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Everything posted by ZombieDuke

  1. I have played Disgaea! I've never got no ninja pirates to appear
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. And there aren't that many Space Ninja's... are there?
  4. I voted Pirates because of the Chinese Pirate: "Chen I Sao" or "Ching Shih" Between her and her husband, they created a confederation which included 50,000 pirates under they're command. This woman went from a prostitute in Canton to be co-ruling THE biggest pirate fleets in the world. Not to mention taking upon the Chinese Navy twice (I got that info from the book Under the Black Flag The Romance and Reality of Life Among the Pirates by David Cordingly. Dear god I love this book! Morgan was the fucking engergizer bunny!)
  5. I plan to Sam-sama, I plan to
  6. As I was wandering around the net tonight, I found this website and was amazed at all the information in it.
  7. Waai! Thank you so much guys! It does feel good! My lord but I love this forum
  8. Happy Birthday!!!!
  9. I've done it! I've hit the 500 mark! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances*
  10. Double congrats then, ne? (why does the top smiliycon look so angry/bored?)
  11. Why do I suddenly smell a kinky fic in the works?
  12. Be cautious with the harmones they perscribe for you... some of them can do more harm then good
  13. Wai! Thank you Daz! Thank you Pixagi! Daz: I haven't been diagnosed either, I only saw a doctor once and she was a little... odd, to say the least. But you're right... people have up days and down days Pixagi: Aren't seeing things fun? And you gotta love a panic attack in the middle of a crowd I also forgot to add Body Dismorphic disorder and PTSD to the list Things could be a lot worse...
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KITTY!!! (please don't eat me! )
  15. Deep paranoia, years worth of depression (I'm finally starting to claw my way out of it), control issues, seeings things, the occasional voice (which I haven't heard in a long time since I started getting more sleep), slight OCD, mild dyslexia, and panic attacks/anixety attacks (I'm getting better are controlling 'em though!). I hope people will still talk to me
  16. I voted mildly. Probably one of the obessive things I do (which makes my mother roll her eyes) is that I'll race back to the car and make sure the doors are locked. And I'll do that about 3-4 times(even though I know it's locked). Also, I always, ALWAYS cover my windows when I sleep... which is probably more paranoid then obessive compulsive... but I've recently become a big fan of Paper Craft and Origami because I can sit down in one place and fiddle about for hours... I am probably more paranoid then obessive compulsive but mix in years worth of deep depression and things start mixing together too much
  17. Oh GOD!!! I want Seifer
  18. Puberty stated at 11, wasn't until I was 18 that I gained boobs and sadly the belly never left
  19. Sadly, t'is only a dream...
  20. Every time I watch MeadowLands on TV, I see Harry Treadaway (who plays Mark, our favourite emo/disturbed young man) and I ca't help but think of him as Squall from FF8! http://www.imdb.com/gallery/granitz/5017/E...adaway,%20Harry (he's the last one on the right with his arm raised). Comments?
  21. Slightly padded, underwire and shoulder straps. I'm a 36B so my bra's give me a bit of extra bounce when I'm out and about. Why god, why couldn't they be bigger!?
  22. Thank god for graces, ne? At the college I'm currently at, students there that want to be teachers are told to either aim to teach college or elementary students because, and I quote: "nobody gaves a damn in highschool". And their not told by that the staff (the staff are saints), but ex-teachers who are burnt out and want a change so that's why they've gone back to school.
  23. 1: I think men in boxers are dead sexy. 2: I wear boxers to bed because they're comfy!
  24. I'm a huge fan of cotton bikini with little patterns on 'em (I don't care! I like having lil flowers on my undies!). VS is waaay too expensive for me but I wonder... why no choice for WickedWeasle undies and bra on here? And Garters, stockings and corsets and freakin' HOT!
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