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Everything posted by canterro

  1. wow! I didn't know you've read it all the more, thank you. I'm honored
  2. okay. well, I can add my own original long story. i'd call it an action m/m fiction. it's 13 chapters long and still growing. obviously, I'm not the one who should claim that it's good, but I believe it might be worth reading. some people do wait for updates and like it, I guess I invite you to give it a shot: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096300
  3. apparently someone got that idea already, and thus came.. Charlie in a chocolate factory
  4. this is what I do for living - another kind of writing well, I see another solution: a joint venture project interested...? I'm full of ideas and you're full of strengths I lack
  5. no, no, I just said "England, for example, as I didn't mean anywhere specific but to be honest - I wouldn't know where it was :] that's cool but there are still some social norms, behaviors, taboos, words etc that should be taken into account. they create an appropriate mood. well, of course if you care about it I can see that :]you have two ways, I think: 1. make her behave appropriate in front of parents and all high society until one day, when she just has enough 2. make her behave like a badass, but with all social consequences well, it means that SSB's review was great it made you think through your story. and that's the point that's a great idea for a parody. think about it
  6. well, i don't see anything outrageous in SSB's review. when someone sets their story in a specific place, in a specific time, readers have the right to expect some historical accuracy. in other case, why claiming the thing goes on in England, for example? the whole idea, in my opinion, is not to stick to the historical settings perfectly, but to make the impression that you do this it is needed to create the credible background. as long as readers are comfortable with the combination "fiction + reality appearances" there is no problem. of course, on the other hand, authors have the right to keep their stories as they like. I guess this all shows the idea of review, right? to say what one thinks of the piece. the pattern "I like it, BUT..." is OK with me.
  7. how do you do such a thing?! positive vibes or what?
  8. Hi If I might suggest something, maybe it'd be better to judge fictions by reviews per hit count than by the absolute number of reviews. It's much more informative, in my opinion.
  9. well, then take my advice and find a beta-reader it's really helpful to have an extra pair of eyes to take care of your story development. with fresh minds beta-readers always catch things that you can't notice being too immersed in the fiction.
  10. Huh, this was a quick one! New express update!
  11. New chapter delivered
  12. canterro


  13. I remember reacting to Asian porn. why? because Asian couples make it in more sophisticated way. they caress each other much, much more - it's not that "technical" as in most of porn productions. try it, maybe it'll work B)
  14. they play chess B) or throw dice, however einstein thought otherwise I do believe in god. Pascal would say it's clever of me anyway, interpretations are just as wise and deep as people who dig in holy books or religions history. people might be stupid, simple, bright, stubborn... soooo, believers can be stupid, simple... you know what I mean. we make mistakes, we believe in stupid things sometimes, but it doesn't make the probability of god's existence or his potential omnipotence any lower. people create religions, but is the god they imagine the same person that the real god can be? I doubt it. if we could imagine him, or understand, it would mean that he's a really pathetic god - why worship him?
  15. Wow! I've been on two-week vacation, I come back and look what I find here! B) I'm going to read it right away...
  16. yeeeaaah
  17. And the next one. 11th
  18. Here comes the next chapter
  19. Yeah, I've seen your story I had no time to read it carefully, but I'll do so tomorrow (I have a free evening). c.
  20. Hi I'm not the best material for a beta reader in terms of language correctness (I'm not a native) but I'll gladly become a sounding board. I can't promise anything at the start - to work on the story I have to like it first. But if you're interested - try me. The subject sounds nice, so it might work Take care c.
  21. Title: The Broken Road Author: canterro Rating: Adult Summary: Their feelings for each other have never been given the chance to ripen. Parted when still young, they meet years later to confront their past dream with reality. How far apart have they grown? Are memories of feelings enough...? Feedback: Very, very, very desirable I really want to know what you think of my work... It helps and motivates. Fandom: Original - M/M Slash - Drama URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098319 Enjoy
  22. canterro

    Deleting Reviews

    it doesn't, I'm afraid (it's just my observation of how reviews work and how very often their number doesn't map onto the quality )
  23. Yeah, I can sing under your post I'm also into original section, mainly.
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