they get to leave the coven for the night to roam the nearby forest.

That's the basic over-view. Explore as you wish. =]

I have kind of sort of adopted this, though I'm not very far into it yet. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105875

There's also an interlude for it; the only other original story I currently have posted. I hope you enjoy it!

  • 3 months later...

I've had a scene rattling around in my head for an original fic.

80s/90s-esque world. Middle of the night in late fall or early winter. The city is silent under the snow fall until a civil defense siren starts to wail throughout the night. Chaos ensues as citizens scramble to find reach shelter. A neighborhood in the distance is seen lighting up into flames.

The air above sounds as though it's being battered as two (nondescript) people rush into an alley. As they take cover behind a dumpster the sound of something heavy landing can be heard in the street they've just abandoned. While the two cower the head of a dragon comes into view at the end of the alley and peers down it menacingly.

None of that godzilla-dino crap. A real, intelligent, badass dragon you expect to see terrorizing the Middle or Bronze ages.

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