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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. OH noes! Now hopefully that wasn't a M/M story. A grate ass could be painful.
  2. The first sounds very much like one of Ms_Figg's, but for the life of me, I can't remember the title. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296780263
  3. Okay, the test I'm supposed to order: spot urine for microalbumin. The typo: sport urine ... lol.
  4. Going out of my mind, again. Friends' 15 year old daughter has been missing since Monday night. Worried sick for them. Can't concentrate. UGH. Terrifying. Hugs your kiddies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pittwitch


      Thanks, Willow. I needed that!

    3. kagome26isawsome


      hope they find the 15 year old :(

    4. pittwitch


      She's still not home tonight. Thanks for the good thoughts.

  5. and deleted again this morning. Where are we keeping the TSTL hammer nowadays?
  6. As an FYI, it is a violaton of the TOS to post un-fics (searching for stories, etc.) to the story archive. It was deleted, again.
  7. Sounds exactly like one of Labib's and I'm 99% positive it is Taming of the Shrew. She has some very good other HG/LM stories as well. Beyond the Veil, Prisoner of Love, and a New Order of Wizards spring to mind readily. Enjoy!
  8. Pen name: Pittwitch Story: Sparkling Link: http://hp.adultfanfi...hp?no=600095044 TWITFIC! Warnings: language, NoSex, AFFO, Character death. Fandom: Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
  9. I don't feel so bad about two I found in my own work last week: sport urine for microalbumin (should be SPOT urine, lol) and poof historian (should be POOR) Thankfully, I proofread before I submit my work, LMAO!
  10. is trying to decide whether to flattered or frightened that the spouse took it upon himself to find my story and read it. He left no review but did corner me and ask me if he could enjoy some fruits of the harvest! YIKES!

    1. BronxWench


      I'd go with flattered, but spank him anyway. Just because.

    2. JayDee


      Fruits? It's 'turkey' stuffing time :D Then spanking!

    3. ApolloImperium
  11. LOL Apollo! I don't know how people can claim to be writers yet can find the shift key! Now, don't even get me started about the comma, the period, or the question mark!
  12. I dunno. Maybe I'm just an old cranky witch, but I find the total disregard for basic spelling and grammar to be very disrespectful of readers. C'mon, hit the shift key in the proper place already!
  13. Pen name: Pittwitch Type: Drabble, 100 words, no more no less. Prompt: Powdery Fandom: Original. Pairing: Original. Warnings: None. Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102842&chapter=20
  14. I usually by-pass anything with errors in the title, too. Gah! If you can be bothered to spell your title properly, what wonders await in the text? I did go a little grammar-nazi with 2 reviews linking to the Wiki article on proper capitalization. Believe it or not, one author fixed the title. Ahh, small victories. Very, very small victories!
  15. It has been driving me crazy lately. I peek in to find something as a bedtime story, and the boards are polluted with stories with no CAPITAL letters ... or punctuation, anywhere in them, not even the titles! UGH! Is there some new grammar rule that has been adopted that says it is optional to capitalize the titles? Or proper nouns? I'm not talking about in-depth beta reading here. It's easy, use your pinky finger to hold the shift key down and press the letter of your choice. Yeesh. Witchy climbing down of off soapbox now. Notice that I typed Witchy, not witchy.
  16. Rockrgrl4: We need to know the following: Your archive pen name The archive fandom you posted in: Anime, Originals, Harry Potty, Inuy, etc. We can't do a thing unless you give us that guidance. Thank you, PW PS: If you published in the wrong Archive for your fandom, i.e. publishing an Original story in the Manga domain, it would have been summarily zapped, or as most commonly happens, publishing anything but Anime to the Anime archive. I understand your frustration with learning the system. Let us know which Archive and the moderators will check into the problem.
  17. Johnny engle ... you may have to register for the forum, which is separate from the Archive (where the stories are posted) to post a topic in the promote a story thread. It can take a day or two to be validated, then you should be good to go.
  18. Shucks, JayDee. Thanks for the praise. I did like the ending. Wasn't caught completely off guard because I've learned to be prepared for ANYTHING reading your stories. I did think you handle what would definitely squick me in any normal sense of reading with flare and brilliance. Harry being taken, pretty much three times if you count his reaction to the odd howler (why does he never ask someone who might know?) then Bellatrix sucking the life out of him, twice ... really quite twisted genius!
  19. Talk about fates. Sick migraine at work, left the races ... came home to a phone call from an old friend I haven't talked to in months. She needed to vent. Her 44 year old sister lost a 7 year battle with cancer. So glad I was home to take the call.

    1. BronxWench


      ::hugs PW:: I am so sorry, sweetie...

    2. DemonGoddess


      oh wow...it's been a VERY tough year for you. So sorry to hear this.

  20. Author: Pittwitch Fic: Drabble, 100 words, no more no less Warnings: none Pairing: original Fandom: original story link: http://original.adul...2842&chapter=19 Too easy, Drill Sergeant!
  21. Red is the Rose, The High Kings preparing for the road trip to the first US concert this tour ... Cleveland.
  22. It was WeasleyWench's story. She's pulled all of her fanfiction down for her own personal reasons. This is one she has agreed to share. The Price of Valor http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/19360-harry-draco/page__p__221086__hl__weasleywench__fromsearch__1#entry221086 If there's still a problem with the link, send me a message and I'll try to roust the Wench from the real world.
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