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Windrider Shiva

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Everything posted by Windrider Shiva

  1. Usually I have some sorta plan when I write. I've thought the most important parts of the dialogue, the locale, the characters, the general feeling. It's like I've watched a movie and all I have to do is describe it. At points, I wish I had the budget to shoot movies, because I could play with camera angles, something that's incredibly hard to write. There are things I don't intend to happen, it happens, and I work it out. I refine dialogue. I think of better things, of extra scenes, and I just write the crap out of it. Sometimes it's totally out of the blue... and at times, I honestly don't like it. It messes with the images that I already have in my head and it may totally fuck my own ideas up - that kills it for me. So I end up rethinking everything, reimagining scenes, actions and so on. At other times, it flows perfectly, and I'm proud of how things turn out. So even if I do think when I write... I reach automatic mode eventually. It works. Lately, however, I've been overthinking things and as a result, I can't seem to write anything. I'm trying to fix that though... once again *sigh*.
  2. Glad to see I'm not the only one who sees that, especially in fandoms with a lot of yaoi, but with a canon heterosexual couple. Final Fantasy is rampant of that, for having experienced it first-hand (and possibly having contributed to it. Yep... *shakes head*) Personally, I like to add a female character or two to my stories, even if I write yaoi. I just try to make them fit in the story without turning them into a stereotyped female. I draw my inspiration from those video games mostly, so I'll avoid the damsel-in-distress healer and the drama queen antagonist. I'll rather go for fight-abled, strong-willed women when I write fantasy. In modern-ish stories, they're not so different than the average girls you interact with in your daily life... just like my male chars. They're less present, but they're there and if they're there, they have some sorta role. It kinda adds to the whole "credibility" thing, even if I write about males mostly. And it adds variety. Another reason why I don't have a lot of female characters... I feel writing about them would be writing about me, and well, I want to write about other people. Something I don't necessarily relate to. At some extent, of course.
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