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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Guest Madapple

G: Of course, that was before I became responsible, and I knew the cops that arrived, they joined in when they were off duty! happy.gif

G/NG: Pretends to not understand English (or native language, if other) when telemarketers call.

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Not guilty. I have other ways of dealing with them. I can talk in a number of different accents, and usually they're the ones going "What? I don't understand!"

G/NG: Can speak in at least 5 different foreign accents.

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Not Guilty - I speak English a bit better than most (but I'm American so that's not saying a whole lot), Latin (although I'm a bit rusty because - well, the language is dead unless you frequent a church and don't mind mispronunciations)and I can curse in Spanish (which most Texans are born doing anyway)

G/NG Thinks that cursing in another language is okay as long as your with people who don't know the language.

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Well, I cringe when I hear a child sing the chicka chicka bow bow thing, but I didn't hear it from my uncle. My uncles are very much the rectums of the right.

G/NG: Has at least 3 relatives that can be considered rectums of the right.

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