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Cleanup Crew
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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. I agree. Excellent explanation regardless of pronouns!
  2. Only two more tutus. Two more. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      Rhinestones... and glitter everywhere! :D

    3. LockedBox


      That still seems to be two tutu's too many :P

    4. pittwitch


      Total tutus equals twenty-one. :P New order for prom head piece. Custom made. Curse my hot glue talents.

  3. 21628
  4. RIP Red Sun, you were a once for a lifetime horse. Race the angels for me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danyealle
    3. DemonGoddess
    4. pittwitch


      Spent the evening hours at the farm, cleaning out my stuff. She's buried between her daddy and baby brother.

  5. Suddenly, I feel very famous. Thank you!
  6. Using the "latest" feature in any archive will give you the most recently updated stories, in order, by the date of the update.
  7. 21556
  8. First: Luke Skywalker - teen crush, yesh! Recent: Severus Snape
  9. pittwitch


    Sadly, if the link no longer works, the story is no longer here, for whatever reason.
  10. trudges back to sparkly hell. Not Twilight. Tutus. I'm being attacked by tutus.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pittwitch


      When I have all 21 black/rhinestoned rock n roll tutus finished I plan to take a picture amongst the beasties. Look out!

    3. RogueMudblood


      Tee hee! Video cam and YouTube? *snicker*

  11. 21471
  12. Die, plunnie! Die!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pittwitch


      I'll try to write this one, but he keeps trying to force me to skip to the end!

    3. RogueMudblood


      *feeds plunnie scraps of food quickly before running off*

    4. pittwitch


      Dammit all, Rogue! :P

  13. Waiting for test results for my first "baby" - an amazing horse who I've trusted not only with my life, but my kids. It may be time to say goodbye. :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      I'm so very sorry, love... ::hugs tightly::

    3. Danyealle


      I'm sorry, PW. *HUGZ*

    4. Anesor


      Saying goodbye is the hardest thing in life.

  14. Pen name: Pittwitch story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102842 Where Faeries Live Still story type: Flash Fic, 1,000 words fandom: Original Pairing: M/F this prompt Warnings: No sex, AFFO, D/s established relationship, comfort
  15. pittwitch


  16. It's an FFN story, not an AFF story. Try Googling the title and Harry Potter.
  17. You could post in the adoption forum, I, usernameA, give usernameB, full permission to adopt my abandoned story, CDE, and link to the story.
  18. They didn't provide an email address for you to give permissions?
  19. 21118
  20. She has not been targeted. She wrote her own destiny, many times over. Don't blame us for her failings.
  21. 20851
  22. Pen name: Pittwitch Story type: flashfic = 1,000 words or less Word count: 1,000 exact Prompt: hoarfrost Rating: Adult++ Fandom: Original Warnings: D/s established relationship, NoSex, ChallengeFic, AFFO, comfort Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102842&chapter=23
  23. 20920
  24. I started writing when I was very young and bedridden due to an extended illness. In those dark ages, there were no computers, TV was black and white with only three stations, and the radio only had AM stations. I am old. I started reading to escape the monotony, disappearing into every story. Because I couldn't attend school, all of my assignments were written. A brilliant teacher started me down the path when she had me start writing stories as part of my homework.
  25. I'm not fond of footnotes in fiction either. The parenthetical asides that I reference are as such: Caimus had always been a bit on the wild side. (Maybe it was Jaden's influence, but it was hard to tell for sure.) That would not be something to include in a footnote, at all. You are the author. The entire story is your voice as the narrator. There is no tangible need to set aside your narrative observations behind parentheses. Personally, as a reader I find them highly distracting. I'm looking for a footnote or citation at that point, or worse, the direct address mid-story A/N from writer to reader i.e.: (And we all know what a wild-child Jaden is!) I will concede that it is a style choice. Good job on using the prompt words, again!
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