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Everything posted by ZombieDuke

  1. Oh man, I too am a part of that age group and I don't know if it's because of the students skipping, the teachers or too many kids in the class rooms but there is a real problem out there. I used to hate math, I still do but I understand some of it now at least . I can remember walking to my teacher and asking him what I should be studying and he would just shrug his shoulders and turn away. So I would just sigh and go draw or write something (note that I was 11 at the time). BTW, DarkCabaret, you didn't happen to take the Canadian one, did you?
  2. Happy 21st!
  3. WFS are really good. We have our own filter system, but, let me tell you there's something wrong when the homes that have local government filtration systems are contaminated and well water is the only safe source for water
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. True. Very, very true
  6. B-b-but he played was in The Lord of the Rings! He and Viggo had that great shag/death scene! Hmmmm, maybe they could change the lyrics to: "Blame it on the moon" instead of the rain?
  7. I'm on well water
  8. SPOILER :True... But he was Sirius Black! How mean of J.K. not to include him in any way
  9. SPOILER : Wasn't Snape wiped out with the AK spell that kills upon contact? How on earth could he still be talking afterwards? There are faar to many questions still left open...
  10. Oooh~! Just think about all the nummy Harry slash moments where Fenrir is all growly and just 'grrrr'! ...please let it be Sean Bean!
  11. Whenever I'm sorted by online tests, I either end up in Hufflepuff or Slytherin. So I like to think I'm the snake in the grass that nobody see's coming I'd buy the book, just so I can get my facts straight for writing.
  12. I picked PoA because it opened the up sooo many possibilites and Sirius/Remus's characters. But then again, I also liked HBP because Albus is smoked, and Harry's got enough angst to fill several more books. Deathly hallows spoiler: SPOILER :btw, why the hell didn't Harry name one of his kids after Sirius?!
  14. What if Joseph Fiennes plays Fenrir Greyback?
  16. SPOILER : I think Voldemort did in a way. When Severus first goes to Dumbledore he's in tears and begging that Lily's life be saved (pg.543-544) and old Dumbles uses Snapes love of Lily to get Severus on his side after Lily and James die: "If you loved Lily Evans, Truly loved her, then your way forward is clear".IMO, I think Ol'Voldie could trust Severus because they both had rather disturbing childhoods (I'm sure at one point or another Voldie must've searched Severus's mind about, well, everything), along with they're equal hatred of muggles/mudbloods (except for Lily). Ahh! But if Snape had killed off Dumbledore, then without doubt the DeathEaters would have known that Severus had done it then poor Snape probably would have died anyway. I wouldn't at all be surprised if there's a sudden increase in "Snape is the true father of Harry Potter!" fics on the inter-web.
  17. I hit my head against the nearest wall I could find when I put two and two together
  18. SPOILER :You're right! It like, all of the books were a giant puzzle and this last one just put everything neatly together.
  19. If you wanna post stuff(information/character deaths/rants) from the book, highlight your text and click the spoiler button. EDIT: WHOOPS! "I'm ignoring the book. I'll take some idea's from it, but I'll just ignore the whole damn thing." Is supposed to be one line.
  20. I finished reading it at 2:30 last night and my brain still hurts as for the book: SPOILER : I'm surprised at how much Bill and Fenrir played a role in this book, I'm sure some screen writer somewhere is bashing their head against a keyboard at this very moment . But for the plot... J.K. tied everything up. At times it felt like she was just trying to end the book and get on with her life, ya'know? Anybody else get that warm/slashy feeling on page 50 when Fleur is transformed and gazing at Bill with a "soppy, slavish" look? And the way Hogwarts and the pictures rallied around the students was fuckin' fantastic!
  21. ZombieDuke


    It's all a ruse, Cabaret. They just want to look boring so we won't join in on the fun Dear GOD! Someone made a Harpischord out of Leggo's!?
  22. ZombieDuke


    The Amish watch LoTR?
  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!
  24. Thank you Daz and Squall!
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