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Guest echtrae


G/NG: has had the police called on you because you were the noisy neighbor.

Guest Madapple

G: Of course, that was before I became responsible, and I knew the cops that arrived, they joined in when they were off duty! happy.gif

G/NG: Pretends to not understand English (or native language, if other) when telemarketers call.


Not guilty. I have other ways of dealing with them. I can talk in a number of different accents, and usually they're the ones going "What? I don't understand!"

G/NG: Can speak in at least 5 different foreign accents.


Not Guilty - I speak English a bit better than most (but I'm American so that's not saying a whole lot), Latin (although I'm a bit rusty because - well, the language is dead unless you frequent a church and don't mind mispronunciations)and I can curse in Spanish (which most Texans are born doing anyway)

G/NG Thinks that cursing in another language is okay as long as your with people who don't know the language.


Guilty - 9 times out of 10 I don't know how it will end up - my characters do as they please and that suits me fine.

G/NG lets the characters run wild just to see what they want to do


Guilty as sin! It's all their fault you know. If they weren't hell bent for smut in the first place the plot would move.

G/NG has let someone talk you into going out when you feel like shit


Guilty sometimes. It depends on the company really.

G/NG - cringes when a child sings the "chika chika bow bow" beat to almost all bad 70's porns because they heard it from their uncle.


Well, I cringe when I hear a child sing the chicka chicka bow bow thing, but I didn't hear it from my uncle. My uncles are very much the rectums of the right.

G/NG: Has at least 3 relatives that can be considered rectums of the right.


Guilty-ish. I found him, gave him a test drive and found a better model - much to the disappointment of most of my family.

G/NG - wouldn't lie about your beliefs just to keep the peace in the family

Guest echtrae

Guilty. Never been much of one for peace in the family.

G/NG: has seen Michael Moore's "Sicko"

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