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Everything posted by canterro

  1. I don't think it's a myth. It's a conviction. It's an option. It's a belief. But the research material is still very poor an we have no real proof that say for each of opinions. The thing still crawls at the level of exceptions and individual cases, not statistics
  2. I was thinking about you detective stories... I wasn't really going to read them you know? Not that I don't believe you could write them well, but... you see, I find Sherlock so absolutely "sexless"! :D Sex is the last thing I associate with him.

    But, on the other hand, why not to check if you could make him a man of passion and desire? :D

    Well, who knows...

  3. I've been there, I've seen it.story of my life. but maybe learning how to push oneself to carry on is a good way, after all? maybe we can improve on this as well? professional writers must go through times of doubt, I guess and I don't believe that every chapter they write is powered by enthusiasm sometimes I write a weak part and I rework it later... it works sometimes. well, the question of attitude, I think.for me publishing something means a kind of a deal. as long as I write for myself, all this doesn't matter. but publishing stories, even for free, is like an informal commitment; at least I treat it this way okay, then how 'bout adding an info, that you're not going to finish the story, at least for now? spare me, please another idea that works for me is reading a lot I read other fictions, they inspire me, they make me... jealous. when I see that someone else can write something good and people read and comment, then I wish I also want to do it. the desire to write my own story comes back sometimes I'm only talking about finishing the story.you don't get paid so you don't have to hurry, that's true. but you give me a bait. thus, I'd be grateful if there was something following the bait
  4. Ooookay... After some troubles I've prepared chapter 10 for you
  5. I'd be happy to see one of those well written, as long stories B) 1. Fantasy. A court sorcerer and a hired assassin. Action starts when they are both captives (an assasin was betrayed, and a sorcerer was turned in in exchange for a prince) . They are slaves on a black galley, rowing together as a pair. Conditions they live in make people lose their dignity - they both try to make their lives a bit more bearable. It includes selling body (a sorcerer) or being a killing errand boy (an assasin)... In general - nothing to be proud of. All that matters is to endure. Everyone is an enemy, who only waits for your mistake, who you should be on guard against. Thus, the sorcerer and the assassin hate each other, an take adventage of the "partner" whenever possible. Until one day... they have to cooperate to escape. During preparations and the escape itself they discover they both have other faces, other qualities and can be someone better than they used to experience... Imperceptibly, some strange emotions knock their doors, although it'll take them some time to name them properly Characteristics: The sorcerer is physically weaker than the assassin but he is well educated, smart, and powerfull. Malicious, egocentric, picky and imperious. He is good in negotiations, game of appearances, politics, intrigues. The assassin is a simple, though very withdrew and silent man, obeying his hard rules, mistrustful, indomitable. He is, by definition, an excellent fighter. I'd be delightet to see it running 2. Modern An actor, a great Hollywood star, well known for his romantic lead roles, goes through hard times. He had some adventures with drugs, sex scandals, scenes under influence... It's hard for him to deal with fame, with paparazzis, rumors and people who want to feed on his career. Finding a real friend is not easy. And accidentally the actor manages to find him. While shooting a love drama in Rocky Mountains, during the free day, he takes a car and drives ahead... In a small, lost town he wanders to a local bar and there he meets a man. They drink together, they talk... it feels as if they've known each other for years. The man used to live in the big city but some personal matters (later it turns out that he is gay, but for the long time this fact stays hidden) together with professional troubles (ha had an affair with someone important from his company; the affair brought shame to that man and our hero was the one who paid for it later) brought him to that remote place, to his parents house. Here the story of friendship begins With time storms gather, connected with unintentionally revealed facts - being a celebrity and being gay. Fame, accusations of taking advantage, seduction, hidden intentions, celebrity's whims... They have to go through all this to find what is real between them Do you like those ideas? If so, take them up!
  6. that's it!I know this pain. Nothing can be done but forcing myself to get through this It's like connecting dots somethimes well, 1. it IS a block, when you can't continue the story. the point is to have a story complete, not to have 5 beginnings, right? 2. if you don't finish your stories, please, don't publish them here... what for? if it's just for your fun, why would you make people read things you have no plan to complete? give us, readers, a break, will you? if you give up a fic, just remove it
  7. thanks :)

    I did have a look at your Highlander fic. I haven't read it yet, but I'll do it, I think. As far as I can see we both like short sentences and things that aren't really spoken loudly, but should be read between the lines... :) Am I right?

  8. we must draw a line between a writers block and lack of reliability/diligence. as authors we can let ourselves suffer from writer block from time to time. sometimes we can even decide that the given story is not worth continuing. yep, it can happen. but start worrying if it happens for the second or third time the second thing, I guess, is an ordinary discipline. you can have a shorter or longer break, but every work, in every field, is a hindrance sometimes. nevertheless, we have to overcome the weakness and keep going. that's the right way, if we want improvement and effects. nothing comes for free and with no effort nothing valuable, anyway oh, what do I do when the writer's block comes? I had one lately, but it's gone! when I can't write, I make up other stories, with other heros. I don't write them (I couldn't carry on with more than one story simultaneously) but I think about them intensively to let my mind and emotions relax and clear of the main problem. then the time comes, after one, two, three months, when I just start missing those, whom I've left and I go back to my story...
  9. ...going ON vacations, right? ;)

  10. I'm going for vacations :)

    Just one week, but it's

    nice anyway :D

    See you, all!

  11. I also can't add anything helpful... I don't live in USA and I have a very vague idea of your law. But I follow the thread carefully. Personally, it's hard for me to stand for child pornography itself. I find it disturbing... But the whole idea of legal threats - I support you in whatever you decide considering your own situation and existence of this site
  12. oh, c'mon... I'm a freelancer pride, freedom and a sharp blade! yeah... (alternatively - a quick bullet ) well, but you can hire me, if you want
  13. I do exactly the same - read other's stuff. But then I sometimes get frustrated seeing how well some people write. It weakens my motivation. Well, I'm just sulking ;) We'll be okay :D

    And Lost - yeah, I guess it depends. I gave it to my father and he also found it not interesting. But instead he prefers "Prison break" :D

  14. (How intelligent of me! I've just noticed there is an info about 400 chars below...)

    Yeah, I also accept only DVDs :) so when the series is out I watch it as a whole. Waiting for episodes would kill me ;)

    Anime, you say... I reeeeally liked "Wonderful Days". "Applesead". "Ghost in the shell".

  15. is any word count limit here? my last sentence is not finished... can you see it in the comment list?

  16. I can believe it :)

    Until one memorable day I wasn't into any series at all. It's not for me - waiting for episodes, planning to be able to see them... No way! But my friends, one after another, kept repeating: "you'll like it." So I was like: "yeah, sure... give me that already, we'll see." Well, I gave it a try and I really liked it :) I hate watching TV,

  17. PS

    Oh, I'm not sure if "tell me about it!" is the right expression here... it's not offending in this context, right? I hope it isn't... :)

  18. Tell me about it!

    I have the same situation - no update from 2 months. Work, work and work. Oh, and work :] And when I come home I sit in front of a monitor (again, 'cause I work with computers), and find it extremely difficult to carry on with the story. They call it writer's block, I guess ;) Or maybe I'm just tired.

  19. hey, dude :) (yeah, I've just watched the last episode of the Lost series, uhm... was it fourth?... I like Hurley; he's fun :] )

  20. oh, it depends. I just said that I'm rarely interested. even if teenagers deal with serious matters. it's rare that a high school fic gets my attention. well, gets it and keeps it, which is much more difficult but sure - if it's done well, if it's wise, if it's credible, I'll give it a shot, why not
  21. I can sign your words I do exactly the same thing. oh, and one more reflection: very often I read stories about characters falling in love with people I can't imagine being attractive. to anyone. yes, I know, tastes and so on... but somehow I can't believe that an active, strong person, who is a dream of an opposite sex, would be head over heels in love with some boring wimp who is afraid of everything, cries over trifles and is permanently unable to take care of his/her own matters. c'mon - let's be real I like it when characters mutual attraction is more or less credible.
  22. ooookay..... the first must for me - a PLOT. I'm bored with writing about nothing just to put two or three sex scenes in it, for example. the second must - language level. this is obvious. the idea itself is not enough, it has to be served approprietaly generally, I prefer adult stories to teenage ones. maybe because I've left adolescence behind quite some time ago it's difficult for me to empathize with high-schoolers fighting their emotional battles. mature dramas - yep, this is something for me and saying 'dramas' I don't mean 'melodramas'. I'm into strong people and tough reality, especially when it comes to emotional storms. well, I'm trying hard to implement those points in my writing. so far I carry on with just one story - The Jigsaw. examples of good writing, according to criteria mentioned above: - In the company of shadows - Perseverance
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