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Everything posted by ZombieDuke

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! May your day be filled with love and laughter
  2. Congrats on the new Laptop!!! They're such handy lil'critters ^__^ Vista is purely evil, IMO. The gods at M!cro$oft is coming out with the first servece pack later this year...
  3. Speaking of YouTube porn sites, here's one for you beastly lovers out there (not one of my favourites or anything, a friend of mine gave me the link while I was exhausted and really drunk one night... I'm still tramatized for having clicked the link in the first place. that cruel evil bastard...). Yes, you guessed it: Beastly Tube
  4. oooh gawd. It's still being marked! Although... after my last history course and this coming biology course... I feel no fear from online tests Hey~ am I the only one here that has read all the books just once?
  5. Happy Dad day!!!!
  6. At least with masturbation your heart gets going...
  7. Literotica is one of my favourite websites! I was reading stuff on there long before AFF.net was ever dreamed of. Nifty Archive is also a good writing website, although it does seem to center around guy on guy stuff...
  8. Opening to the first Aladdin movie song (Arrrrabian niiiights, arrrrabian daaaays) Opening for the original Transformers (Transformers, more then meets the eye. Auto-bots something something, something something, DECIPITICONS! Transformers robots in disguise...) The opening song for the Lion King (damn that movie makes me cry) And the whistling song from Wild Arms (the first one, god I feel comforted listening to that song )
  9. 1: I really, really, really, really, really, REALLY wouldn't want to wrap my food in anything that was originally created to hold the scared man juice. 2: I've known people who have used porn mags as pizza boxes. And 3: Isn't there a used condom fetish out there somewhere? There would be no more need for sperm banks. You could just reach in and have the pick of the draw!
  10. So that's why my clock hasn't moved an inch... I thought I had really screwed it up!
  11. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! It worked!!! ... I have a feeling I failed the test >_<;;
  12. My first grade teacher used to give us a spanking on our birthday Thankfully I was born in July and was spared a sore ass!
  13. Just lay back and think of David Suzuki... Lists are fun!
  14. Oooooooh! Okay, will do that then^_^ Thank you! EDIT::: It's not working @_@;; The fly is non-clickable!
  15. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!
  16. T'is okay. It just means the marketing is working
  17. Did anybody else catch the Threat Down on Stephen Colbert this week (tuesday or wensday)? He had the robo-bears on as being threats!
  18. Ya'know, I was almost tempted to say something about the people who did the research must have been pretty anal but I thought against it
  19. I'm with Leonhart29 here, how do I get my student ID card?
  20. First! To South Africa! Now then, to India! You never hear people talking about size when it comes to those female 'condoms'...
  21. Wouldn't that be like sending a bunch of "Drr... Drr..." critters into war? Scare the shit out the enemy though!
  22. I have two brothers. One is older then me by 5 years and the other by 9 years, so I'd probably date someone around that age range just because it probably wouldn't affect me that much *shrugs* And for the Steven picture... lets just say my mother and I were rather...saddened. It must have been cold in the studio that day or something
  23. I'm just waiting for the guns to be added to the side of those cute little bears! XD
  24. Special thanks to Wikipedia for all the names and correct spellings! (yes I realise that there are more characters, but I'm only allowed 20 options)
  25. Off topic... You mean the book or the movie? 'cus both of 'em made me cry (that is until my brother pointed out that it's just Star Wars with dragons thrown in ) Ah who knows, maybe Sirius's other brother will finally show his ass instead of leaving notes in random places...
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