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Good luck on the exams!


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I realize that a lot of us, myself included, are post-secondary students, post-graduate students, or teachers.

No matter which part of the world you're in, you end up having a set of important exams around this time of month. In that case, I'd just like to wish everyone good luck with the exams. Good luck to the students on writing the exams and passing. Good luck to the teachers on grading them.

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No more worrying about Canadian Confederation, no more worrying about Brock or The League of 5 Nations, no more worrying about the war of 1812 or the Qubec Act, NO MORE!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And no more research paper *coughs*

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I think I hate you right now.

My last exam is going to be on the 22nd. I have to study the history of both the Canadian and American prison systems. They would have stuck to Canada only, but apparently there's not enough material, the history's not colorful enough, and a lot of us are interested in applying to American law schools.

When we go into the exam hall, we have to turn in our papers before sitting down.

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I think I hate you right now.

My last exam is going to be on the 22nd. I have to study the history of both the Canadian and American prison systems. They would have stuck to Canada only, but apparently there's not enough material, the history's not colorful enough, and a lot of us are interested in applying to American law schools.

When we go into the exam hall, we have to turn in our papers before sitting down.

lol! Aww, don't hate me! I'm now just starting to freak out about my final grades ph34r.gif

Both Candian and American? Will you also be using the French criminal system Vs. the British criminal system? (Still in the mental area of 16-18 century Qubec).

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lol! Aww, don't hate me! I'm now just starting to freak out about my final grades ph34r.gif

Both Candian and American? Will you also be using the French criminal system Vs. the British criminal system? (Still in the mental area of 16-18 century Qubec).

Not in this course, fortunately. This course is just one of many needed to get a pre-law certificate. There's another course where we have to study the history of the Canadian justice system, and that's where we compare the French and British criminal systems in relation to the modern Canadian criminal system, as well as compare how the British system influenced the American and Canadian systems.

This course is where we study prison, reformation, and the punitive system. It was supposed to be interesting because we were supposed to be studying from the prisoner's POV, but it didn't turn out like that.

If it had, I could've written a historical fiction piece from a Canadian prisoner's POV, handed it in as a paper, and gotten a good grade for it. One can only dream.

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Guest echtrae
If it had, I could've written a historical fiction piece from a Canadian prisoner's POV, handed it in as a paper, and gotten a good grade for it. One can only dream.

That would have been interesting. biggrin.gif

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One down four to go. Thermo, Analytical, Economics and Advanced Organic remain. All easy.

Reading that, I now remember why I didn't go into the sciences even though my aunts and uncles were pushing me towards that. Not the hardest subjects in the world, but it could be considered downright easy if you're a natural who studies hard.

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Guest Evil_Labs

And just like that, another quarter's finals are over...

Amazingly managed a 90% on a math final. ...Still hate that evil, evil subject.

Good luck, retroactively, to the rest of those taking the 'daishiken.'

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Not in this course, fortunately. This course is just one of many needed to get a pre-law certificate. There's another course where we have to study the history of the Canadian justice system, and that's where we compare the French and British criminal systems in relation to the modern Canadian criminal system, as well as compare how the British system influenced the American and Canadian systems.

This course is where we study prison, reformation, and the punitive system. It was supposed to be interesting because we were supposed to be studying from the prisoner's POV, but it didn't turn out like that.

If it had, I could've written a historical fiction piece from a Canadian prisoner's POV, handed it in as a paper, and gotten a good grade for it. One can only dream.

Oh man, that hurts my head just THINKING about all those things! I wish you luck! smile.gif

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