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Cleanup Crew
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Everything posted by Ezriee

  1. Taken care of. Thanks for your patience!
  2. Move story: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600045666 <-Move to Naruto
  3. I'm running three different operating systems in my home now, 98SE, XP and Vista home. I put the new antivirus on the xp system, now I'm putting it on the 98SE. Was running a virus scan on it with current anitvirus and it just randomly restarted so hopefully this new program working with my kaspersky (which has been excellent thusfar) will find all the nasties in my comps
  4. I've never done any of those things. My customer service experience is limited to phone contact mostly and even those people were asses. Years ago when i worked at Fred Meyer/Kroger, I had someone actually want me to give them a refund on a pizza sick that had less than two inches left of it because it had pepperoni and it gave them heartburn...yeah right, you ate most of it! I try not to cause people more grief in their positions...
  5. I saw the music video that the people of Obama, Japan made on the news and I thought it was just so awesome that people from other countries are celebrating (Kinda makes me wanna go to Obama). I have no doubt that they've learned much about him and that is a part of why they're celebrating, he is damn charismatic, but I just thought it was a great thing. I also thought it was a great thing to see some of the people out in the audience all teary eyed, to see Oprah with that smile and just proud look in her eyes, and just the fact that he did his acceptance speech out in the open where those thousands upon thousands of people could see him, that was great. (People were actually in the streets of my neighborhood here in Oregon, driving up and down them, honking and cheering, it was a strange sight to see when its a politcial matter...) I won't deny that I wasn't a bit worried about him out in the open like that. At times, the worse thoughts of possible assassination popped into my head, but I think that he will be a great leader with the proper support (which everyone needs), but I'm just ready to see how things will be without a Republican as leader. I remember how it was with Clinton, yeah I was in middle/high school, but I just remember never seeing things as bad as they are now. I just lost my job yesterday, I worked at a bank and of course they were downsizing because of whats going on with the economy. I'm really hoping that things in the US will begin to improve or look up over the next few years... okay, thats the end of my babbling B)
  6. Thanks for the heads up! I'd cry if my oldie but goodie got a virus and went down...
  7. Misplaced: Needs to be moved to non-english buffy->http://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600030709
  8. Don't worry, this will be taken care of soon. We're a bit backed up at the moment and this is actually the second time that this person has done this to Jenerick_Brand's fic. I just finished going through all the Subcatagories and I've located all the stories that are like this...for the second time -sighs- I was able to locate fifteen of this act of theft throughout the site tonight and its going to take more time to get all of them removed. Thanks for keeping an eye out! Ezriee
  9. I've had that happen to me once, and I take what they're saying as their opinion, and sometimes it does add to the writers block that I already have. After a while, I start to think 'Its fanfiction, I don't have an editior or any deadlines to meet...I shouldn't stress over someone's opinion, but it doesn't hurt to take a little advice,' Then I look at the review counts for all my stories, whether they be on aff or ff.net net and go 'Well, out of all those reviews, only one bad one, so many others are enjoying my work.' I know I'm not perfect and I know I make mistakes, but that just means that I will be scanning my stories when I get chances to to try to fix them. I don't, and never did understand why people have to be nasty about reviews when it comes to errors made by an author. Jebus, its flipping FANFICTION. I admit, I don't like mary sue's or oc's much, but if I happen to read any story where there's errors, I will leave a review (if they don't have an email listed) telling them what the error is and suggesting a correction. Personally, I think that kind of stuff should be done in private more often than not. I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. I simply think that if you don't have something nice to say, or something helpful to say (in an adult, non-confrontational manner), just move on to the next story in your list of things to read and dont say anything at all. Being a archive mod for aff, believe me, I see many, many horrid stories where the grammar is awful, the plots are mediocre at best or something that just irritates me. I don't flame or criticize that person to the 7th layer of hell because of it.
  10. This person actually has been reported before. She/he has stolen Jenerik_Brand's fic and reposted it. It will be handled, no doubt about that. She/He's actually added more fandoms to copy this fic into than the last time -.-
  11. Whats the name of it? after reading your summary, i think i'd like to check it out
  12. 7234
  13. Then thats all good with me, thanks DG. Eventually I'll make a change to my profile, but I think getting something from someone telling them to fix there disclaimer and providing them with links, leaves it well-enough assumed that I'm helping out in some way with the site. If there's any probs or questions, people can do as people have already been doing and contacting me. I reserve the right to block the hell outta people because I won't put up with harrassement.
  14. Well, I gotta say the convo over my status as well as others is well, interesting. I don't mind being acknowledged as a moderator, I just felt no need, and have not had time to add it to my profile in the acutal archive. I originally started as a member of the cleanup crew near the start of the year and then joined the moderating team in july/august and from the warn reviews that I've been leaving people, they take it well and also contact me if they have any questions as to why they were warned either through IM, PM or even as a review to one of my own stories if they don't have messenger and I don't mind because I can delete them after I contact the author back. Like Dark Cabaret's post, my warning is quite lengthy and tells the author of the story that I'm reviewing what they need to include in order to correct their disclaimers. It also provides them with links to help them with their disclaimer. If an author has multiple stories where their disclaimer isn't up to par, I won't post the long review more than once. I leave them another message asking that they go over the disclaimers for all of their fics just to make sure they meet the needed requirements. The author has the ability to delete the review in question at any time and is suggested to do so once the disclaimer problem is corrected. If the admins wish to put a gold marquee around my name with a huge 'archive moderator' flashing on the page, they can do so, but I'm perfectly fine the way that it is right now until I have a chance to update it. I don't mind being added to a list of named moderators, but I won't let the issue of my status in the forum being listed as 'member' instead of 'archivist' stop me from what I agreed to help doing. I don't see what the big issue is about having a set disclaimer format. Hell, just copy and paste it into the disclaimer field each time you post a story and its not that hard. You can even have a second disclaimer where you make it humorous if you want. I have seen those to. I've also seen the number of new stories being added to the archive with disclaimers in the correct format so it is working. I'm sorry if you don't like the way its been happening, but thats the way it goes. -shrugs- I've said what I'm gonna say on this so I'm off to bed for now. I'll be back on eventually, warning users for their protection and the protection of the site in a few days. bye! Ps: In the terms of service, it does state that you will plainly cite all Disclaimers necessary, and the format that his been put forth has been deemed necessary, so it is enforceable. People have more than enough time to come back and correct their story is hidden then two more weeks before its deleted for non-compliance.
  15. Well said Dg! I too have other things to do...namely getting back to the forum sweep and warning more writing-inclined souls in their reviews to fix their disclaimers. Topic closed for me!
  16. Obviously something was missing with your story's disclaimer or it would have never been flagged. I stand by my fellow moderators and know for a fact that they are aware of what their looking for. So no, I don't believe that anything that we've done has been inappropriate in the slightest.
  17. Exactly. And as I previously stated, we are in the process of going through ALL of the stories in the archive section by section. This is why those stories that you have taken time to pull the disclaimers for and put in your last rant have yet to be corrected. These things take time and to put it simply, if you can't abide by the rules and requirements for the site, there are other places for you to put your story. Feel free to take them away to those sites. It does not matter how much you debate this, it will not change. You still need to have those two elements and we will be getting to those stories that you pointed out in due time. While we are getting to the older stories subdomain by subdomain, we are looking at all of the new stories posted every single day to make sure their disclaimers are updated. As you said, we've even provided you with the format to use for the disclaimers. Its a simple fix and if people would just do it right the first time, there would be no problem. Your work would have not been removed if you had just added what we requested. There are only a handful of us going through thousands of stories. We all have lives, jobs and families to take care of. If we could dedicate all of our time to getting these stories warned, then the process would go faster. We can't. We wont.
  18. Well the process for the disclaimer warnings are as follows: 1) We send you a warning in the form of a review that states clearly what part of the disclaimer that you are missing, whether it be the monetary, fandom including the fandom name, or both. 2) If the disclaimers are not corrected in ONE week, then the story is hidden, not deleted. 3)Then, one of us moderators, after having to help scan ALL of the new stories posted that day, go into a spreadsheet and check all of the stories that have not corrected their disclaimers and we have to go through the process of hiding ALL of the stories where the authors either have refused or neglected to correct that simple 30 second disclaimer. 4)Then you are given TWO additional weeks to correct those disclaimers and then the story is deleted. All of the timelines are posted in the FAQ's concerning disclaimers. There are even sample disclaimers where all you have to do is cut/paste and add the fandom. When a person comes to AFF and creates an account, you are agreeing to abide by the TOS when you click that little circle saying that you agree. We even give you the freedom to word the disclaimer as you like as long as you're saying that you don't own the fandom using the name, along with the profit/monetary disclaimer. Personally, if I was not a mod and I got a review stating my review was missing something, I'd check ALL of my stories, just to make sure that they met the requirements. I've had stories deleted on other sites thanks to a malicious reviewer who said that I had stolen my own story. I lost over 200 reviews because of it with no warning. I'm not saying its the same situation, but at least we are giving you a total of three weeks to get your disclaimer straight. That is more than enough time for you to correct what needs to be corrected. Debating this is a moot point. We go through thousands of stories each week in twenty-one subdomains, this includes the nonfics and challenges that people post in the archive that shouldn't even be there. We look at hundreds of authors profiles and review boards in order to make sure that this site remains up and running. Everything we're doing is for the stability of the site, the protection of the users, as well as Jaxxy, the site owner, the admins and us moderators. Lawyers can come after users just as easily as they can come after the management staff/owners of the site.
  19. If you can read all the copyright law information you can find, then why is it so hard just to use the wording as requested? Mods and admins at aff have enough to do and we hate to babysit writers, but since this is an adult site, I, for one, just assume that everyone has a high enough maturity level to say "I do not own _INSERT FANDOM NAME_ and make no money from writing this." All the legalese is not needed, just those few simple words that take around thirty seconds to write. Really not that hard...We shouldn't have to hold your hands through the entire process of posting your story.
  20. I think the story you're looking for is called "Tease" By Black Rose http://www.pacifier.com/~rebeccar/FF8tease.html Her work is archived on the site "In the Lair of the Moogle" http://www.pacifier.com/~rebeccar/RPGfffic.html she's here too http://www.fanfiction.net/u/5008/BlackRose
  21. Ezriee

    Hokage No Jutsu?

    I think the story that you're looking for is called Training for the job by Desaix http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2456403/1/Training_for_the_Job
  22. Thats exactly what I mean. When you're in a fandom based off a movie, anime manga, ect, you know that the characters are just that, characters and you've had a glimpse of their personalities. (I guess thats the reason that I don't read celebrity fics...though you get a pretty good glimpse of what they can be like from interviews and stuff, it just doesn't sit well with me that you're writing about a real person.)
  23. I think its one thing to request a story be removed because of the content, but the letter on page one is a bit over the top. I also think that the fact that the stories in question are original fiction, it makes it a lot easier to imagine an innocent child and place that story in the real world, where as if you have pedo in one of the other fandoms since there are a lot of the that are animated.While I did look at the stories in question and decided immediately that they were not my cup of tea, I admit that I do read stories like young naruto/kakashi etc, etc and I think that because of the fact that its so obviously fiction, it makes it easier not to see those stories as crossing the line... Does that make sense to anyone, or is it just me?
  24. author data missing http://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php...4&chapter=3
  25. Horizontal scroll http://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=8992
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