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Misspelled names in fanfiction?

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I don't know if any of you have seen this, but I recently read a Sailor Moon fanfic and the names were so horribly misspelled that it's hard to continue reading them. The author misspelled two character's names throughout the entire thirteen chapter story. The question is, how can you write fanfic when you do not know how to spell the character's names or bother to look them up? If you are not sure of a name, at least go and look it up before writing a story. Anyone else notice this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Every now and then, I'll see a character's name (Tory) spelled as Tori, Torri, Torrie, or even Torrey.

But they don't hold a candle to one story I read, in which the writer had not just misspelled his name, but gotten it totally wrong, and called him Tony for the entire story.

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It's Marcia Brady, not Marsha. Greg has one G. Alice doesn't have a "y". And yes I've seen that last one. Cindy isn't spelled with an S unless you're trying to make some kind of sex parody.

I've seen Billy misspelled as Billie, and Diana spelled as Dianah, Dinah, Dina, Dayana, Dyana, Dianer, Dianar (the last two don't make sense because no one on that show has a New England accent). I've seen Martin misspelled as Martian and Martan (which actually does make sense because some of the characters have a slight French accent).

Quick, you guys! How many ways can you spell Hermione?

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  • 3 months later...

i mostly read gundam wing fiction and i am often shocked how horribly their names are spelled. I asked around and it turns out Duo's is the only name that hasn't been butchured because its not common to spell it any other way. The reason that this is, I feel, is that people try to sound out the person's name. The greatest examples are Heero, Rashid, and Pargan. The other issue is that the japanese spellings are different than the english. In japan, Heero Yuy is spelled Hiiro Yui. I recently read a fic where Relena's name was spelled Reylena and it drove me insane, though I equate this to the fact that I am a spelling and grammar nazi. If you have access to a computer I have a tip for you: even if you are pretty sure of the correct spelling, unless you own the manga or book, look it up on wikipedia or imdb, I beg of you.

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Wow...I know how you feel girl/guy.....it hurts you when you see your favorite fanfiction ruined by someone who can't spell names! OH C'MON! Lmao! For example, I read Naruto fanfic's and some stories they spell Uzumaki wrong and Kyuubi wrong the most! It's SO FREAKING ANNOYING dry.gif ! I have to stop reading or I will choke every time the name is written! Kyuubi is not spelled like any of these!

-Kyubi, Kyuubbii, Kyubii, Kyuba(WHERE THIS CAME FROM?? huh.gif ) and especially this one.....Kyyuubbii(this one scares me)!

Uzumaki is not this!

-Uzumaka, Uzumiki, and definately not this(most hated) UZAMAKI? jawdrop.gif

Seriously if you watcht he anime/show/series learn how to spell the names! Sheesh.....pft....I just recently read a fanfiction just like this....seriously!

So I FEEL YOUR PAIN! laugh.gif

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I agree, if you are going to write fanfic based on an existing FANDOM then yes, it is hoped the author at least gets the names of the canon characters right.

Usually those that don't it's for 2 reasons...

1) they don't have a beta or are to lazy to take the time and go back and check and double check and TRIPLE check their work before posting it (for grammar, punctuation and correct spelling)

2) they are too lazy (if uncertain) to make SURE they check the names of the characters within the fandom they are writing. If you are even a wee bit uncertain on a characters name...Look it up on the internet! (especially if it's a TV show, game, anime or Harry Potter). It takes but a few moments and these two things really do show to the reader you are professional and mature about your writing.

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