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Everything posted by Lost_Soul

  1. Thats BULLSHIT! I don't shop at walmart, I did a college paper on them and they are an EVIL coperation, I mean EVIL! >.< So my advice is to never shop for them. They are racist and sexist! I'm serious! They pay women employees less and are unfair to people of different ethnicity. If you don't believe me, check out the movie someone did on it: 'WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low price' It's a documentary that gives you all of wal-marts dirty secrets! >D
  2. Aaww~ I miss you and love you too sweetie! X3

  3. BRING IT ON BABY~! ;3

    I'll be waiting for you! <3

  4. And you make me smile too BeccaStar X3Yeaah... it was actually more than one person that day... I was very angry at a lot of people. -__-
  5. XD; Ah thanks for you compliment, though I hate being short, I can't help it, it's the asian in me. X3;Yeah... I don't think you would want to be there and see it, it scared a lot of people and they had to give me two shots of sedative to calm me down. -__-; I was very pissed at the people at the... hospital... >_>; that's all I'm going to say on that. o_o Anyways... you already know Becca that I like your eyes~ ;3 so goregous! >.<
  6. Sure! we can attack Rev. Phelps! >D I can't believe someone would say shit like that! I'm a christian myself but I don't believe AIDS was created by God to kill the gays! Actually, how we got AIDS in the first place was some sick fuck who fucked a monkey in Africa. That's how AIDS was started, explaining you shouldn't fuck animals (beastiality is wrong)! And there are kids who have AIDS as well as women, not just gays! DUMBASS FUCKER PHELPS! D<
  7. lol yeah true, but when I do become pissed off, people do notice. I rarely get angry and I am very patient with people, but when I do become angry/pissed, people run for the hills cause I am very scary when angry, I sometimes can't control myself. Last time I was angry, it took 6 grown men (including a security gaurd) to hold me down and stop me and they had a hell of a hard time restraining me; and I'm 5'4 1/2" feet tall and weighs 110 pounds. -__-; sooo yeeaah... >_>;
  8. Actually... it depends on either person when it comes to pain tolerance. The myth of men or women on who has the highest pain tolerance is not true. I have a high tolerance of pain, but so does my lover too. But it is true that women go through more pain then men. Sorry that you are sick. You should get looked at, that doesn't seem normal. I hope you feel better.
  9. heh heh thats neat! XD but yeah, from what I'm told, more than one person says it turns black, I even had a person freak out saying I have black eyes! I was like... uh... no? my eyes are brown. But they disagreed and said I had freaky eyes. XD; ah well
  10. I have a weakness for eyes. -__- I can see into their soul if I just look into their eyes. I hate my eyes though... I have had more than one person say my eyes look like shit cause they are such a dark brown color. ugh... I hate my eyes. Though I know many who like my dark brown eyes (friends >.>), a close friend of mine says she likes my eyes cause she can't read how I feel or what I'm thinking and that it's mysterious and dark. Gives her chills she says... XD; And my eyes has scared some people because they turn black when I am pissed or angry and that freaks them out a lot, or so I am told. huh, guess I have cool eyes after all? >>; But yeah, I love eyes. ^^;
  11. I'm not a virgin... wish I was cause I would prefer to have given it to the one I am now married to which I have popped their cherry.... and I feel awful and I feel I have dirtied them and destroyed their innocence with my naughty self. >.< My lover doesn't think so and is happy that I'm the one who took their virginity at the time. >.>; I was 18 and my lover was 24 when it happened. o.o; ...yeeaaah I'm bad.... -__-; ...I can't believe I'm married...
  12. O.O holy CRAP! XD;I didn't mind reading your life story, very interesting, probably more interesting than mine! >.< But uh... about your relative saying she's not apart of the family cause she's part japanese? WTF!? Man, japanese people are soo racist! Does she feel like she's not apart of the family because of that fact or what? I'm part korean but you don't see me bitch and moan about that shit! If someone doesn't like me, and I know most of my family doesn't care about me, FUCK'EM! D< Move ON! (Lost Soul has family issues and a lot of shit in their life... please ignore it, we don't talk about it... >_> Anyways, I hope you get better from your strep throat, I'm recovering from my surgery and has nothing else better to do than sit here and type away on AFF forums, not that I'm complaining. ^^
  13. LMFAO I KNEW THIS WAS COMING AFTER THE TALK ABOUT THESE DAMN DOGS IN ANOTHER POST! KUDOS DARKINULORD! Now we can trash talk these evil annoying things that aren't even dogs! Their giant RATS! >.<
  14. ^Shouldn't be telling me what to do! I go to bed when I want and with whom I want! ;3 ::nudges Araneola::
  15. Lost_Soul


    ^Banned for being SO bored Tough baby, I was busy sleeping! XP and I slept good~ if your wondering :3
  16. XD; HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! *takes the fake crumpled up tax refund and recycles it* ^^ Save the EARTH! RECYCLE~! *chucks a recycle bin below* XD
  17. Then cuteness would be the pinnacle of mass destruction!!! D< What is mass destruction anyways!? Isn't it a myth!?
  18. Black
  19. ^Is now VERY BORED!!!! >_<;
  20. ROTFLMFAO probably me! I'm asian! hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! woo that's a funny remark I needed to hear... pfftt! HA, "probably an asian" XD God! that just made my day! X3
  21. ::goes to look at the card for JAM JAM's number:: >D eh heh heh heh sweet~ don't worry, your secrets safe with me! >D though I don't know how a guy who sends a card like THAT could be straight! guess we got a little feminine in us after all... heh we got a woman inside each and every one of us! XD; lol
  22. I'm rough around the edges ;3 As to your question my answer is that Inu-Yasha not showing his affection/feelings or whatever you want to call the selfish bastards "emotions" but also... they annoy the hell out of me! XP I like Sesshoumaru because of... uhm... hmmm..... actually... let me get back to you on that >.<; But really, I just like the bad guys for some reason... such as Vergil in Devil May Cry or Gaara from Naruto (though Gaara is now good soo... w/e) ANYWAYS.... >_<; I'm not a 'Inu-Yasha' fan so maybe I shouldn't have a say in this but, thats just how I feel about it. I used to be a fan way back... until the damn lady Rumiko kept going on and on and on with the story and not sticking to it! It's like another Dragon Ball Z, except... for GIRLS! D< no offense ladies.... ^^; ...but its TRUE! D<
  23. lol ooh ok! XD *^is secretly gay^* Yeah I know, getting gifts from the ones you love is a special keepsake to oneself and yeah... it makes you awesome! XD; I mean... I have long hair >.>; but... I'm BI! X3 soo I guess... that doesn't count? ; Ah what the hell! XD ...it doesn't matter!! >_<; and about your friend JAM JAM >_>; you gonna hook me up and share the love~ XD;
  24. Heh someone seems to know their hentais! >D question:Are we a hentai watcher of many hentais!? Have you seen this hentai "set" and where is it from!? X3
  25. LOL yes... we should probably go back to topic before we piss DarkInuLord >.>; After all... this is suppose to be about feeling awkward around your emotional pregnant friends XD;
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