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When'd you start to get the good stuff?

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

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Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

Since we've been talking about boobs and such, I thought it might be fun to chat about the dreaded beginning of puberty.

For instance, I had boobs when I was 9, hips at 6. Freaked out my dad. It wasn't until some time after turning 16 (which is also when my height peaked out), however, that I got a figure. My bra size jumped from a B to a D, then, recently, my right boob decided it wanted to be a DD. pinch.gif Luckily, since I've got good abs, I don't suffer too much back pain.

So, when'd you all start getting the good stuff? Any embarrassing stories to share? Hmmm?


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Let's see here - I was a very large girl (we're talking over 200 pounds) from 10-13 so I don't know if the rolls I had were just fat - or if my tits had actually sprung up. But when I was 13 I shot up from 4'11" to 5'4" and all that baby fat went POOF! It also helped that I was riding horses everyday - so not only did the fat go away, but the ass got really nice, the belly was flat and I was prancing around by the time I was 14 with a D cup up front and baggage in back. By the time I was fully grown at 17 (5'7" and an attitude to match) I had a lot to play with.

I never really had any funny stories until I reach 15 though. I was living with my Godfather at the time and his youngest son and I would go skinny dipping all the time. Nothing ever happened - but that doesn't mean that we didn't want it too. "S" was about 2 years older than me at the time and full of hormones, so skinny dipping with me for the first time that summer was an eye opener. For some reason he missed the boobs and butt that sprung out of no where. His older brother "C" followed us down to the pond and caught us. "S" got his clothes and went back - but "C" wanted to talk or rather scold me - so he sat on my clothes... until I walked out of the water and started stalking back to the house. He noticed then! I got my clothes back right quick.

I never really noticed it all that much - and as I did all my own shopping for undergarments (you try asking your Godfather for bras and undies and see where that gets you!) the men never really had to deal with it. I didn't have a girl to go shopping with until I was 17 and moved back to Texas and my Mom, and by that time I didn't want or need her help.

If you're talking about puberty in general - I used to delight in asking my father and Godfather for "personables". I always seemed to forget to get them... until my Dad came back with those boats they used to call pads - you know the ones you have to use a fucking BELT with? I remembered every time after that - although I did miss making them blush.

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Guest Adara

Wow...well, I'd have to say I developed rather late. I didn't really start needing bras until I was almost in HS, though I wore them before then, 'cause, well, all girls wear them.... tongue.gif

I was pretty much an "A" up until I graduated from HS, then, when I was like...19 I turned into a "B", though my waist made its appearance when I was 16.

I'm now about a 38B, but, no doubt that's going to change considering I'll be lactating soon. tongue.gif

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Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi
I was just reading over a post I did on one of the polls - and the more I think about it - I got boobs (or what can pass for boobs) around 11 - but when is fat boobs or just fat? That's what I'd like to know.

A: When they've actually got a roundish shape instead of the flat flap of fat.

B: When they go past your gut

That's how I pretty much measured it.

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Then I must not have boobs, because they never went past my gut and they never will! laugh.gif

I was in full-blown puberty by age 12. When I actually developed boobs, I can't really remember. no.gif It's been too long. :sigh:

I do remember, at about age 16, one of my mom's male friends commenting that I had bigger boobs than she did. blush.gif (I was actually a C cup in high school - childbearing has taken a bit of that away).

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i was in the eighth grade when everything changed here. i suddenly went from being flat to having boobs. i dun think i've ever really had a waist. i mean, its there, but it certainly isn't worth noting. *snorts*

but yeah, i was about 14 when all of this took place.

i was so under-impressed, let me tell you...

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Once I noticed what puberty brought me I enjoyed it. Until the mood swings and pain in the ass boys showed up. Don't get me wrong - I love men... and I'll play with them when I get the chance, but when you're that young, have sprouted, and are unsure of what the fuck's going on you don't need the wolf whistles and cat calls. I am seriously considering locking my girls up. They're 11 & 12 and have started the "change"... I don't think the pat answer of "My mom knows where the rifles are and knows how to use them" will work in this day and age.

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I had a C cup by the beginning of the seventh grade, so that's what? 12-13 if I remember correctly. They have since settled on being Ds (they settled on that about half way through 9th grade, though enogorgement sent them up to a wonderful large DD pinch.gif not fun). But yeah, that first day of grade 7 was brutal! All I got for weeks was "Add water for instant boobs!" or "Are those real, or are they socks?" It was horrible... until I hit high school and all those stupid boys realized that boobs are fun and they wanted to touch them. Let me tell you... they never got to! wink.gif

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