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Windrider Shiva

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Everything posted by Windrider Shiva

  1. Hi hi! To my reviewers, thank you, thank you very much! Reviews make me happy! And I'm always up to discuss my stories, whether it's the characters, the storyline, the background, inspirations and more. If you want to know something, post here or ask in your review, and I'll be more than happy to reply ^^. I'll go by prompt, going to make it a bit easier - hopefully XD. The Bikini: XD Thanks for the comment! Skjaldr's an outspoken guy and loves to describe and think about things down to ridiculous levels. I thought this was absolutely perfect for him. I can hear him rant about anything really... "Yeah but it's just triangles! Triangles over boobs! I don't get why they pay more to wear less, doesn't make sense!" And then he'd walk away, muttering about how it still doesn't make sense to him XD. Thank you! It almost took a different turn, but I managed to salvage it XD. I think one of my first ideas involved Skjaldr in a bikini and protesting about it... lol.
  2. Pen Name: ChibiShiva Story link: http://original.adul...hp?no=600105515 Review replies link: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/35759-of-vikings-and-the-world-challengefic-review-replies-and-more/ Type of fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult + Fandom: Original Pairing: M/M Warnings: M/M, ChallengeFic, AU
  3. Just put chapter 2 up a few minutes ago. There's some formatting issues but nothing that cannot be fixed. I just tries to edit and it doubled my line breaking, but I will work on that when I have the time at home tonight. Thanks for dropping by!
  4. Eh ben! Québécoise francophone aussi XD. Tous mes jeux sont en anglais, j'écris beaucoup de fanfics, l'anglais est plus facile pour moi quand vient le temps d'écrire. D'autant plus que je travaille dans un environnement anglophone (mais mon travail est en français, en localisation)... vraiment, je ne me sers pas beaucoup du français dans tout ce qui est média.
  5. I like that idea. Most of it, I believe, is going to be quite... true to the spirit of the whole area. Well, I try. I was discussing this stuff over with my beta, who's found some useful links last night for me (I love her!) and well... it would have made sense for a higher-classed family. In my head, Skjaldr's father is a standard Viking guy who goes away for a long time and comes back with a lot of goods. I'm not saying he's loaded, but he definitely has it more... comfortable than the average farming household. But not a noble, no. For the scene with Thorvald spying on them, I had Skyrim in mind. I don't know if you've played the game, they are technicology more advanced than what I'm writing, but I couldn't help thinking about the house you can buy in Whiterun. Except... Viking-ized. A longhouse with a second story/sleeping quarters, while everything else was going down below. I'm using this to my own advantage, true. It definitely wasn't a standard, but some households did have similar settings. So I'm putting a light spin on the setting XD. I was somewhat surprised to read the guys had a lot of leasure time. I expected most of their time to be taken up by farming, fishing, travelling, but apparently, they had a lot of free time. Board games, ball games, gambling (I sooo have ideas for that) and so on. I like it because I can turn this semi-leasure time into a lot for my boys, especially if they're not too much needed around. Yeah, it's a little hard. I try starting sex scenes but I cut the writing before it gets too heavy, and I work on these outside work. I'm 99% sure no one would care - very, very chill and inclusive workplace - but it's still hard. It took me quite a bit to start writing sex scenes in public places, but at the café I usually hang out in, I do. Actually that's what I was supposed to do yesterday and I totally didn't, lol. But it all could change tomorrow. Right now, I'm on a low-maintainance project where most of the game isn't even translated, and the gameplay is "click, check the message, wait 5 minutes, check the message". Tomorrow, I could be working on another project, something more translated with a lot more issues where I'm the only tester for my language and have no time to write. I keep professional so... can't write. (But I believe I'm gonna be on this for a long, long time XD. And I really don't mind it.)
  6. Hi hi folks! First of all, thank you for reviewing, it's very appreciated! I love constructive critiscism, it's always nice to see how I could improve, and I'm already learning for it. I might make a few changes to the start of my story in order to improve it, and upload the changes when I get to the next chapter. I'm always willing to discuss stuff, so don't be shy! Thank you! I've never seen either (well not that I remember of), and it's partially why I posted it. I've suddenly grown to love the Nordic culture and right now, I can't get enough. So maybe if others show interest as well, there could be more people sharing their stories, and that'd be awesome. That was my reasoning XD. Thanks a lot! I did notice the start can be hard to follow at times - even in my head it went by quite quickly. I might go back to that part and flesh it out more so it's not as confusing. I'll admit I'm not great with lengthy descriptions because I feel they get redundant when I write them, but I'll see what I can work out with my beta. As for the innaccuracies that are eventually going to happen... this one was partially deliberate. I've done some research, but mostly online during downtime, at work, which means I'm extremely limited in resources because of said job (I'm on monitored connections since we deal with non-disclosure material). The sad part is that I'm on an odd shift that would only let me do actual, book research... on the weekends only, or very early in the morning. And I'm not a morning person. Combine everything, and I couldn't find a lot of information on longhouses. So I went with what I had in mind. I'm trying to do more research on my free time. So it's obviously not going to be 100% accurate, and I know it's gonna bug the people who have more knowledge about it than I do. Thanks! I'm glad this makes other people happy XD. I have another chapter written down on paper and my phone, so it might take a little over a week for me to be able to put the next one up. I don't have a lot of free time except in the morning (where I'm unproductive because fuck mornings) and at night (where I'm too tired to be too productive). Oddly enough, I'm productive at work, but that's only because the project I'm on isn't extremely demanding. And on the weekends. But I will continue! ^^.
  7. Author: ChibiShiva Title: No Fear For The Setting Sun Summary: Scandinavia, 10th century. Skjaldr and Asgeir, two male Norse warriors, are swept in a rag-tag team of travellers. Feedback: Wanted! Constructive criticism whenever available. Fandom: Original Pairing: M/M-centric, multiple pairings (will include M/F, F/F) Warnings: M/M, angst, violence, WIP (more to come, but that's what I have in my first chapter) URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105463 Hi hi folks! I'm finally back after a long hiatus (too long if you ask me), and with an original fic too (even longer!). So for a little while, I've been into viking metal-like music, and I had been looking through recommendations by friends when I stumbled upon Amon Amarth's "Embrace of the Endless Ocean". It just sparked my imagination, and I've been writing from there. It's still a WIP, my research itself is still a WIP - but I've got a fairly good idea of my setting and where they'll end up. Mainly action/adventure with a healthy dose of slash, and some F/F mixed in there (M/F implied). Of course it's won't be 100% accurate with history, but I'll be working some stuff out to make it at least believable. Don't be afraid to drop me a line! I'll make a Review thread in a bit, so I can answer reviews and spark up discussions. Thank you for reading!
  8. Hot damn, seriously? ... Was sure it was more! DX. But that explains why. Thanks, I'll get it reset then. ^^
  9. Thanks! I've just sent the email. I'm 99.99% sure this is the right email, but I could be wrong. If it's not the case, I wonder which email I registered under, lol.
  10. Hi hi; Currently having issues updating to the new system. I registered under the name ChibiShiva years ago, and I haven't logged on the main site since the new update system's been implemented. So now that I actually have something to post, it looks like it won't let me update/validate. My profile: http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=14238 Will provide email by PM. My password is over the required 8-character length. I've cleared cache and cookies. I've used center login to update, but it says that I'm not registered. I've cleared cache/cookies, tried upper right corner, nothing. So I'm kind of at a lost here - it lets me login but once I've done, still says I'm not registered. Thanks for your time!
  11. As many people said before, I think it depends of the context. For some stories it will work, for others, not as much. If I want something really naughty, borderline pornographic, I go for the heavy slang. If not, I'll tend to stick with what's suited for the characters implied and for the timeline/universe as well. Or use moderate slang. What you want to avoid is completely throw the mood off. Has to fit the mood. The reader gets lost in the moment - and so do your characters - and a break in the flow will do that. It's annoying as a reader, and as an author I have to pay extra attention. So if the technical terms are suited to your story and won't impact your flow, I say go ahead!
  12. I need this in my life. D: I've had it on repeat back and forth from work...
  13. I've been listening to a lot of metal music these days. I've been recommended a few bands and a few days ago, maybe a week, I finally decided to follow some of them. I was checking out Amon Amarth and I fell on a song that simply sparked my imagination, "Embrace of the Endless Ocean". It's beautifully dark, and the whole album, "Twilight of the Thunder Gods" has been the only thing I've listened to since then. My other favs from this one include "Live for the Kill", "Guardians of Asgaard" and "The Hero". I think I'm in love with it. XD
  14. Thanks for the insight! That's about how I expected things to be based on the article, but I so like my manly designs XD. But his attitude is indeed going to try and compensate; he'll get teased for it true, but I don't feel like constantly referring to it either. I want it to be something that motivates him, but overall I want thisbwhole story to be positive for him. That's the sort of image I like giving my gay characters, that no matter your sexual orientation, you're still a human being and function the same way as any other person. It by no means affects his abilities. I might have diverged from my original point somewhere in there XD. But it's something that I like to discuss about.
  15. XD Definitely. My current bottom is not one of those. He's about as manly-looking and -acting as his top, if not a little more generally aggressive because he feels he always has something to prove, even when it may or may not be the case. It's something that I intended to play on his personality a lot right from the beginning. (To quote that website RogueMudBlood refered me to, "Them's fighting words!" would be something I expect him to say eventually). I don't like the "pretty gay boy that's unable to fight and eventually dies" character archetype, so even my pretty boys tend to be hardened warriors who very well know how to fight.
  16. Whoa, thanks guys! My interest in manga as faded, but I'm still interested in reading some bits of it, maybe it'll give me inspiration for locations! And as I'm running short on locations... I'll have to check that out. As for the article on homosexuality in Viking society, I had read something along the lines once, and I forgot where, but this one was much more in-depth. Very useful - even gave me nickname/byname ideas. Thanks!
  17. Hi hi folks! I like this idea of having a research help thread! I'm fairly good with Japanese culture and mythology, as well as East-Coast Canada and Quebec history; who knows, it might get useful to someone. I also have general gaming knowledge, developping companies, marketing, MMORPGs, and video game QA (I'm currently working for a localization team for a third-party QA company). If you need French language-related questions, French is my main language (hence my localization job, in French). I'm a Final Fantasy geek too XD. As for what I need help with... let's start with the basics. *clears throat* I write slash/yaoi mostly; that, I'm fine on its own XD. I'm heavily inspired by videogame storytelling; I like sword fights, I like action/adventure, I like epic storylines. Combined with my newly-discovered love for what I could call Viking metal, I've taken a liking to the Norse mythology, which has led me to create a plot about a rag-tag team of various people going on a journey, each with their own goal and stuff. Typical action/adventure story with a healthy dose of slash. (I like my gay warriors, seriously, we need more of those in the videogame world. Skyrim is made of win for that.) My problem is that I have little knowledge of Norse CULTURE. Mythology, I have access to. Culture... it's getting harder to find information. Especially when it comes to daily life, rituals, social/cultural taboos, food and so on. My story will most likely be a mix of the Viking Age idealized epics and the more accurate Norse culture. So, even if I'm not sticking to either/or parts, I need inspiration to make it a little more believable than the romanced version of the Vikings, but epic enough to make it less boring. Even if it's just basic culture-related links, I'd greatly appreciate help for this. Thank you for your help! ^^
  18. Hi hi! Quiiiiiiiick update before I need to go back home, and eventually to bed. I've been scheduled on Sunday D: So chapter 16 is up, has a bit of crack to it if you've played the DS version XD. Enjoy! *scurries off*
  19. Hi hi! Chapter 15 is now up ^^. Just a couple more chapters until things start to slow down. I'm in the process of writing to chapter 20 XD;;. Anyways, enjoy... and feedback is more than welcome! ^^ Thanks for reading!
  20. Hi hi! And here it goes: - Deleted / reuploaded chapter 13 since I had HTML issues with it. SHOULD be fixed. - Chapter 14 has been uploaded. Shouldn't have issues. And as usual, feedback / constructive critiscism is welcome ^^. Thanks for reading! ^^
  21. And more review replies! First off, thanks for taking the time to review. It makes my day everytime, and it's very appreciated ^^. Hopebringer Jem: I'm happy to see the pace is okay. It hasn't been much of an issue for me, except for the later chapters where I was like... "Is it too much in a single chapter? Is it too short? Should I just cut this here..." and so on. I'm also glad to see someone liked the DK > Paladin scene. It didn't take me too long to come up with it, I had this very clear idea of HOW I wanted it - deep, meaningful, somewhat painful... and emotional. He's shedding more than his armor here, and I was very proud of that scene XD. And Cecil never has it easy. There's always something in his way. What I totally love about him, one of the main reasons he's my favorite characters, is that he doesn't dwell too much on the stuff that goes wrong. He faces it head on, bites the bullet and moves on. I have the feeling, however, that he's doing this to prevent others for getting burdened by the events, and that it might affect him even though he refuses to show it. I'd expect him to break down at some point (but then he'd move on fast enough XD). Selim: Don't worry - better late than never XD;;. I had a similar experience - back when I was a kid and played it as FFII as well (yeah I feel old too now, thanks! XP), my English wasn't as good as today. That scene where Rosa goes to Cecil's room and talks to him, I always read "Take care!" as "Heartless". Thus, seeing how he was going with KAIN on that day, I kinda linked both things... Was dead sure Cecil and Kain were a couple. Didn't really think about the whole "Rydia has two daddies" thing until recently (maybe last year or 2 years ago, if even), but it makes sense to me now as well. I'm planning on more fics and one-shots, so there will be more. I wish I'd see more myself, but it seems the fandom is more into Edge/Rydia and Cecil/Rosa. Still needs more Kain/Cecil, I agree XD.
  22. Hi hi! 13 is up! There's a formatting issue right now - I must've forgotten to close an HTML tag - but I'll have it fixed by Monday night, since it means deleting the paragraph and reuploading since I'm uploading text files. And as usual, feedback is appreciated! ^^ Thanks for reading, and enjoy!
  23. Hi hi! Chapter 9 and 10 are up! Apologies for the (usual x.x) delay ^^;;. Enjoy!
  24. Hi hi! I apologize for not uploading faster! The chapters are written, all I need to do is take them from dA account and upload them here - because I've lost the corrected files in a hard drive failure. It's only an extra step, but it's making me insanely lazy XD;;;. That, and I'm a professional procrastinator. So I've added chapter 7 and 8! Don't forget to leave feedback; constructive criticism still welcome! ^^. Thanks, and as usual, enjoy! ^^
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