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I was just surfing for more fan fiction sites and came across this. I'm sure some of you have seen stuff like this before. This is dated for 2003, so it's a little old.

Chilling Effects

I can understand where J.K Rowling is coming from with this, but it makes me nervous sometimes. Personally, I don't write Harry Potter fan fiction, but I know a lot of you fellow authors do. What are your thoughts on this?

Also, has AFF ever had this problem with being threatened?

Guest Yhitzak

Something very similar happened a few years ago with Anne Rice. She was all pissy about fans making her characters into these flaming fags, so she filed something that had the Vampire Chronicles, the Mayfair series, and her other books protected against fan fiction. Because fan-fiction is so threatening to a person's copyright. (yes, that was sarcasm) Anyway, the worst thing that can really happen as a result of this is that fan-fiction sites will be required to remove their Harry Potter boards. But -as has been proven as in the case of Anne Rice- little rebel groups will spring up as long as there is an internet.


Well, that's weird, as JK Rowling herself hasn't mentioned anything on her site that she is offended by anyone writing fanfiction of any type. In fact I seem to remember her saying once that she even READS fanfiction and LIKES it. In fact she's pleased to inspire people to the creative world of writing. She would have come across adult situtions I am sure in the stories.

Also she once complained that Chronicles of Narnia bored her because it was devoid of romance and sexual feelings' so it seems a little - odd that she should moan about adult situations with her characters where fanfic authors takes their romance to the next level.

If she really has a problem with this then I am sure she would have mentioned something on her site by now. Especially as regards pairings like Lucius/Hermione, and Snape/Hermione. She doesn't mention it on her site. Until she does mention it on her site and say's quite firmly that she doesn't want this sort of thing to happen anymore I will continue writing adult fanfic.

Otherwise, I'll just take what that sort of thing say's with a pinch of salt. The only source I take seriously is her site!


Mugglenet, one of the largest HP fan sites around, has a fan fiction section with content ratings from 1st year to Professor. There are catagories for same-sex pairings and HG/SS. Rowling knows this site well and even invited its creator, Emerson Spartz, into her home for an interview before the release of HBP.

If she had a problem with it, don't you think she would have mentioned it to him in person? think.gif


Honestly, I heard her speak of fan fiction before too, and never heard her talk about not liking it. That's why when I saw that web site, I was a little confused myself. huh.gif Maybe it's a bunch of bullshit, but thought I'd share it anyway.

Next time I find something like that, I won't post it I guess. Sorry, girls and guys. thumbsup.gif


Something tells me that a lawyer took it upon him/herself to speak for Ms. Rowling. It happens a lot - or some parent caught someone underage reading it - or they read it and had a fit.

Guest Madapple

My understanding, and I cannot name a source, but I read somewhere that JKR is only opposed to fanfiction that exploits children, or more specifically her underaged characters in exploitive (read that pedophilic) situations.

I think that marketing companies should be grateful to fanfiction writers, personally. Fanfiction writers help sustain interest in particular series, which means more dollars to copyright holders, not that JKR needs more money!

George Lucas, I believe, is a great supporter of fanfiction. My understanding is that several volumes in the Star Wars book series are fan works that he approved for publication.


did that site remove itself of the said material?

maybe they had no disclaimer or something.

I mean, even if I send out an invoice, and it doesn't say "2.4% per annum interest will be charged after 30 days" at the bottom, and the customer doesn't pay within that time period, and I charge him interest, he is not obligated to pay it, and it won't stand up in court if I take him to court about it. (Not that I would, sheesh, but its all legalese)

Disclaimers mean a lot

  • 2 weeks later...

I think they were just bullshiting and they weren't even JKR's real lawyers shes's Britains 2nd richest femal if she wanted them gone they would be gone

Guest Big Samurai
  Madapple said:
George Lucas, I believe, is a great supporter of fanfiction. My understanding is that several volumes in the Star Wars book series are fan works that he approved for publication.

For the record, George only approves 'fic when he stands to profit from it, and he only approves the books -- in spite of his statements that the Expanded Universe is 'not his vision' and all that -- because they bring in money. Spielberg said it best:

"If George sees a kid pick a quarter up off the street and put it in his pocket, he wants that quarter."


Actually, reading the letter I got the impression that it wasn't the fanfiction so much as the picture that were being posted that offended, and in that I can agree. I know several people who draw Harry Potter themed erotica, but they are always careful to both not name the characters, at least as far as I can remember, as well as always aging them, so that a picture of Hermoine for example, no matter how petite, is always declared to be over 18. (I know, that's legalese of the worst sort, but they do it for safety purposes. They enjoy what they do, won't give it to anyone who doesn't request, and try to ensure that they don't have anything to worry about legally.) If the pictures being associated with the stories are implied to represent the characters as they are depicted in the books, I.E. legally minors, then there could be sufficient reason to file a C&D to prevent kids from stumbling on it.

The rest of it seems to imply that written material involving the characters is alright, so long as it is secured, at least in an active manner. I tried to access the sitem but it no longer exists apparently, so I could not verify what they had as preventive measures. My guess, however, is that there were either none, that they were requesting payment for access, or some composite of the two. For a site like AFF, this isn't much of a problem, as we do actively discourage children, even trying to remove them from the site when caught.


I read that soon after it came out...just as I was noticing hp fan fiction and was doing searches. I know some other authors/publishers do not wish for their works to be used in fan fiction. I think there is a list at fanfiction.net, or somewhere like that.

FanFiction.Net respects the expressed wishes of the following authors/publishers and will not archive entries based on their work:
  • P.N. Elrod
  • Raymond Feist
  • Terry Goodkind
  • Laurell K. Hamilton
  • Robin Hobb
  • Dennis L. McKiernan
  • Robin McKinley
  • Irene Radford
  • Anne Rice
  • Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb
  • Archie comics

There's a TOS there for public viewing but this isn't there. However, there's a separate agreement in the member's log-in area which states this.

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

JKRowling is not the only person with the rights to Harry Potter. Warner Bros. are also copywrite holders, and from what I read, the lawyer was more concerned with representing them then Rowling. It seems that from the letter, WB is actually their client, meaning that in this situation, Rowling's feelings on Fan Fiction don't matter. Even if she likes the book based fiction, Warner Bros. can decide they hate movie based fan fiction. Also, according to that letter, there wasn't so much an issue with the content itself, but to whom the content would come into contact with, i.e. minors. As such, it's understandable that they would want the content taken down, especially the pictures. They want the children aimed works to be kept clean. While, really, fan fiction wouldn't actually effect the integrity of the work in question anyway. People don't seem to realize that all works can be taken in a sexual light. The more fans a book, movie, cartoon, etc. has, the more adult content will be put out about said work. It's natural progression.

  • 4 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Stuff like that is a load of crud.

I'd personally be happy to see people so inspired by my own writing to try and make their own scenarios with them. I know it's helped me to see how people feel about my writing and it also encouraged me to start trying to write my own book.

I don't see who it really hurts. Fanfiction writers aren't trying to make money with their stories they're just trying to express their creativity and see how people react to the scenarios that they place familiar characters in.

It makes me sick to see authors who don't let others try to raise their horizons by using familiar characters to raise their confidence in thier own writing skills.

I mean I realize that it takes writers a while to create their own characters and problems for them to solve but ff. writers aren't making money off of it so I don't see the problem.

Sorry for the rant. :samurai:


I don't see the problem either. I haven't made a single cent from my HP fanfics. My payoff is the joy of writing. But it looks like the problem isn't with the fiction itself. The problem is with explicit stuff. It seems that all that site had was a warning. A lot of parents have been getting pissy about warnings because it really doesn't stop minors from getting on the sites.

After all, we live in a society where it's always someone else's fault. If a child gets onto an adult site it's the fault of the site. The parent is not at fault for not monitoring their kid. Some parents whine that they're single parents that can't always keep an eye on their kids. Ok, well, stop blaming everyone else and start brainstorming for things you can do.

That's why AFF has the age verification system now. Instead of just a warning, you have to actually enter your birthdate. So if a teenager does decide to lie the site owner can't get in trouble if a parent flies off the handle. It's the fault of the teenager for lying.

  • 1 year later...
  greenwizard said:
I don't see the problem either. I haven't made a single cent from my HP fanfics. My payoff is the joy of writing. But it looks like the problem isn't with the fiction itself. The problem is with explicit stuff. It seems that all that site had was a warning. A lot of parents have been getting pissy about warnings because it really doesn't stop minors from getting on the sites.

After all, we live in a society where it's always someone else's fault. If a child gets onto an adult site it's the fault of the site. The parent is not at fault for not monitoring their kid. Some parents whine that they're single parents that can't always keep an eye on their kids. Ok, well, stop blaming everyone else and start brainstorming for things you can do.

That's why AFF has the age verification system now. Instead of just a warning, you have to actually enter your birthdate. So if a teenager does decide to lie the site owner can't get in trouble if a parent flies off the handle. It's the fault of the teenager for lying.

I'll second to that. Totally.

Also the date (No, not about me going to see Wolverine: the Origin with someone with mutual romantic feelings ...never been able to resist a chance for bad puns :P ) ...year 2003 made me going quite "BWAHAHAA!", because there is so much fanfiction written after that and quite a lot of that kind of HP stuff that Jo probably hates the most and what I tend to refer as the better side of fanfiction (hey, it's a matter of opinion): explicit, heavy emphasis on D/s and S/M, only romantic pairings between Slytherins ...okay, the only really romantic pairing I like to write is Lucius/Draco [insert endless rant about the divine virtues of consensual Malfoycest here ...no, not having any obsessions here and now, get that Veritaserum bottle the fuck away from me!], chan, very intense pro-Pureblood attitude and so on.

(Fuck, I want a status chance, I want to be "the Malfoy-obsessed ranting bastard", goddammit! :( )

later note: I got it! Praise the mods!

  • 9 months later...
  Vampirezdarkgurl said:
<br />Stuff like that is a load of crud.<br /><br />I'd personally be happy to see people so inspired by my own writing to try and make their own scenarios with them. I know it's helped me to see how people feel about my writing and it also encouraged me to start trying to write my own book. <br /><br />I don't see who it really hurts. Fanfiction writers aren't trying to make money with their stories they're just trying to express their creativity and see how people react to the scenarios that they place familiar characters in. <br /><br />It makes me sick to see authors who don't let others try to raise their horizons by using familiar characters to raise their confidence in thier own writing skills. <br /><br />I mean I realize that it takes writers a while to create their own characters and problems for them to solve but ff. writers aren't making money off of it so I don't see the problem.<br /><br />Sorry for the rant. <img src="http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

I couldnn't have put it better myself. Agree 100%

  • 2 months later...
  polywolly said:
Mugglenet, one of the largest HP fan sites around, has a fan fiction section with content ratings from 1st year to Professor. There are catagories for same-sex pairings and HG/SS. Rowling knows this site well and even invited its creator, Emerson Spartz, into her home for an interview before the release of HBP.

If she had a problem with it, don't you think she would have mentioned it to him in person? <img src="http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/think.gif">

I looked on here and in the rules it says it doesn't support sexually explicit fictions :S I've never been on there before though so i may have it wrong :S

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