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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. swallowing down sheer terror as I wait for my babies to come home, together but out in a fierce thunder/hailstorm with the rookie behind the wheel. These kids wonder why I'm gray?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucy Ash Hawthorne
    3. RogueMudblood


      *buys you spa certificate for massage and so they can color your hair afterward*

    4. pittwitch


      LOL - they made it. That was wicked hail though not as bad as a tornado. Bright sides. Look at the bright sides!

  2. Thank you for the tale! I was perhaps a bit too naive at the original viewings of A-Team to read anything into them. I have since learned better.
  3. Pen Name: Pittwitch Story: Stress Relief Story link: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600023025&chapter=9 Type of fic: Drabble Rating: Adult ++ Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Severus/OC Warnings: death threat, this prompt
  4. steroids should be handed out with warning labels to plaster on my forehead: Stand Back! Will Attack Without Warning!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DemonsAngel


      They should make those labels anyways o.o I know several that could use them.

    3. pittwitch


      LOL - I'm fighting with my temper, valiantly. I only told some azzhat today that I just flat out didn't care that she couldn't get a free ride from the state for her doctor's appointment. (Was being discharged anyway.) Doc laughed at me.

    4. WillowDarkling


      Hey, if the boss laughs at you, then it's all good, right? :D *offers careful huggles* but feel better, dear, and I'll bring more (virtual) whiskey.

  5. Maizey is on AFF as well: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600010183
  6. pittwitch

    2 harry fics

    Forest Romp: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095283 Twisted Underbelly: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600012825
  7. Dream induced panic attacks SUCK.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Utterly agree... even worse when you wake up certain that the zombies are really inside your house... *blush*

    3. RogueMudblood


      *hugs and passes a hot cuppa*

    4. JayDee


      Hope yer feeling calmer now.

  8. To Give Everything is also here: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600024486
  9. You are looking for content from a banned user. Please read this: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/46302-jennmarietwisted-and-other-names-repeat-offender/#entry318456
  10. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296787489 LeoZodiac I don't see a story with that title listed.
  11. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/3501-how-to-request-a-new-category/
  12. Are you writing a crossover of ALL of these in one story? Again, as Dany said , Rogue linked, and I gave you in SB: I do not own Twilight Naruto FMA Vampire Knight Yu Yu Hakusho Inuyasha Beyblade Shugo or Chara. I make no profit from writing this. If you are only crossing over two or three, then take out the ones you aren't using: I do not own Twilight Naruto or FMA. I make no profit from writing this. Good luck.
  13. Actually, I don't see where we are in disagreement. We agree that the two types of relationships, M/s and D/s, are very different dynamics, highly personalized in each and every relationship, defined by the people who enter into the agreement and what exactly they want from the experience. Well, I could be picky I guess and use "he" as the pronoun, but then we might fall into the realm of TMI. I do believe that the stronger of the two is the sub. To yield -- wow -- just imagining it is -- evocative; to submit completely -- a hundred times over. Either to give or receive that level of trust is fascinating. BW - I have to side with you about some writers. However, I am sure there are other more experienced persons who would offer the exact same criticism of my own writing. Yes, i'm thinking of a certain mentor-type whose standards I have always tried to meet.
  14. All of the responsibility rests with the Dom. It is hard to write a responsible story with a good Dom, keeping in mind the controls the D would want in place and the boundaries that the /s wants to push or experience. It isn't the relationship most outsiders think it is. The D is the responsible party and the /s has all the power. That makes a D/s completely different from a M/s IMHO.
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