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I think it's probably safe to say that at least most of us have written some little slice of fried gold somewhere that you're still proud of. These are the lines that after reading them over a million times, they still make us laugh, cry, and all around emote.

What are some of your personal favourites?

I'll start this up with one of mine:

He tried to roll over to get up on his hands and knees, but the older man pushed him back down onto the bed. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"What are you doing?" Jamie retorted.

"Huh?" Adam thought for a moment, trying to figure out exactly what was wanted of him. "Wait. It works this way too?"

context is ill-versed in gay sex.


This is from "What Starfire said over breakfast one morning." http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040908


“I…I do not understand why Robin will not have the sex with me!” She cried, and then began dripping tears onto her waffle sandwich.

“The what?” Cyborg stopped in mid-shovel and Beast Boy shot soy-milk through his nose.

“You know. The sex: copulation, coitus, the horizontal mambo, the bumping of the uglies….”


The context here would be as the title implies. The Teen Titans are having a conversation over the breakfast table. Robin has not yet come down to breakfast.

Draco was not a happy Elf.
"Well...I am not sure that I want to kiss a GOBLIN, Runkill."

"Oh, I see!" Ron said, sounding insulted, "It is not ME you want, It is my gorgeous BODY, after all!"

"Oh, FINE! But only as an experiment!"

  • 4 weeks later...

Oh wow, how cool. They have a thread like this at a different forum, but I usually have to censor myself if those lines I'm fond of are in the midst of a sex scene (not an unusual occurence).

  from Trapped in Paradise said:
Most of all, Cloud wondered why they hadn’t had sex yet.  What was he so afraid of anyway?  Reno knew that it had been a long time for him and probably wasn’t expecting Cloud to be especially wonderful in bed.

Cloud closed his eyes as he thought of it, feeling as though he was closing in on something profound.  Oh but he wanted to be good with Reno; he wanted to see what that pretty face looked like while caught up in the abandon of ecstasy.  Cloud had imagined it too many times to count since their first kiss and was beginning to realize that he didn’t want to just fantasize anymore.

  from Road to Recovery said:
Rufus narrowed his eyes at the smug expression on Reno’s face. He knew that look. Either something was going to get blown up in the near future or Reno had good reason to believe that he was going to get laid.

(For some reason that line always makes me smile.)

Rufus couldn’t stop touching him. He stroked his fingers over Reno’s skin and tried to make sense of how anyone could make him feel so bereft of control. Rufus nuzzled the side of his neck and found that he really didn’t care so long as this feeling was with Reno. He knew the Turk would never betray him or try to use him or manipulate him for his own gain. Though it bothered him to even think about it, Rufus knew that this was the closest to an emotional attachment that he’d ever formed.
Reno collapsed against him in a sweaty heap; he was panting hard and chuckling breathlessly, “Goddamn…I’d work harder more often if the reward always felt this good.”

Rufus shared in his quiet laughter as he stroked Reno’s hair tenderly. He silently agreed, thinking how much pleasurable paperwork and board meetings would be if they ended in orgasmic bliss.

I woke up on rough bunk in what seemed to be a cave or maybe a basement. I could hear someone screaming somewhere. Actually, it sounded like a lot of people. It sounded like absolute mortified horror. Total suffering on a scale unimaginable. But try, anyway.

Looking around I saw strange markings all over the walls, odd symbols, designs. Light was by way of guttering candles. I immediately assumed I was in a student flat and they’d forgotten to pay the electricity bill. The screaming was surely the results of one of those midnight “lets see how much chilli powder we can eat” challenges that I myself was a scarred veteran of.

  Ginevra said:
The context here would be as the title implies. The Teen Titans are having a conversation over the breakfast table. Robin has not yet come down to breakfast.


I nearly spat out my water reading that quote!

That is hilarious and so Starfire!


  Solaris said:

I nearly spat out my water reading that quote!

That is hilarious and so Starfire!

You should read the reviews...One reader claims to have shot rice out of his/her nose onto the keyboard... jawdrop.gif

Several people have told me they can no longer watch Teen Titans... whistle.gif

I'm a bad, bad girl. devil.gif

I should probably be punished. whip.gif

But, in all honesty, I wrote that first chapter as an exercise in writing dialog since I felt it was a weak point of mine. angel.gif

The smut came after I got some reviews asking for what happened next. sex.gif


From a short, short, still unfinished. Tina has been transported to the world of, to the back deck of a giant's house. The 70 foot tall teen boy scoops up the terrified teen girl and looks her over. About the time her panic attack subsides, she:

Tina lifted her face up to gaze deep into Grant's closest eye and said: "I'd take it as a personal favor if you don't eat me." 

Grant smiled and shook his head.  "Okay," he said.  "But fair is fair, you have to promise not to eat me, either." 


From a sequal to a book I haven't even finished writing yet...

"So how is it that you can sleep through class everyday and still pass?" she asked.

"Because I have an alien computer parked five blocks away and it feeds me the answers." I said it before I even realized I was giving her the truth! Oh, I was so spracked if the others found.

Alyssa laughed. "Really? An alien computer?"

"Ah, you didn't believe it?" I blushed. I actually blushed! "I guess I'll just have to come up with something else."

  • 2 weeks later...

One of my very favourite lines from inside Rufus's head. I think I really captured his infamous ruthlessness quite well without it coming off as complete sadism.

  from Indulgence said:
Rufus didn't mind one bit to finally ascend to power during such a time of crisis. He was actually relieved that he wasn't facing days and nights of paperwork and political intrigue. Rufus was well aware that the company was rotten to the core with corruption and fully intended to use the chaos of the situation to weed out the problems. He wasn't too terribly concerned that people might have to die, only that he would be secure in his seat of power after all was said and done.

And a few lines from a story that feels very dated to me when it comes to character characterizations, but has some very nice mood and imagery going for it.

  from At Last said:
Reno wasn't much for romance, but he had to admit that, after years of stolen kisses and desperate, sweaty gropes when they thought no one was watching, it really should have been more…meaningful. He knew Rufus's tastes. It could've been in his penthouse suite; it could've been expensive champagne with the lights down low.

Instead Reno was straddling Rufus's lap while he sat in his late father's office chair. They were hot and heavy with Midgar's glittering, ragged skyline stretched out behind them beyond the office's huge picture window. The desk had been scrubbed clean last night and the carpets had been shampooed, but Reno still imagined the he could smell the heavy, meaty scent of blood and death.

At least the view was nice.

Reno was nude, stretched out on the floor just like Rufus had asked of him. It was dark in the presidential office, lit only by Midgar's craze of neon outside. The lighting was harsh sometimes, illuminating Reno's features in odd manners: Picking out the curve of a cheekbone and turning it razor sharp or falling over his eyes and making them shine with electricity, so painfully blue that it was almost unnatural, like the brightness of a SOLDIER's mako-eyes.
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I've got a few I'm rather proud of. The following is from my work, Reaching the Stars. In this little snippet, Christina, the female lead, is chatting with her friends about spending the night at the apartment of the person she left the club with, who happened to be a multi-billionaire...

“Are you telling me that Jack, the Jack I danced with, is related to Kenneth Pembroke?”

“Believe it, honey,” Sarah replied, wiping away tears between chuckles. “You just slept with a wallet bigger than my ego and my sex drive put together.”

“Oh my God,” Christina said to herself in a whisper. “He must think I might have slept with him because of his money.”

“And as luck would have it, you’re a closet skank,” Sarah teased. “I thought I was the only one that enjoyed wood in the morning.”

Also, this excerpt comes from the following chapter, when the main character, Jack Pembroke, talks a little about why he decided to keep the reins of his uncle's company rather than giving it to his cousins...

Jack smiled. “My uncle gave it to me because he knows that his own son is too ambitious and impulsive to run the company, and that if he did, it would bring Pembroke Enterprises to ruin.” He rose from his chair. “I’ve seen some of his projects and propositions. Julie, Tanya, Aunt Linda, and I have all seen flaws in one way or another, but he still wants them done. The girls believe that their uncle was right and that I’m the right man for the job. They trust in me, and I have their support in all of my choices.”

Sarah couldn’t hide her smile. “You’re so full of bullshit, you know that, Jack?”

Jack shrugged. “Actually, I’m serious, but on the other hand, you wouldn’t want to give up a company with seventy billion dollars in net profits, would you?”

This is going to get too long. I'll let someone else post while I look for something from another of my works. *plots more shameless plugging* hee hee hee.

Edited by SFC_Omicronus

One of my favorite scenes, from my WIP, Frostbitten. I don't often get to write Hank McCoy so it was a rare treat:

“This timeline makes no damned sense.” Scott finally said. “How could that much damage be done in twenty-two minutes?

“Well, our resident Bavarian Lothario is a teleporter and him accidentally shuffling off this particular plane of existence and into another for any manner of extra-dimensional hijinks is nigh on mundane for the recently displaced denizens of the Good Team Excalibur.” Hank stood back and pulled his special-made latex glove from his enormous hands. “Unless he had a sudden and ill-timed involuntary nap on the floor of the asylum’s morgue and was besieged by Pietro Maximoff in the middle of psychotic break and armed with—by the look of these lash marks—a bullwhip. Someone should probably ring the Avenger’s and tell them to up Quicksilver’s pharmaceuticals.”

“You’re saying he teleported to another dimension, got his ass kicked, forgot about it and teleported home?” Scott tossed the report on an empty gurney.

“It’s been known to happen.”

“Welcome to my world.” Logan muttered from across the room.

Kurt gingerly slid from exam table, trying to ignore the throb from his mandatory tetanus shot. “Am I cleared to go?”

“Not yet.” Hank made shooing motions at Scott and Logan. “Out, you two. I’ve doctorly machinations to do and you’re under my considerable feet.”

“All right. Get some rest, Kurt.” Scott turned, grabbed up the report and headed out. Logan clamped his hand down Kurt’s shoulder and nodded at him before heading out.

Once they were gone, Henry patted the table. “Back in the saddle, if you please. I need to check you from impish ear to elfin ankle…and the interesting bits in between.”

Guest Rosemarius

From Beautiful Dirt:

"On the other hand, he threatened to kill me if I didn’t stop doing ‘the damn airplane thingy’ with the spoon while feeding him, that makes me guess he’s feeling better. When I changed to ‘the camion wroom-wroom’  he actually managed to spat greenish pea soup right in my left eye. Damn him and his aim!"
(Note: 1st person charachter is taking care of the other charachter; here he's feeding him)
With some cursing and threatening Shadow agrees to take the pills, that basing on his comment tastes like ‘dog piss and thrash’. I restrain myself to ask him how does he know.

I like to mix dramatic plots with stupid lines.

Uxie was back at Lake Acuity within the moment we had settled Palkia, not saying a word, eyes squeezed more tightly than ever. I really wish I could just open up her eyes sometimes, so she could see that things weren't always negative. Her own picture of the world had to be dreary. I dreamed of seeing Uxie's eyes too, until I remembered the whole memory erasing property of them, and decided perhaps the whole idea wasn't worth the end result.
So, after a few days sitting in my Lake Verity Cavern... I realized a few things.

I was bored.

Danger can be so exciting.

I was really bored.

My friends could use me right now.

I was painfully bored.

Both from a Pokemon fic involving a humanoid legendary trio, intense boredom, random yuri action, inability to understand humans, sudden realizations of attraction, Mesprit on a mission, and enough psychic sex-energy raised at once to attract the attention of wandering Deoxys!

..I love it, and at the same time, I can't seem to write it >_<


Ack! It's so hard to choose! Hmmm ... well, I can give a few of the PG rated ones (PG-13 at the most). Unfortunately, it seems like my favorite lines are the naughty ones blush.gif so I guess these are my back-up favorites (all from my fic Evernight, since it's mainly all I have right now):

"Wizards are so lazy," she replied, earning a glare from every single wizard in the room except for Remus, who only looked slightly amused. "I made them the way hum- err, muggles make them, and I personally think they taste better that way." She placed her hands over her heart, sighing dramatically. "My pancakes are made with love, not magic."

"Well, you burned mine," Sirius grumbled.

"I cannot say, dear boy," Dumbledore was saying hesitantly, his eyes narrowing as if he were judging Severus's mood, "that I approve of Harry spending the night in his professor's bed."

Severus looked up, a hint of anger flaring into life in his pitch-black gaze before he quickly snuffed it out, replying calmly but with a touch of mockery, "I don't see why, Albus. It isn't a school night."

The Headmaster's smile had disappeared altogether by now and he leaned forward in his chair. "Then you don't deny you are sleeping with him now."

Harry was grateful no one could see him because he was sure his face was beet-red with embarrassment. The last thing he wanted was for Dumbledore to have the inside scoop on his sex life. He didn't think it could get much worse than that.

"He's still a virgin, if that's what you want to know," Severus said bluntly, and Harry realized he had been wrong. It could certainly get worse.

Only when Harry began unzipping his jeans did Severus emerge from his unhindered study of the morion's naked back to ask with a puzzled frown, "What are you doing?"

Harry pushed his jeans down to his ankles, freeing one foot before shaking the other loose and kicking the pile of denim away from him. "I'm getting ready to have sex," he said, boldly looking Severus straight in the eye as crawled back over the bed in nothing but his boxers. "Which leads me to ask why you're still wearing your clothes."

Hmph … he's not so scary once you get him out of those robes, Harry smirked to himself, though not without suffering the consequences, heat flooding his skin as images of a naked Severus flashed through his mind. Bad Harry, Bad! he scolded himself. This wasn't the time for fantasizing. He needed to be in complete control for once. Admittedly, it wasn't his specialty, and it was damn hard to keep his lust on a leash after nearly two weeks of sexual withdrawal had left him drowning in that strange, dark energy that wanted Severus and nothing else. Not even masturbation helped, and it wasn't as if Harry hadn't thoroughly explored that option to its limits.

Unfortunately, I don't have any good one-liners. All my favorite stuff seems to come in chunks. If anyone wants to see my naughty list, just let me know laugh.gif

Posted (edited)

These parts are from my novel, Fated Enslavement. I rather got a kick out of them. biggrin.gif

“Hm…”  Lefest’s eyebrows furrowed.  He didn’t know why his hands were clenched so tight, but he had to take a breath before speaking.  “When did she say that was?”

Ly’kroll shrugged, “I don’t know.  We didn’t talk much after that, her husband came home.”

Rii pursed her lips, her chest constricted, but the glass in her hands held her attention to another matter. “Sir Voskore?”

The General raised an eyebrow; his jaw was clenched from the turn in conversation. There were more problems occurring than just intergalactic wars. “What?”

“Does your hair really change colors when you turn into a fairy?”

Edited by Kirlaskia
Posted (edited)

Story: Tulip in the Sand

Category: Harry Potter

Favorite line:

So he was about to do something he told himself he would never do, no matter how desperate the situation may seem. Draco took a hold of Angelina’s hand, lowered his head, and closed his eyes as he was about to do the unthinkable. He took a deep breath and, “Dear God,” he prayed.


Edited by Evilevergreen
Posted (edited)

This is what I took from a story I just recently finished reading! It's called Labor to Love and it's freaking hilarious! Look! It's from Naruto fandom and it's about Sasuke buying a slave demon named Kyuubi(or Naruto) and how that certain slave keeps taunting his owner. Sasuke bought the slave for his father to work so now when Sasuke just had bought Naruto, our favorite blonde decides to mess with our favorite teme!

Why were his pants getting tighter?

He drifted his eyes closed and awaited the anticapated kiss, but it never happened. Instead, he felt a gust of hot breath as Naruto chuckled and felt him lean away, causing him to snap his eyes open. "You don't like me do you?" He asked, his voice still low with a hint of growl in it. "A little advice, dude: Make sure your cock agrees with your opinion when you say you don't like a person." The kitsune advised, grinning and laughing loudly.

Sasuke, slightly dazed, felt a rush of embarrassment, his cheeks flushing a pretty shade of red. So that's why his pants were feeling tight; the Bear Scouts were setting up their tent.

The Uchiha growled and covered himself with his jacket, though it didn't help his flustering any. The Kyuubi let out another laugh, causing Sasuke to glare at him through narrowed black eyes.

This kitsune truely was more trouble than he's worth...

Wasn't I right???/Huh Huh! Lmao Bear Scouts! rofl.giftwo_thumbs.gifbiggrin.giftongue.gifw00t.gifclap.gif

This one here's from my own story! Me challenging myself in doing a parody! If you get a chance read it! It's called Naruto Guy: A Parody! It's only a one-shot and it makes you feel all happy giggly like so give it a read! Here's the first paragraph and it's already funny!

Konoha was always a quiet village…until the day Naurto Uzumaki was born and Sasuke Uchiha was spawned. They were unusually for two rival/best friends/brothers but it was a platonic relationship most of the time…..if you can get past the deep, deep, deep, deep, and I mean way down there past the constant arguments! If so then yes, they were quite a pair.

Lmao I said Sasuke was spawned! freak.gifbounce.gifrofl.gifhappydance.gif

Edited by SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt

Oh god this first one is sooo old but it still makes me giggle. I swear I have to preserve this line in the re-write:

(includes context for you know who the hell is saying what)

  from Truce said:
“Go to hell, Reno,” Cloud grumbled half-heartedly. His headache hadn't really faded and he was in no mood for verbal sparring. He was irritable, wondering how he ended up in these ridiculous situations. What the hell was wrong with him, taking comfort in an enemy rather than trusting his friends? Reno was right. He was profoundly screwed up…

The Turk rolled his eyes as he approached him. “Whatever. Don't start that brooding shit again. It was cute for the first ten minutes, but now it's seriously starting to get old, yo.”

Oh how I do loves me some banter in the midst of sex....

  from Post said:
“I love coming home to you,” He whispered, feeling slightly vulnerable as he told Cloud this. Reno had never imagined that he would ever have this kind of luxury.

Cloud smiled lazily as he hooked his ankles around Reno’s thighs. Wanton as a teen-ager, he rubbed his body against Reno’s. The sensuous sensation of skin on skin was electrifying but not nearly as seductive as the hungry way Cloud was looking at him.

“Prove it,” Cloud whispered.

Reno couldn’t help the chuckle that rose up in his throat. He liked the faint tone of challenge in his lover’s voice, the ghost of old antagonism.

“How do ya suggest I do that, hm?” Reno purred playfully as he rolled his hips against Cloud’s. Their cocks pressed and rubbed together.  Reno was terribly aroused already and knew what Cloud wanted. He longed to hear him say it….

Cloud gave him a slightly annoyed look. Clearly he didn’t really feel like playing around. Cloud reached for the top drawer of the bedside table and retrieved the tube of lube Reno kept there. He pressed it into Reno’s palm, no longer looking annoyed but sexy as all hell. Lust was written all over his expression and maybe just a little bit of desperation.

“I’m sure you can figure something out,” Cloud’s mild tone just barely hid the need that made his voice soft and breathy.

Reno was certainly not as dense as some people claimed. He squirted some lube into his palm and reached between Cloud’s legs. He curled his fingers around the shaft of Cloud’s cock and squeezed gently. Reno felt how hard he was and listened to Cloud’s soft intake of breath.

“Were you dreaming about me before you woke up?” Reno murmured in his ear as he trailed kisses along Cloud’s jaw line.

“Yeah,” Cloud panted. He spread his legs a little wider in order to accommodate the movement of Reno’s hand.

“Was it sexy?” Reno asked as he smoothed the tips of his fingers around the tight entrance to Cloud’s body.

“They always are,” Cloud replied, blushing faintly.

“Hmm, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were just after my body, yo.”

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