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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. Anubis: Thank you so much for the compliment. JayDee: Wow, again, that was a review to treasure close to my shriveled heart. I didn't think I described that erection very much, but then, since we're practicing to evoke much with very little, I thank you! Apollo: Yes, it seems I've found a theme. Who would have imagined the Wiccan stuffs from an old cranky witch? Thank you again for hosting this wonderful challenge. It has been great fun thus far. I anticipate even more fun! Zipflopohmygod: Thanks so much for noticing the druidic tendencies. I haven't exactly found much describing the old ways, so my imagination has started to create pictures. And, yes, being a practical lot, I can imagine some of the participants would not be keen on being naked in the cold. Although, once they get close enough, the watchfire is big enough to warm everyone up. Then, of course, there is what I imagine to be part of the ceremony that just might cause a few of our druids to raise a sweat. Thanks for taking time to read and comment. Fairy Slayer: Thank you so much for even thinking you might want to read a full story of this. Happily, since starting these challenges, I've caught glimpses of that strange muse creature amongst my pines. Perhaps, I shall be able to entice her close enough to start a real story ... Asexual Biped: tradition -- that it would be damned cold standing outside this time of year was the one sensation that just kept coming back to me. Yeah, I'd be grumpy about that too. Especially, if like the novitiate, I was the last to get to bask in the fire's warmth. Thanks for reading and reviewing. DemonGoddess: Aw shucks, I's glad yeh liked 'em. This has been GREAT fun!
  2. Trust me, I have kids, and know Phineas and Ferb, the canon, quite well. I love Squirrels in the Pants. Every time I see where the mods here have nabbed another minor, I hear Candace singing, "Busted!" This my firstie trip into P&F fanfiction, lol. I have to admit I don't really understand the cartoons fan fic thing, but then again, I don't understand a lot of things that float other peoples' boats. Doesn't make them any less fun to read! I myself am enjoying the whole challenge thing immensely. It has been quite a positive experience all around, as a reader and a writer! Keep those stories flowing!
  3. just loaded the last work file for the day, and the sun is still out! SUCCESS!

    1. FairySlayer


      In that case I hope you're out enjoying the light of day ... instead of at the computer reading this reply. ;)

    2. pittwitch
    3. FairySlayer


      Ooh, sorry. :(

      But if it helps pass the time, I left a long-winded reply to your review on my flashfic. :) (Yeah, a reply thread for a flashfic may be a bit much.) http://www2.adultfanfiction.net/forum/index.php/topic/17574-a-slick-tradition-phineas-and-ferb-flashfic/

  4. ScaryBear changed her penname to Willow Faerie. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296816688 She took Harbingers down to rework. Was this the one with Lucius as a Fae, Hermione and Luna trying to save the orphans? I liked it too.
  5. pittwitch

    Man and lions

    Do you honestly believe people never lie? Especially the underaged crowd? This author obviously did. And signed to confirm they weren't. ILLEGAL, lying again. Many minors have been mined from the Archive recently, reported, found etc. Their ENTIRE presence is illegal and jeopardizes EVERY one's enjoyment of the site, yours, mine and every LEGAL aged, rightful reader and writer out there. Therefore, their ENTIRE presence is removed. I, as a reader and a writer, am glad to see the moderating team going after them. AFF would be "going down the shitter" if they allowed the lying, sneaky, caught and confirmed MINORS to stay here.
  6. Actually, PerfectImagination does indeed test and qualify betas. So there is a beta test. Boy, that sounded weird. Beta test a beta? DJ: if you are going to invest your time in helping someone with a story, you deserve the same respect from them as they give you. Good luck! There are plenty of decent authors in the world who know how to treat a beta. I hope your next experience is more pleasant.
  7. Cartoons S-Z Simpsons Simpsons: Sex Stories Story ID 600005234 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005234&chapter=2 stretchy
  8. Aaaackk! My eyes! They burn! The images -- they burn! Oh the pain!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JayDee


      Heh, my Bart porn has Bart as an adult (as shown in several future episodes) but somewhat more psychopathic than the character oughta be... Haven't seen an episode in a while, dont think they show new ones on the non satellite channels here.

    3. pittwitch


      LOL -- he's on reruns here. I don't think I reached for the brain bleach for anything tagged with your name. Like I said, it's more the gawdawful word-ord glitches that cause my pain. I can read just about anything. Meant no offense JayDee, really, really!

    4. JayDee
  9. I will never understand why people do this. Outright thievery. Good job on the research, DG!
  10. Bart and Millhouse http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600005246 RID 3000011485 flame RID 3000011708 flame RID 3000012582 Response to flames
  11. Marge the Raper RID 3000016784 Flame http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=544199348
  12. LOVE Pandora!
  13. kicks herself for losing all of her insomnia inspired work. :(

    1. ApolloImperium
    2. pittwitch


      Dumb, dumb, dumb. I'm so mad at myself. I was actually ahead for the day too. :( Oh well, back to the grindstone.

    3. JayDee


      In the words of philsopher and retired astronaut Homer Simpson, "D'oh"

  14. Lisa's Revenge (Mr. Burns last hope) http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544172138&chapter=6 A/N chapter.
  15. Secret Springfield http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=24389 RID: 2035227373: "This is Tidus. Aff won't let me sign in, so I can't get to my account to add anymore chapters …" Anon but appears to be author ... makes me suspicious as to why author couldn't get to their account. Didn't find anything on a forum search for author pen name: Tidus http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=14947
  16. Secret Springfield http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=24389 Word ord: qui quick: quick
  17. what to make for dinner when her oven won't light. :(

    1. ApolloImperium


      Depends on the meat. You can always braise it on the stove!

    2. kisakimiko


      Will your stovetop work? Chili, Soup, Stew?

    3. marley_station
  18. What that writer did was awful. You deserved to whine, and you really weren't. Again, I strongly recommend an audition of sorts before committing to a project. You get a feel for the person's writing, grammar skills, etc. They get a feel for how strict you are, etc. I absolutely am horrid at commenting on style, etc. I've been called a grammar-nazi, in both the RL and fiction life. Few people like working with me that way. I expect the same from my betas, both of whom are bigger grammar-nazis than I am. One likes to read for style and content, the other just for grammar, hence the reason why for serious work, I use two. You'll get the hang of what you can stomach and not. Not everyone is going to mesh. No one ever has the right to take something you wrote and use it for their own. You, as a beta, do not ever have to rewrite someone's chapter. That is way beyond the call of duty.
  19. pittwitch


    Sadly, has nothing remotely fiery. And I want one just too keep me 'ol evil bones warm in the winter. I wouldn't report it, I would take it and love it and pet it and cherish it and, and, and ... oh well. Sorry, old witch distracted momentarily. Oddly, just had a similar conversation with someone else because I thought I perhaps had the wrong idea of what a flame is. Harsh criticism, albeit painful, is not a flame. "You suck!" is a flame.
  20. Pen name: Pittwitch Link to story: Tradition http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102842 Pairing: None Fandom: Original Warnings: No sex, easily follows Harvest or stands alone. Drabble: 100 words, no more, no less.
  21. That's way over the top for what a beta does, IMHO. Lose the author.
  22. Silverhawks Control Story ID 544184769 Review ID 2035495499 Invitation to join off-site site
  23. Silverhawks Through a Screen Darkly http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=19085 Story ID 38031 word ord Ch1 sureugh ugh: sure enough openihe he: opened the toher her: to her? playeverevery angel: replaying every angle histsontson: his Stetson herds sds: her hands ny-Lny-Lee: Ginny-Lee sidd red: side and fos for: for hock ock: hot cock Silverhawks http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=38032 Limbo Fantasy League Story ID 38032 word ord Ch2 par. Gr.: partner. tot' wt': to be with cockrihat hat: cockring that Melodoveddoved: Melodia loved ofodiaodia's: of Melodia's
  24. Silverhawks It's Loney at the Top http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=15023&chapter=10 It's Loney at the Top word ord Ch1 him.didndin't: him. He didn't shakilyhis: shakily to clng, ng,: cologne and Ch 2 Ch 3 mea meaning: meaning kne had: knew he headhead: her head Ch 4 jonectuectum: Jon's rectum lightlenteented: lightly scented ch 5 Don'Don't: "Don't anythint tht: anything other than tearsears: Tears protec aga against: protection against ch 6 uponing ing: upon waking It'sn aln almost: It's been almost toe mue: to," Em lenouenough: long enough comed wed: commented ch 7 sta to to: stayed to ch 9 hisce ace rio ion: reaction ch 10 aore.ore: ordeal?
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